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Everything posted by huss9

  1. so its all Geordie midfielders, then. not just ginger ones.
  2. bottom right one - classic 70/80's bukta kit
  3. This is what it should be, sans Wonga and the sponsor box. Evenly-spaced stripes at the perfect size. its all good and well getting some fancy hi tech sci-fi computer programme to come up with something complicated like that, but that's impossible to produce in real life. technology for such a complicated black and white striped football shirts is decades away.
  4. http://image.prntscr.com/image/c31d681c8b0e474a805127297b242f44.png Yeah that's worse think that looks worse because of the black panel on the Wonga. otherwise better.
  5. do u not think think the central strip should be black - so its 3 black and 2 white stripes. sleeves still need to be mainly black.
  6. still think the stripes should be reversed
  7. sooner we get rid of the cunts that don't want to be here the better as long as its for the right price. set a take-it-or-leave-it asking price for wijnaldum. fuck any negotiations with his agent or with other clubs..
  8. less than 4 weeks till the fixtures are announced!!!!!!
  9. now that we are no longer premier league, it looks as if my thai friends will no longer be selling them for a "discount price" so if the kids want new strips its going to cost a fortune.
  10. The irony. absolutely, fucking celebrating last minute survival season after season like the champions league.
  11. will someone let pardew out of that suit ffs.
  12. having rafa stay makes those kits suddenly look amazing. everything starting to look fucking great. wanna but all three at get rafa's name on the back.
  13. away matches next season are gonna be immense. he's really got the whole town buzzing. fuck the euro's - lets get the championship brought forward!!!!
  14. after the shit charnely's been taking, he wouldn't survive living in Newcastle if rafa didn't sign. that's why i'm still very hopeful.
  15. never been a 1 in 2 striker in his career. for the money banded about you'd expect that.
  16. not got a link, but some c*** of a london mp who supports spurs saying he's glad he doesn't have to suffer sjp next season and looking forward to going to sunderland and Sheffield. bet the spurs players are too.
  17. Ross McCormack being linked now - upwards of £10m
  18. Nicest shirt we have had in f***ing years! would be better with the main stripes on the body reversed.
  19. apart from the fat c*** releasing a statement saying that asking shearer to be manager was the best move he'd made, despite relegation.
  20. huss9

    Graham Carr

    something to do with him and charnley being a pair of tits.
  21. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    his missus worked at virgin money ( don't know if she still does), and as she hasn't taken charnley's surname, they didn't know who she was. a while back charnley was getting absolutely slagged in the office and she had to take a few of them aside and explain who she was and ask them to refrain from discussing him in her presence.
  22. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    What was said? just along the lines of him being incompetent, destroying "our" club, refusing to resign and also "he'll never get another job in football".
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