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Everything posted by huss9

  1. yeah that qpr game was mad. actually 4-0 up at half time but they actually pulled it back to 4-3 before we thought we'd finished them by getting a fifth - but they went and got another 2 late goals to make it 5-5. closest to ever winning on an artificial pitch.
  2. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    tired, up all night at work - so not really getting my point across properly
  3. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    there's been plenty of comments on the forum about "past form" when it comes to ashley lambiarse and pardew - rightly so i agree. but its been used to judge their actions now and they're being deemed as being untrustworthy. all i'm saying is its not black and white and andy carroll - who i adored - isnt some innocent kid incapable of lying and acting like a conniving c**t. he's no saint.
  4. huss9

    Alan Pardew

    its ok to judge MA, DL and Pardew on their past and not trust them, but similarly what makes Carroll such an honest straight up trustworthy bloke?
  5. he's probabaly been desperate to leave his old life behind and start afresh. apparently was being bothered by people he knew growing up. that car burning couldnt have helped.
  6. fenton fenton fenton fenton ffenton ffffenton fenton fucking fenton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. 50k a wk for 4mths is £800,000
  8. this is where its great having a skipper like nolan and a good team spirit - I think they could really give Ireland a gee-up and get him enjoying his football and playing well again
  9. suddenly it makes sense....ryan taylor returning fron injury will be like a "new signing" for pardew.
  10. huss9

    Good and Bad Debuts

    shola - wasnt that his debut against chelsea when he squared up to the dwarf?
  11. oh aye, johnson. but anyone without premiership experience?
  12. out of interest, who's the last championship player to have moved to the premiership for anywhere near £5m?
  13. huss9

    Shola Ameobi

    no sign of baba - hope he's not topped himself - probably just spontaneously combusted when he read the news.
  14. doesnt make sense for leeds to let gradel go - unless its cash plus routledge in return
  15. just one of those moments when you think you're being dead witty - but it clealry gets wasted
  16. not on facebook myself but sent jose a friend request from the wife and he accepted. last night she suddenly realised and i got a "who the hell is this jose bloke on my facebook!!" I explained and she asked me "how do you know its not just some bloke with a daft spanish name pretending to be a footballer?". Thought I was being dead clever and replied "then he would be called Xisco or Marcelino!" She looked at me like i was some kind of spazz and simply said "what the hell are you going on about?" anyway she has agreed not to delete him.
  17. huss9

    Joey Barton

    simpson, barton and AC9 all in the same england team?
  18. bit of credit to Best - they were clinical finishes and by no means easy chances as someone suggested earlier- even the second one there were a couple of west ham players on the line.
  19. huss9

    Players in public

    hope he lamped each and every one of those slags!
  20. hope we've taken ferguson - at least gives us a chance of getting a left sided cross in (provided we got into their half).
  21. huss9


    jose wearing make-up there?
  22. cant underestimate what he achieved with a small club like aberdeen
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