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Everything posted by huss9

  1. fuck off, man. crying at work again.
  2. i'm crying at shit like that. stop it, man.
  3. think the only way we go for mourinho is if Howe leaves because his family havent settled up here. they were meant to be moving up after xmas but not sure if they did.
  4. Marca seems to be the one single source. they havent exactly got a high hit rate for stories being true. agents playing games and putting pressure on the Roma hierarchy? and it hasnt really spread other than the express. not even a headline anywhere else.
  5. aye almost the full diagonal of the pitch.
  6. he doesnt make that pass to joelinton for the first goal a couple of weeks ago.
  7. huss9

    Jacob Murphy

    just lacks self belief and confidence in front of goal. otherwise hasnt been a bad sub to bring on.
  8. huss9

    Emil Krafth

    howe and fitness training man. its not just been about tactics.
  9. huss9


    https://www.myphotoboxer.co.uk/ shirts, socks, thongs.... owt u want.
  10. he just has to pretend he's going in to put a few flags out, then hide in the bogs! seriously though, i'm sure his new bezzies will sort him out.
  11. huss9

    Isaac Hayden

    some great memories - that winner against chelsea!!!!!
  12. Ando is just a big radgie toon fan. one of those you dont want sat next to you when things arent going great.
  13. huss9

    Matt Ritchie

    following the comments in the arsenal match thread, this guy i feel has beeen underappreciated. cheers matt, you radgie bastard. hope u get a decent club for next season.
  14. fuck me, i totally forgot about that!!! get the fucker a statue man.
  15. special mention for matt ritchie man. been great on and off the pitch. his return helped us towards the end of last season. really hopes he gets a few minutes at the end of the burnley game. radgie bastard... the headslaps, the fan assaults with the corner flag!!! hayden, lascelles, feddy, manquillo (one of my faves but i think he goes, krafthu stays), gayle (smashed the champo, and his antics at the gallowgate end after he scored in the last game of that season). thanks and goodbye to them all.
  16. huss9


    ffs, i forgot for 12 hours that these even existed, then i had to had back into sunderland for work .
  17. thinks its on youtube somewhere. will try find it.
  18. so much from last night, man. before, during and after the game. this thread could run for days. what a fucking club. what a fucking night.
  19. not as good looking as cabaye. love the way he has picked up the language and also integrated with the squad - see him during targett's post match interview and when he was pointing at Joe7 during his song. that early ASM dribble and shot - made in Brazil. Bruno's tackle followed by a beautiful outside of the foot pass by Joe.
  20. lets smash them! its a bruno vs wilson battle for top scorer this season.
  21. race is on at burnley for top score between him and bruno!!!!
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