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Everything posted by huss9

  1. the whole shite about the great anfield atmosphere is bollocks too. great before kick off and after they score, otherwise its shite. away support was some of the poorest at SJP this season.
  2. puma? really??? its a thing of beauty.
  3. https://www.skysports.com/football/bristol-r-vs-scunthorpe/448984 great header at the end for Wor Billy!
  4. howe will decide where he goes. i'm sure he'll do whats best for the kids development, not a favour for ex managers.
  5. we'll not get beat. unfortunately it'll hand the scousers the title.
  6. being a professional, you would have thought he would looked at his failings and of those around him. maybe change things up again. but no - same coaching team again and also brings in his son for no footballing reason whatsover. probably just wanted the support when he knew the inevitable flack would come in. also who the fuck else would employ alex bruce, either as a pundit or a coach? he'll get a nice little pay off as well when they all get sacked. corrupt as fuck.
  7. huss9

    Fabian Schär

    we suffered after he went off. lascelles struggles to play out from the back.
  8. we give a fuck because the owners give a fuck.
  9. might have been waved by a arab fan?
  10. proper "Billy of the Rovers" story if yous go up!
  11. so close in that league - rovers could be up automatically or out of the playoffs completely. hell of a last day.
  12. wood was poor, as was maxi. Dubs' kept the score down but his kicking is fucking woeful. that goalkick routine we do, when Dubs kicks it up to the left wing with wood et all pinned to the left touchline is shite and needs to stop. its never worked once.
  13. huss9

    Matt Targett

    we're rebuilding the squad. £15m for a decent LB to tie us over for a year or two is great. we might get a pacier or more attacking full back for that much but he'll probably not be as good a defender. wonder how much Mbabu would cost?
  14. need to stop playing this guy. thankful for those 2 invaluable goals, but now we dont need him and he offers us very little. doesnt even do the target/big lad up front job very well. shame as seems like a good lad.
  15. he needs to stop whingeing, and spend he time tryingto win the ball back instead.
  16. we should've beaten both chelsea and manu.
  17. lying back, smoking a shisha, with a tea towel on his head?
  18. in more ways than one. KK managed to trick him into choosing us over Boro, and Eddie doing the same over arsenal.
  19. no, not for me either. no gimmicks please. thinks thats whats made worflags efforts so great.
  20. dont care who. we need a megabucks deal with all that new ffp shite thats suddenly been invented to stop us.
  21. huss9

    Matt Targett

    am sure trargett would change agent if he fucked this move up due to being a cunt.
  22. nah, cannit be dropping krafth for manquilo. (wow, never thought i'd ever be saying that!).
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