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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Fabian Schär

    his defending was much better today. just cant be trusted in a back 2.
  2. what a load of absolute waffle. that guy gets paid for his views? thats the best skysports can do?
  3. used to hate it any timeanother club would buy a decent player or try to better themselves as they were becoming threats to us. now i applaud each and everyone of them, including Leeds and Villa - both clubs i hated. i hope more and more "mid table teams" continue to show ambition and try and compete just to show up the shitshow our club has become.
  4. seems to have listened to his critics on social media and he is SLIGHTLY more accepting of criticism in todays press conference. cock.
  5. Barlaser and Sammy scoring against each other tonight.
  6. absolutely. nowt better than an away game under the lights with friends/family, drinks, and(if we win) staying behind and singing until we get told to leave.
  7. Very bizarre. Last season I was okay with Bruce, because I thought staying up was key for the takeover. For one season, it was fine. I have said several times he can't progress us forward, and I worry about this season but I have got several posters constantly following me around or mentioning my name, and asking me about Bruce. It's weird. Saying Ferguson wouldn't be a good manager nowadays is a ludicrous statement. It shows a basic lack of understanding about football. Not even up for debate. see. it's getting so bad, even Brucey is pretending he's not actually Steve Bruce. we know who you are.
  8. franchised football teams playing each other around the world - but in smaller stadia to ensure capacity crowds made up of overseas fans and celebrities. the odd game in the uk for local fans. fuck that - if i can't go to every home game, a few away games a year, I wouldnt be interested. there's enough overseas and armchair fans out there to lap it up though. what to NFL fans feel when the games are played at wembley? do they feel cheated at all?
  9. Fergie knew when to change players, and almost as importantly, when to change coaches. A lot of managers that have started to go stale at clubs eg. Howe and Wenger could have learnt from that.
  10. Being first in line to the hot new prospect in the next draft. And on that note, am I crazy for wondering if a big enough rift could make drafts possible in football? Now wondering whether they could implement a draft system for the new Euro league. Players available to sign choosing to 'declare' for the new league? yeah but that depends on finishing last. so if you can't reach the playoffs, then teams strive to finish last?
  11. how does it work in the NFL? do team with no hopes of the playoffs just quietly see the season out with pointless games? what's their motivation?
  12. "As part of that blueprint, the founder clubs could not be relegated for 20 years, although the remaining teams would be subject to being replaced depending upon their league position at the end of each season."
  13. no relegation for the "founding clubs" for 20 years allegedly. enjoy!
  14. Yeah. He's widely regarded to be one of England's best uncapped players. He was a good player. the new steve perryman, for us even older folk.
  15. was he the only memeber of fergie's team not to be an international?
  16. am sure i went to an away game at wolves under Sir Bobby where a rogue firework went astray from a pitch-side display and nearly hit a kid.
  17. that's what i mean. the more he opens his mouth, the more of an idiot he makes of himself. unfortunately the vast majority of the media/journalists (other than Hope and Gibbo) seem to be unable or unwilling to pick him up on it.
  18. Our problem is going to be depth of squad. The first team look impressive. The stiffs not so much. Still, fuck it, it is enjoyable thus far. Aye, fair enough. If nowt else you're a probably third of the way to safety already. That's how I am looking at it. Anything on top of that is a bonus. must be killing you. on the verge of something so exciting and you can only watch it on the box.
  19. yeah but as he said a couple of weeks ago - all his previous clubs are now in much worse situations than when he was there. couldnt make it up ffs.
  20. mcclaren would have been fine here as a first team coach rather than a manager, with someone else in that role. bruce shouldnt be anyway near professional footballers.
  21. This will get tiresome eventually. Don't be worrying, it won't last long. It's been 10 years of unrelenting dog shit. i don't know mate, yous are looking pretty good and Dean Smith ain't no simpleton.
  22. hopefully the Chron will continue highlight as many of his idiot quotes like that. nice big font. doesnt need any critique - the words speak for themselves. this guy is too thick to realise that the more he talks the more he makes himself sound utterly clueless.
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