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Everything posted by huss9

  1. was getting frustrated towards the end and making less and less attempt to win back the ball when he lost it.
  2. huss9

    Chancel Mbemba

    mbabu made attempts to get tight, make tackles and stop crosses coming in during his few appearances.
  3. huss9

    Chancel Mbemba

    That cross in the first half that's exactly what I was thinking off. acres of space, perfect ball to him, players in the centre waiting and ..... bam. twat.
  4. huss9

    Chancel Mbemba

    think centre backs were fine today. the fullbacks were awful. at least janmaat offers the occasional threat going forward, but dummett is poor both ends.
  5. He was sat right behind me at the derby with a couple of friends. Was quite amusing hearing the frustration in their native tongue any sentences containing the words "colo" and "hijo de puta"?
  6. bloody hell, just turned November and we're already involved in a MASSIVE six-pointer. win and a great psychological boost leapfrogging them in the league and I'll think we'll gradually pull away from the bottom three. lose and we're fucked.
  7. spoke to his brother and his mate at the derby (after the game, waiting on the stairwell to get out of the SOS). they said he loved it here and said he felt he was too young to move away at the moment. they said he wanted to get himself established as a premership player and give Newcastle another couple of years at least before even considering whether he wanted to leave. then they mentioned that if the club felt the money was too good to turn down, he would have to listen to the offers. basically said he would only leave in the next couple of years if the club wanted to sell him.
  8. hope the cunt loses a couple of his stars in january - that'll wipe the smugness of the twats face. also would fuck off cabaye no end.
  9. we were having put on a plate for us, ffs. home ties against lower league shite who were putting their reserve teams out.
  10. was hoping he'd be suspended for stoke with the new look back four playing a blinder.
  11. think ayoze lost a bit of confidence after being assaulted for about the third time
  12. McClaren should at least have had the guts to say Colo didn't need to make a challenge, foul or not. just more indiscipline.
  13. Waiting to leave sjp. On the same coach as ayoze's brother. He's getting alot of love.
  14. deep down, everyone is a toon fan. they just cant come to admit it.
  15. sissoko and gini getting the plaudits, but watching the Norwich match back - he was essential in the build up and scoring of at least 4 of the goals.
  16. my 9 year old son's first away match. he's been absolutely buzzing for days and full of confidence. I, on the other hand, am shitting it.
  17. huss9

    Image of the week

    Christ, takes me back to those hilarious ones of the the Bob Stokoe statue. They really pissed the mackems off.
  18. Ridiculously early to say that he's on a different level to anybody. Aye, he's played 1,5 game and people talk like he's world class. A different level ffs christ, this place ffs. who mentioned world class other than you? he IS at a different level - he's COMPETENT defensively and going forward. never said he was a world beater. he's better than dummet and haidara. We don't really know whether he is or not given he's only played a game who would you rather start if all 3 were fit?
  19. Ridiculously early to say that he's on a different level to anybody. Aye, he's played 1,5 game and people talk like he's world class. A different level ffs christ, this place ffs. who mentioned world class other than you? he IS at a different level - he's COMPETENT defensively and going forward. never said he was a world beater. he's better than dummet and haidara.
  20. watching both dummet and haidara today clearly showed mbabu is in a different level and has to start when he is fit.
  21. defensively he was absolutely superb at old Trafford.
  22. super role model. just a great attitude, works hard and plays the game in the right way. my 7 year old absolutely idolises him. he plays in an under-eights league and even has his socks pulled up over his knees like ayoze.
  23. just a quick mention for loic remy - absolutely shite on Saturday.
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