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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. Bla, bla, bla time will tell how this deal pans out, ill judge when the transfer window slams shut.
  2. You didnt mind Liverpool till then, bloody hell didnt you ever hear the Liverpool Rap
  3. Just seen the Villa highlights, I can see them being relegated this year if they aren't careful.
  4. Not a great performance but we have been beaten by the European Champions who coincidently have just spent 80 million quid. No shame really and who would have argued with 3 points from our first two games.
  5. Our scouting network have found/signed far, far better players for far, far less money. I can only assume they've had little say in this deal as it's very unlike us to spend so much money on a player who has played badly for 18 months. How many of us even wanted him back before it became a possibility? If we'd offered £12million for him after we'd beaten them 2-0, Trim Mike would have been laughed out of town. I just can't see these guys spending 12m for the lols. There is a great player still in there, imo. There is a good player in Carroll although i think that we will have to be patient to get him back if he did sign. He has seemed to become a much leaner player at LFC and imo that has cost him, his strength is what helped him win headers at NUFC and from what i've seen of his LFC/England displays i do think he has lost a bit of that. What does concern me is that were all saying that SAFC has paid over the odds for a average striker in Fletcher £12-15m for a 10-15 goal striker, i cant help but feel like were doing the same. Playing the style of football that we do now i just cant see Carroll scoring 20 plus goals a year, Carroll has more potential then Fletcher but i bet Fletcher doesn't have AC's baggage or his wages. TBH i'd rather spend the money elsewhere.
  6. PCW1983

    Players in public

    Saw Steve Howey at Wetherby Services yesterday, hasn't aged well.
  7. David Platt showing he can still do it.
  8. Gonna stick this in here, not sure how much to believe it but can't see why a Forest fan would lie about it. Reckons AC is a done deal. "Been told by a fairly reliable source (uni geordie housemate, who's best mate knows Andy personally) that Carroll is all but a Newcastle player. Still 4/5 on sky bet. Been reliable on stuff in the past. Made a packet on Nolan to West Ham. It was his group of friends that asked sky bet to even open the market on it. Piled on at 20/1." http://www.forestforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=31479&page=15
  9. Forest have been taken over by a Rich family from kuwait.
  10. Yeah, it's all part of the plan. We've already seen quite a few Geordies down here, why the fuck all the lasses from Liverpool are walking round with curlers in their hair I'll never know.
  11. Where you travelling from? He hasn't replied, must have logged off and went straight out the door! I pretty much did to be fair, travelled from Wallsend.
  12. Great goal but Ferdinand was terribly positioned.
  13. PCW1983


    MON love fest........you'd think he was walking around Pennywell. "Good to see a non local manager taking in the area" LOL http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=681592
  14. Nottingham Forest Chairman Nigel Doughty has been found dead at his home. RIP http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/16890236
  15. PCW1983

    Joey Barton

    While i'm not Warnock's biggest fan, Barton consistently proves himself to be a twat.
  16. Really looking forward to this, got a couple bottles of Hardy's finest chilling in the fridge for the train tomorrow :-)
  17. With all due respect, we weren't the ones ripping our city's to bits and looting our friends and neighbours shops were we? If the economic downturn has increased racism in the North then it's increased cuntishness in the south ten fold you fucking Neanderthal.
  18. I certainly think that casual racism seems to be on the rise personally but then i think the level of casual insults in general has risen ten fold over the last ten years. The casual insults that people (including myself) throw around today knows no bounds IMO. Society seems to have accepted a deeper, darker form of abuse. The kind of "jokes" that the likes of Frankie Boyle lowers himself to is unbelievable at times and i think thats part of the problem. He says it as a joke and people find it funny but cant separate what can be said at an event which you pay to attend and normal run of the mill life. I remember a few years ago when we played Middlesbrough at SJP and the Boro fans were making monkey noises at Martins.......their star striker being Yakubu at the time, don't get me wrong, all clubs have the racist minority but from my time spent in and around Middlesbrough they are by far the most racist town i've had the pleasure of being around.
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