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Everything posted by Broadsword

  1. I wish they would stop it with the stupid website statements.
  2. go ahead, even his mistakes came in games when he defended very well. i honestly cant remember a game when i've thought he got a run around off the opposition. The thread jumps from August 07 to March 2010. Anyway, never mind, I vividly remember him trying his 180 spins and getting brushed off the ball far too much. Bad passes and aimless long balls.
  3. Lads, someone posted that he has always been immense and I said there was a time he wasn't. That's all. I'm not blaming him for it or anyone or anything. If I could be arsed to pick out his many howlers from the early pages on here I would and I would find them, you all know they are there. Its actually a positive for Sam to be honest as he obviously saw the potential in the lad.
  4. He's always been strong as an ox. His passing was much more suspect but along with Bassong he was our best player in the relegation season. He was brushed off the ball very easily for a number of games, there was a reason why he got his reputation. Nah, it's not delusional, it's a matter of opinion. FWIW I never criticised Enrique, he wasn't as good as he is now but he never deserved much stick. It was never his fault granted, just people on here removing it from history when there was a point where it looked like he was going to flop big time. That's where the stick came from, only its carried on into the two seasons since then when he has become our best player IMO.
  5. Sorry guys, I'm no sky band wagon jumper but Enrique was poor in most departments apart from potential in the first year. Most worryingly as I remeber was his lack of strength. To say otherwise is delusional.
  6. Have you forgotten how pathetic he was in his first season? Also, you're saying he does not contribute to the attack? Strange post.
  7. Broadsword

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Its ended, it ended last week.
  8. http://www.shiteseats.co.uk/post/981589230/more-transfer-rumours-3-in Latest rumours around Tyneside are claiming that three players are on their way. Nicky Maynard - the striker from Bristol City who did us damage last year Christian Rebeiro - a 20-year-old Welsh left-back also from Bristol City Maarten Martens - Dutch attacking midfielder from AZ Alkmaar More than likely this will turn out to be as much bollocks as all the rest, but alas, here’s your info…
  9. Broadsword

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Because France is a 12 hour flight away of course.
  10. Beardsley taking over reserves job.
  11. Collison is already a Welsh international. s***, it is grim then. I was sure he was English, whats he doing playing for Wales.
  12. A few of the West Ham lads may make it, Collision is a decent prospect for one and a few of there strikers are highly rated. Hines and Nouble maybe.
  13. I think the fact the game is on the BBC will provide more luck. We always play crap when ITV has the game.
  14. Broadsword


    Idiots. Let them know how you feel. [email protected]
  15. No capital outlay means exactly what people on here don't want it to mean. No money (or debt) will leave the club to purchase capital assets, i.e players. A player that has no capital value, i.e a loan player, academy graduate or free signing is not a capital asset. And that's it. It really could not be more clear and is one of the more transparent quotes Ashley has made.
  16. Next you'll be telling me that we were in for him but have turned our attentions elsewhere According the The Mirror we were ... Whoosh!!!!
  17. Don't forget that those accounts are consolidated in the NUFC accounts, which means the holding company is insolvent in itself, but NUFC Ltd is not. There is no guarantee from Ashley in the NUFC accounts and the auditors are perfectly happy to sign them off without anything to say. Ive not seen the holdings accounts so take your word that is not the case in those and that a guarantee is in place. You've lost me there - can you explain? The NUFC balance sheet shows an insolvent position of £58 million as at 30th June 2009, and Ashley's commitment is specifically referred to on page 11 (under the heading Fundamental Accounting concept). Because of that commitment the NUFC accounts were prepared on a going concern basis and the auditors signed off on that. That note on page 11 is just an explanation of how the directors have come to the conclusion that it is a going concern, it is not a guarantee. The auditors are not concerned either otherwise they would have highlighted it in the audit report.
  18. Don't forget that those accounts are consolidated in the NUFC accounts, which means the holding company is insolvent in itself, but NUFC Ltd is not. There is no guarantee from Ashley in the NUFC accounts and the auditors are perfectly happy to sign them off without anything to say. Ive not seen the holdings accounts so take your word that is not the case in those and that a guarantee is in place.
  19. Come on guys its obviosuly M ASHley Holdings.
  20. What am I supposed to find funny exactly?
  21. It isn't but it is disclosed in a note that it happened after the year end. You can look at them here http://wck2.companieshouse.gov.uk/ab8031355966ec489a8e7faf83deaa87/compdetails but it costs £1 to download them. Wrong - the Keegan payment (including costs) is included as an exceptional item - see note 3 on page 14. It has to be included since it relates to something that happened during the year ended 30th June 2009. Thats what you get skim reading, yes note 24 says provided in full.
  22. It isn't but it is disclosed in a note that it happened after the year end. You can look at them here http://wck2.companieshouse.gov.uk/ab8031355966ec489a8e7faf83deaa87/compdetails but it costs £1 to download them. There's also a note that says our net spend on players after 30 June 2009 was just £3.2m. So Simpson, Routledge, Williamson, Best and the other transfer window signings cost that much in total. And we still have contingent add on payments to other clubs based on appearances etc for signings of around £3.6m. So that's why Xisco doesn't get a game I guess. Oh and as far as I can see Mike hasn't actually given a formal guarantee just an indication that he will give ongoing support. The audit report is clean and they do not have a problem with going concern.
  23. He has changed the £111m he has lent the club from payable after more than one year to payable within 12 months though on the basis that it was only payable on demand in the event of a change in owner. Seems like he is still wanting to sell up on that basis. Edit - reading again it looks like he has changed the terms to remove the repayable upon demand if he sells the club to just repayable upon demand.
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