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Everything posted by huss9

  1. and "you only get what you give" from the wembley trip!!!!!
  2. huss9

    Matt Targett

    he needs to stay in place of jamal lewis. we can leave LB for another window.
  3. first full game back and so sharp, so pacy, so handsome.
  4. great you got the owners on that banner too. that golf guy was with mehrdad on the lap of honour and seemed to be loving it!
  5. said it in the chris wood thread a couple of weeks ago but a fully fit Wilson is fucking awsome. he definitely would have been back up to Kane at the euros if he'd stayed fit.
  6. @Heronyou must have the must understanding of partners! my missus loves the toon but even she'd be getting on me case for spending so much time with it! well done again. most importantly though... THANK YOU. I share it on my instagram and my parents side of the family in Asia are absolutely are astounded by it!
  7. tbh i think he was complaining also about the lack of variety of songs. but still... looking for negatives when playing so well. dont know why it got to me so much.
  8. read somewhere that he said the ref told him it would have been a pen if we hadnt scored.
  9. got in from the match last night buzzing. straight onto here as usual and christ.... that fella Wandy going on about the lack of atmosphere when we're playing so well!!! wtf??? its hard to keep an atmosphere going at 100% for 90 minutes, but i thought on the whole it was great. criticising from home, man! enjoy the fucking game u negative sod!
  10. thats not real. i'll not believe it until oliver holt or someone elese it the national media reports it. fakenews.
  11. amazing. especially as you all have jobs and families too. cant imagine how much of your spare time and effort this all takes. makes me all the more pissed off with those nicking flags.
  12. huss9


  13. its only the badge that annoys me. is there a way of getting a mock up of the kit but with a black and white badge?
  14. Havent managed to beat a top 5 team yet so recent form has been misleading. think top 8 could be where we are currently.
  15. best place for the hawaiian shirts? kids want them for summer hols. joelinton, tripps, wilson, bruno we think.
  16. hardly, when the club is 80% arab owned.
  17. @Heron dude, get on here and just clarify whats expected of the fans om monday.
  18. huss9


    what the actual fuck? has his wife left him or something?
  19. its a good job we've lost a couple of games since getting to 43 points. just makes it clear to those upstairs. we need a real clear out. had we fluked a top half finish they may have thought we're not that bad and just need 2 or 3 additions. clear wake up call.
  20. he's shite. thought heading was his strength?
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