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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

    I'd be surprised if this Sirious Majoob person even exists, never mind actually made a bid for the club.
  2. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

    That kind of thinking is pretty short term though. They've been out of the top flight for what, five years now? And a lot of that time was wasted on dealing with ownership issues and sorting out financial irregularities. They'll be back sooner or later. It's just not possible for a club the size of NUFC (or Leeds) to fail completely, the laws of capitalism won't allow for it. At some point the club becomes so devalued that it has to become worth it for somebody to invest the time/money to build it back up again.
  3. Shush, I've selectively erased any evidence from my brain that might convince me that Ashley is not Satan.
  4. That's a good point actually, if we ever get sorted we might be relying on Shearer to pull in some favours with his premiership pals. The silver lining to all of this is that with the Championship season being longer, it's eminently possible to get promoted with a strong push later in the season even if you start off slow. I think Sunderland were actually in the Championship relegation zone a month or so into the season they got promoted. So theoretically, we could get bought a few months into a season and still have time to make a promotion push after strengthening with loans etc.
  5. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

    I thought you had decided to f*** off and go back to 'supporting' one of the teams you can watch on tv? I guess you couldn't resist posting more tripe as you try and pretend you're a fellow NUFC fan for one more day... Metropolis? League 1 the limit? 10 years in the wilderness? You're clueless. Please stop. I'd like to know to what extent this kind of pointless abusive behavior is allowed around here, especially considering that it's becoming a pattern. You're the poster who claimed that he couldn't support the club anymore, too embarrassing (or words to that effect) and now you're back trying to talk about the club in an 'informed' manner but coming across like a skysportsnews mong ("we'll be back up soon")... quite frankly, your contradictory opinions combined with your uneducated attempts to be a smart-arse come across as quite inflammatory I don't see anything wrong in any of the opinions I've expressed on this forum. Quite frankly, you're the only one who seems to have a problem with them in the first place. If anything is "inflammatory" here, it's your childish and abusive behavior.
  6. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

    I thought you had decided to f*** off and go back to 'supporting' one of the teams you can watch on tv? I guess you couldn't resist posting more tripe as you try and pretend you're a fellow NUFC fan for one more day... Metropolis? League 1 the limit? 10 years in the wilderness? You're clueless. Please stop. I'd like to know to what extent this kind of pointless abusive behavior is allowed around here, especially considering that it's becoming a pattern.
  7. Mr. Ashley would accept somewhere around half that, no doubt. Ironically, the only thing he seems to be willing to hold out on for a good price seems to be the club itself.
  8. NUFC is the club of Sir Bobby Robson and Alan Shearer, two of my footballing idols. ...Which is probably why the former got sacked within weeks of me starting to support the club.
  9. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

    NUFC is the only club in one of Britain's largest metropolitan centers with one of the finest stadia in Europe. We can only fall so far. I'd wager the lower limit would be somewhere around League 1 level. At some point Ashley will let go of the club once he's got his money back, someone with a brain will come in and that alone would probably let us get back to the Premiership eventually. We'll be in the wilderness for perhaps a decade at most. This club's too big to not rise again (same for places like Leeds or Southampton, which we'll surely see back in the top flight sooner or later.) Until then it's just a matter of clenching our teeth and persevering through the worst.
  10. We're going into the season with Mike Ashley as the owner, Houghton or some other fucker who's so desperate to get back into management that he'll work for next to nothing in charge. All of our good players will be sold. Those who are not will hate being here and will therefore play like shit to engineer a move. I'm normally the first to speak out against premature doomsaying... but in this case, I think it's more than justified.
  11. Lessens the pain of shipping off to the air force in two months i suppose
  12. http://mahru.servebbs.com/zbxe/files/attach/images/2145/488/019/90kr.jpg Oh, by the way, they're opening a fucking Man U restaurant in Korea. On my fucking street.
  13. With promotion out the window, I'm at least trying to look forward to a decent mid-table finish with the kids next season. Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to be one of the "young, exciting" clubs in the Championship. Perhaps we'll be able to build on that in the coming years.
  14. btw, two of my mates were at the airport yesterday. Gave Owen a right bollocking They screamed his name when he stepped out the gate and apparently he went completely pale when he saw that they were wearing Toon shirts!
  15. He's in my country right now. What I would give for a handy sniper rifle...
  16. oldtype

    Isn't it...

    Thanks for the 'support' - now please f*** off and 'support' a team that you can watch each week on asia sports, we won't miss you. No need to get nasty Stu, the lad has reached rock bottom and there are plenty of people feeling bad about the situation. Comments like that aren't needed like that tbh. How about not insulting people and trying to gee them up and get them back onside. Honestly? Right now I can't find the energy to have my life revolve around NUFC like it's been doing for as long as I can remember. Whenever I read any kind of news about the club it just makes me want to puke. I feel like I'm watching a close relative die of cancer. I'd follow this club to the Unibond League if I had to, but arguably what we're being put through this summer is far worse than even an additional relegation. How am I supposed to support a club with no owner, no manager, and no players who want to be here? If that makes me a bad fan, oh well, whatever. That shouldn't come into it though, it's an emotional attachment to the club itself, not any individual at the club, the players, managers, owners come and go. The club will always be there. Times like this will only make the good times sweeter when they come. It shouldn't, but we're all human and it's hard to love the club when you absolutely despise every single person involved with it in any capacity. Surely there has to be some element of hero worship possible.
  17. oldtype

    Isn't it...

    Thanks for the 'support' - now please f*** off and 'support' a team that you can watch each week on asia sports, we won't miss you. No need to get nasty Stu, the lad has reached rock bottom and there are plenty of people feeling bad about the situation. Comments like that aren't needed like that tbh. How about not insulting people and trying to gee them up and get them back onside. Honestly? Right now I can't find the energy to have my life revolve around NUFC like it's been doing for as long as I can remember. Whenever I read any kind of news about the club it just makes me want to puke. I feel like I'm watching a close relative die of cancer. I'd follow this club to the Unibond League if I had to, but arguably what we're being put through this summer is far worse than even an additional relegation. How am I supposed to support a club with no owner, no manager, and no players who want to be here? If that makes me a bad fan, oh well, whatever.
  18. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

    Nufc.com seems to imply that Ashley is staying but is simply going to asset strip the squad, we're well and truly knackered, league one here we come. I just read that, seems like they know something we don't. Knowing Ashley, he won't sell any of our players. Indeed, why sell players when you can just pay them to leave instead.
  19. oldtype

    Isn't it...

    I think I've found my limit. Even relegation and the emotional shitslide it put me through was "interesting" in a way. Now? There's just flat out nothing to talk about or be interested in.
  20. oldtype

    RIP sale thread.

    resolving to stay away from this forum until the club is sold has done wonders for my sanity.
  21. any Americans know how to cancel a Setanta-i subscription? I'm having trouble trying to figure it out on their homepage.
  22. I don't see how we could possibly meet at the WC considering that we're in the same pot... Impossible to be drawn in the same group so for it to happen both sides would have to make it to the elimination rounds. At which point I would :fwap::fwap::fwap::fwap::fwap::fwap:
  23. I agree. I don't want him anywhere near the club.
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