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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. Totally random memory here like, day after the game we went to the Brugge Zot brewery for a tour. We went right up to the roof then down some really tight stairs. My mate who is canny chubby goes to the tour guide when he gets down them. "Thought Fritzel was from Austria" we proper creased but the guide wasn't laughing. European tours, keep em coming.
  2. Similar to the Madejski, although that doesn't even have a pub nearby. Good luck, you're a true soldier. Cheers, strangely I'm looking forward to it now. Although we're not playing well we can still get something here tonight, anything is possible..........
  3. Just got to the pub opposite the ground, first time I've ever seen a Car dealership and health clinic opposite a stadium but never mind. Time for a couple of drinks.
  4. There's a Harvester pub near the ground, £4.50 to park there supposedly.
  5. http://www.footballgroundguide.com/stoke_city/#Britannia-Stadium-Stoke-Pubs Cheers, think ill just park at the Harvester near the ground and have a pint there.
  6. You'd be absolutely gutted if this happened to you. http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/world-of-sport/player-endures-free-kick-nightmare-143234333.html
  7. PCW1983


    As if anybody would admit to being him, having said that, the spelling. Looks like a young Sherman off American Pie.
  8. Not really. We've played what, 20 games this year? We're yet to produce a single good performance. That's pretty fucking poor given the players we've got. So booing is going to do what? Everyone has their own opinion of it i suppose but i really cant see how booing a team that has just secured qualification into the next round of the tournament will achieve anything other then dismay. I agree about the performances but i don't think booing is the answer, we should get behind the team when they need us on the pitch rather then booing after IMO. I only wish that the cheering on of the team was as enthusiastic as the booing and by that i don't mean the cringe fest that was last nights playlist.
  9. Don't even know what to say about the match other then that was really hard to watch last night, i don't know if i'm happy that we have done enough to go through with the squad we have got or whether i'm pissed because paying £15 to watch that shower of shite really is a disgrace. Thought Santon looked bright, he's dying to get that goal. Colo should some lovely touches and i liked how the centre mids chased after the ball, unfortunately thats all they did. Simpson was gash, Sammi too. If anything i hope its proven to the management that our reserve players aren't ready for the step up, certainly playing more than one or two of them at a time leaves the team wide open. Also have we decided to collect dwarfs? the midfield had the height of a under 11's team last night. All that said, booing at the end is fucking laughable for me.
  10. The weather has given me reason enough to give my new scarf from Brugge an airing. I reckon it will be a dour affair, 1-0 toon.
  11. PCW1983

    Players in public

    Tiote's beast of a car and another large Audi parked outside Eclipse in town about 15 mins ago
  12. My mate was drinking Kwak, its 8% i think and you drink it using a wooden stand. The waiter brought it over and the following conversation ensued. "Kwak?" "Yes here thanks" "There you go Sir" "Hya mate, you know what happens if you drink too much of this?" "Pardon" "It sends you Kwak'as" Fucking hell man, i was in stiches for ages.
  13. You're on our train, what coach you in? E, gonna try using your wifi now.
  14. Trains just pulled into Darlington, my mates hammered doing the truffle shuffle down the aisle. FML
  15. Waiting in the Eurostar terminal now, it's red hot!! Some people look fucked most are still drinking. Waiting for the songs on the train
  16. You will have had nice warm hands though with your red gloves on......very stalker-esc I know.
  17. Enjoyed the game, enjoyed the atmosphere and loved time we have spent in Brugge. The locals seem to have taken well to us and I hope that the People of Club Brugge look back at us and wish they had accommodated us with more tickets. I didn't have a ticket until just after 5pm, some people were asking stupid money spoke to one guy that said he bought 2 in the home end for €500 !?!? In the end I done something pretty shameful tbh, a fella offered me a fake, it wasn't even that good, the ink had ran in places and the stadium layout wasn't on the back, we got it for free like and I couldn't believe I got through 5 ticket checks and a barcode scanner with it. Not really sure how I feel about doing it but I'm glad I got to see the match and have the experience.
  18. Just waiting to jump on the Eurostar, full English in St Pancras was belting.
  19. PCW1983


    I can't stop laughing at reply 7 of this thread. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=739491
  20. WTF was going on with him and Fergie last night towards the end of the game, just about when Cabaye came on. They seemed to be arguing about who was playing on the LW. Looked like Fergie told him to go RW and he just didn't.
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