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Everything posted by huss9

  1. sign up free to nufc.co.uk for extended highlights
  2. needs to embrace the pace. get yedlin and atsu in for the forest match.
  3. its the shola scenario all over again. he's s*** but he doesnt pick himself for team.
  4. suprised to read sheff wed fans saying how poor the home fans were. i thought our fans were great last night. we sit in the gallowgate just next to The Corner and there was non stop singing for at least an hour. i think the design of the stadium nowadays doesnt really keep the sound in the ground and doesnt let it it transmit to the other stands.
  5. was shit as usual last night but he put in some effort compared to hayden.
  6. at the moment i'd rather draw and have a replay with birmingham than win first time. really need shelvey back asap.
  7. the colback/hayden combination should never be tried again. if it needs to be played then need pace elswhere in the team so atsu and/or yedlin need to play.
  8. if you're going to start with what were essentially 3 defensive midfielders then you have to play the likes of yedlin to give some cut and thrust from the back.
  9. huss9

    FIFA World Cup

    i just think the fa were never gonna win this one. they had made their point, the poppies should have been removed and the tens of thousands of pounds in fines could have gone to veterans' charities instead.
  10. when's he leave for the cup of nations?
  11. ryan did it at the top of the last page
  12. Yeah, most people thought yesterday was going to be difficult and so it turned out. Therefore another very good 3 points. Definitely. Burton might only have a 6k capacity stadium, but on the pitch they've been good especially at home where they'd only conceded 7 all season before yesterday. Was always going to be tough, it certainly was, and we didn't help ourselves with a series of basic errors handing them the initiative at times. Luckily Gayle and Diame kept their bottle, took their chances and it was a good 3 points to come away with. Nigel Clough has bleated on about a penalty they should have had in the 94th minute but I don't recall any incident or any big shouts from their players, anyone else recall this?!? we should have had one when clark nearly has his shirt almost completely pulled off him.
  13. Pardew Out Organisation would have been better.
  14. Our fans were awful IMO. Picked up in the 2nd half but still quieter than normal. Wins are wins but our football this season has been boring for the most part, which then makes it harder to generate a atmosphere. There were some silent spells, but for the most part we sang and chanted and the majority of us were in good spirits. Before the match me and a friend were walking around the retail park trying to find somewhere to eat, one of our fans who was clearly off his head was getting closer and closer to us and singing some of our songs at us thinking we were Wigan fans and trying to intimidate us. He walked off sharply when we turned around and revealed our NUFC shirts. There was a lot of bairns who thought they were the dogs bollocks there last night, which unforunately always happens when it goes to general sale. We were in the Red Robin and a group of about 15 of them started doing the "lets go f***ing mental" chant and ripping doing christmas decorations. Absolute bellends. wtf??? anyone have a word?
  15. think its a message for mike - "I'm happy at the moment..."
  16. I was at that one as well. It was an absolutely tragic performance from us. Possibly the loudest and clearest negative chant I've ever heard us come out with as well - "We're s*** and we're sick of it" non-stop for about 10 - 15 mins. Grim times Remember the cup performance vs their reserves under Souness. Freddie getting cornered in his car after the match.
  17. he's definitely lost weight and his fitness is so much better. he covers a lot of ground.
  18. The lights thing actually generated an atmosphere. It's more than most people do in the ground to create one. my thoughts too, heron. my kids loved it. they thought it was because it was the last home game before xmas. it was just a nice moment.
  19. why cant we enjoy the present. there's been so much negativity over the years that even now we're looking to put dampeners and negative spin on any positive situation. lets leave it for the summer and enjoy this season while it lasts.
  20. https://twitter.com/NewcastleGoals/status/806632181107924992?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw alan partridge commentating on nufc goals
  21. its an individual choice. clap on 17th minute if you want. i dont anymore and dont feel that anyone gets pissed off around me because i'm not clapping.
  22. huss9

    FIFA World Cup

    three-team groups mean only a guaranteed 2 matches after such a long qualification struggle. think 3 initial group games is much better.
  23. cannit wait for this game. had been on a right downer, but the shelvey red card reversal has really got us really fired up again.
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