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Everything posted by huss9

  1. paying off hughton (however small the amount) and employing pardew on what he would likely be demanding does not make financial sense, especially if it upsets the punters and players and the club plumits towards relegation in the resultant mess. no sense in that at any level even for MA. none whatsoever. it may possibly have been considered an option after failing to win at home in 3 but again a bit unlikely.
  2. where were u sat? there were a couple of swedes sat in front of as in the milburn paddocks
  3. colo and ferguson really impressive and felt ranger put in a great shift too
  4. huss9

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    aye, 2 down, 23 to go - need to set up some kind of countdown going.
  5. huss9

    Andre Marriner

    barry horne was the commentator -
  6. if you've got £1200 to spend on hookers - at least get 2 of them so you have a threesome! what a waste.
  7. leeds away 4-3 was brill. just about got got parked and into the ground as the whistle for kick off sounded. there with my 2 kid brothers. nobby was so calm after he scored the winner - just stood with his arms spread out yards in front of us whilst we were all going absolutely apeshit. all i could do was scream - i was on the verge of tears i was so emotional.
  8. city just havent been able to cope with how to spend the money, whereas (as much as i hate to say it) chelsea spent really well.
  9. actually hoping for a midtable finish rather than just 17th as i was 2weeks ago
  10. then goes on strike at end of season demanding permanent move to the toon. sues safc for the mental scars from playing for them for over a year.
  11. huss9

    Shola Ameobi

    the best penalty taker at the club, even tho i shit myself everytime he steps up to take one
  12. And then Bent hands in a transfer request as he feels he needs to leave to further his England prospects. and signs for City at 5.30 on Tuesday afternoon. For a scandalously low fee. then gets loaned to us for the rest of the season!
  13. from where i can see, we're finally a team - hughton and the players have a togetherness, and also off the pitch hughton ashley and derek seem to have a mutual respect - seems we are starting to lay some foundations.
  14. it's gotten to the point where if I met Mike at a match (however unrealistic), I would give him a smile and a nod - whereas previously would have wanted to hurl abuse at him and shake my fist at him in an agressive but comedy manner.
  15. not quite back in love with mike yet but the hatred has gone. the problem is derek - no matter how well he does, he just seems an untrustable smarmy so and so with a face you could easily punch - I thinks it's that smirk of his.
  16. At the risk of sounding like some sort of old woman - did you use fabric softener? Guaranteed to ruin the shirt if you wash it with fabric softener answer is no Latest update Took them back to shop tonight and they changed it straight away and said they had not had any returns for the same problem got my 3 kids each a strip and have already been washed twice without a problem. still shocked at the quality of the material though the design is fine.
  17. our supporters never cease to amaze - its not as they're waiting in line to meet a team of superstars
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