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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. Decent enough game last night considering our starting line up, it would have been nice to have scored more because even without our full first team out we were stronger then Brugge although they put us under some pressure towards the end of the match. Tiote was the disappointing player for me last night, not terrible just disappointing especially when you consider his "purple player" status within the squad. I think we just need to go back to basics with him, break up the play and pass to a more technically gifted player. He's trying to do too much atm and i think that this brings on the rashness that we see in his game at times. For me though the biggest disappointment was the crowd/atmosphere. It reminded me why i don't go to friendlies anymore. The songs were just cringeworthy and embarrassing tbh, the Cattermole song, JS is a Mackum, Taylors right, YSIFS, Who are ya.........just pathetic. I think i heard Blaydon Races once towards the end of the game, how we have changed to this style of "support" is lost on me but i just find it completely pathetic. Were having our most successful period of football for years, playing in Europe, have some top quality players and some fantastic prospects, a fantastic stadium, city, team and thats the best we have......amazingly poor. I hope its not just us but last night our "fans" spent more time looking to abuse our neighbours then they did supporting our team in my opinion.
  2. Passing a been slick enough just lack of cutting edge ATM. Wouldn't want to receive a pass from Tiote tonight like, 100mph zippers coming out of him. I think if we can get one we could get a few tbh. Don't know if I'm getting old and boring or what but the crowd has been cringeworthy at times like. Cattermole song, YSIFS, change the fucking tune man.
  3. Don't know whether this has been mentioned before or not but I've just spoke to a very credible source that Blackburns initial offer to Leon Best was in excess of 40k per week.
  4. I think as soon as Anita, Bigi or someone else shows enough to prove that they can play in his role week in week out then we will see Tiote leave tbh. He is a good player but the aggressiveness in his game is becoming a liability and along side that his style of play is bringing a lot of niggling injuries out too. The role he plays is a pivotal one in the sense of breaking up the oppositions play and we can't afford to be on tenterhooks after 15 mins when he's got his customary yellow. I don't necessarily blame him completely either because i think the way that the physical side of football is going is getting silly and the referees are buying into a players "reputation" more and more. However all that said, the role he plays can be done without what sometimes seems like a uncontrolled aggression from him. I won't be surprised if by the first game of next year Tiote isn't at NUFC.
  5. PCW1983


    Greame Anderson writer for the Echo has finally decided to reveal that a top official at Sunderland has told him that after we got relegated Taylor's reps approached them about him moving there. What a fantastic and amazingly coincidental time to reveal this Naturally Sunderland decline on the deal seeing Taylor as not good enough. @sunechograeme: I was told by a top S'land source, after N'cle's relegation S Taylor's people appoached the club about a move. An offer not taken up. @sunechograeme: If that's true, no reason to doubt it, then Taylor wasn't regarded as good enough to get into Sunderland's team that season. My god that's desperate.
  6. PCW1983


    Just heard a advertisement on Sun FM for some bar on match day "Come celebrate the Black Cats imminent win over the Mags with us"
  7. PCW1983

    St James' Park

    I find the whole pantomime that the media is making over this completely pathetic. Ok i don't exactly agree with the way Wonga generates its profits and of course in a ideal world i would have a more "ethical" company being our sponsors but tbh thats never going to happen. Anyways, Lend £30 for a week and pay £36 back or lend £115000 for 25 years and pay £195000 back......wheres the fucking difference because both are a joke.
  8. PCW1983

    Fraser Forster

    Just seen his interview on SSN, propa cowie jaw.
  9. Don't know how true it is but a friend of mine that works in financial services has just txt saying that there are fresh rumours that Thomas Cook are on the brink of going under.
  10. PCW1983

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    That meg the day man, classy as fuck.
  11. When Enrique left I didn't think we'd ever have another full back as good as him, Santon had the potential to surpass JE if he continues to progress the way he is. Love watching his forward runs, always eager to get the ball and get forward. Fantastic player.
  12. PCW1983

    James Perch

    £1 million quid well spent on this lad.
  13. PCW1983

    Players in public

    Saw Bigi in a white corsa heading into town about 40 mins ago, singing his little heart out
  14. Taking the wife to this, she has a unbeaten record. I have high hopes.
  15. See Asamoah Gyan, like its been said if he leaves I really can't see it being for a European club. I wouldn't want him to leave but there has been good players before him and will be after him. C'est la vie.
  16. I felt fairly confident of getting a ticket at 37 points before this announcement now i don't think ill get one at all, not bothered though it will still be a cracking weekend and atmosphere. I dont blame Brugges really, there top of the league and doing well and if they sell out their home tickets then there's really nothing we can say. If the shoe was on the other foot we'd be doing the same no doubt.
  17. Massively impractical that though. And several weeks too late. I prepared myself for this news a while ago so am happy to go without a ticket but it's still a huge disappointment to receive such a low allocation. Plus the travel companies insistence on raising prices once the fixtures were announced. Most people booked early because it was cheaper too.
  18. Fuck off man, why would he even say that? What a wanker he's turned out to be. When Liverpool dispose of him he's going to feel like such a daft twat.
  19. So is there going to be a European N-O meet up/piss up?
  20. Just been weighing up the drive to Bordeaux, 930 miles, 15 hrs in one day :-/
  21. How are people travelling to Bordeaux, I'm tempted to drive of Eurostar it across.
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