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Everything posted by huss9

  1. if it doesnt work out i think a few of us could try helping out by getting tickets for you in the members sale.
  2. i wondered what your plan was gonna be. 50 tickets together for a home game!!!! really hope the club come through for you guys.
  3. Bang on. Didnt think it could happen, but its true for our family and friends.
  4. huss9

    Jacob Murphy

    another one with geordie family and a boyhood toon fan. his family must have chuffed to bits when he came on.
  5. we were in top tier -- and i was getting abuse and being pushed from behind - 20 seconds into the game ffs. to my shame i lost my rag and a naughty of naughty words came out, had to apologise to my kids afterwards. but those same fans didnt sing once and left early - all after telling me i wasnt a proper fan. one evenb called me a mackem???!!! really was a shit amtosphere up there.
  6. huss9

    Miguel Almirón

    we just occasionally need to get our wide men to switch wings.
  7. just quoted that last line to the missus and she welled up.
  8. should have been ready for the tap in when that ball was whipped in from the rught in the first half.
  9. great seeing these lads proudly marching through trafalgar square saturday night, quite rightly getting a few well deserved pats on the back as they moved through the crowds.
  10. tbh the ones we met on the tubes and in the pubs after the game just kept themselves to themselves.... a lot of savvern accents mind.
  11. they should join in ffs! most werent even geriatrics ffs. often just middle aged blokes. and leaving before the final whistle....
  12. huss9

    Players in public

    yeah my kids got their photos taken with matty as he was walking down to trafalgar square. we met Beresford and his missus 5 minutes later. picture with Ryan Taylor in boxpark.,,, and what the fuck jeremy kyle was doing in there, im not sure. he a toon fan? got roundly booed anyway.
  13. just getting back from London. an absolutely great weekend with my kids and some mates. almost a shame the actual game got in the way! dont know what the atmosphere was like in the lower bowls but it was dead in the upper tier. miserable old wankers not singing, shouting at people to sit down, and quite a few leaving early.
  14. Bar in premier inn Paddington chock full of toon fans. Anyone off here?
  15. snap but i've got a date for monday 27th delivery
  16. how long ago did you order it?
  17. why the fuck they still having a go at our club. go for the royal family and the government, man. once they ostracise the Saudi's, we can start. fuck sake man. lay off the fans and the club.
  18. huss9

    Alexander Isak

    and he's confirmed its I-sak, not EE-sak
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