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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. Of course mate. Fancy leaving us with only 35 games left with which to save ourselves It would be the same if he left us with 38 or 8 games to play. He knew the turmoil it would cause. SBR would have fought on and tried to get football played with what he had. SBR would have done what was best for himself, like he always has done. Fair play to him for that though. SBR bit his tongue and soldiered on when Kluivert, Butt and Carr were signed over his head and when Speed was sold behind his back. He was also never interested in managing us when we were in strife before Keegan rescued the club out in the early 90's, never used to mention how he 'bled black & white' or wanted the job when he was coveted by top european clubs. So what? He was in the thick of a highly successful international career! So I was proving how he's always done what's suited him. Howay man, I'm not claiming SBR to be the Geordie mother theresa! It's one thing to do what's best for yourself, and another to stick to a commitment you have made. When was SBR ever out of a job and turned us down? All those times he wouldn't come, he was tied down to a contract some place else, and was simply fulfilling his commitment. If he really loved us as claimed he would have came when offered the job at Barca. Don't give me any of this he was under contract stuff, as it expired at the end of that season. If he'd have thought that they were going to shaft him and bring Van Gaal in he would have left there and then. He probably assumed that he could have got an extension on his contract. I love him but please don't tell me he hasn't always done what suited SBR first. All IMO of course. I won't, as long as you don't make that Keegan did anything for us out of the goodness of his heart what's that mean then? That he of course done things what was best for him, which actually coincided with what was best for the club. Yes, it was f***ing awesome for the club that Keegan threw a fit and left wasn't it. I suppose King Kev doing the brave thing and leaving is the only reason we're only probable to be relegated and not mathematically down already? There's two things that absolutely boil my piss every time. Cock-sucking Charles Insomnia, and turning Kevin Keegan into some kind of heroic matyr for leaving us in the ditch.
  2. The man would've been a legend of football if he'd just laid off the pies a bit. tbf, his approach to the game, and reason for him being able to do what he does best (hold the ball up), is down to him having an imposing physique which makes him hard to challenge physically against. Point taken, but there's a difference between having an imposing physique and being fat and lazy though. Imagine what he'd be like if he actually had some passion and fitness. Would've put Zlatan to shame in his prime.
  3. The man would've been a legend of football if he'd just laid off the pies a bit.
  4. You should try listening to the Icelandic ones. It's just like commentary for the blind, a 100% accurate commentary of what is happening at any given time. "Martins passes down to Owen, Owen gets the ball, Owen turns and crosses over to Gutierrez, Gutierrez runs with the ball and shoots way over." *camera turns to fans* "There we have some Newcastle fans singing" *camera turns to the goalkeeper* "Here comes Van Der Saar, the Man U goalkeeper, and he kicks the ball upfield" etc. you never have any analysis of any kind. Listening to Sky commentators is like listening to Gods compared to the Icelandic ones. I actually know a family of die hard Man U fans that always watches the footy muted and honestly I can't blame them. Some of my favorite words of wisdom this season: "No no no, if you are going to shoot from that range you'll have to go much closer" Yorke is preparing to come on as a sub and the commentator, having nothing useful to say, goes "Dwight Yorke is coming on, he sure knows his way around the ladies" Then everyone of them is biased as f***. The other day we had a Liverpool fan commentating a Liverpool game so in the warm-up he goes "Oh, I hope we get to hear You Never Walk Alone, that magnificent song" then of course a minute later they play it "Ok people, turn up the volume on your televisions because here it comes" , then for the whole time they were playing it he didn't utter a word, probably leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed hugging a Liverpool scarf. The Icelandic MOTD is even worse. Like everyone in the studio agreed that the penalty given in the Man U - Tottenham game was probably the right decision The Norwegian MOTD for both the Norwegian league, and the Premier League, are actually quite enjoyable. With the exception of two-three biased people from time to time. Some of the pundits actually know football as well. One of South Korea's most frequently heard casters is a Sunderland fan for some God forsaken reason. The giddiness in his voice is audible whenever we get a bad result. what channel, MBC ESPN? stupid question i suppose 'cause isn't all the football on that channel? my korean ain't so good as to have noticed his bias i must say One of the casters on MBC ESPN yeah. (They rotate several) He goes on spontaneous wankfests about Kevin Phillips whenever he sees a good forward. Was studying in the UK in 1999/2000 and attached himself to the mackems after a trip up there apparently.
  5. I have difficulty visualizing us winning period, never mind beating Liverpool at Anfield. Might as well keep the faith I suppose. It's pointless to be mourning defeat already.
  6. Because Butt is useless even as a free space for the opposition players to run across. I don't think it'll hit me until the Premiership restarts next season. I'll be sitting at a beer garden with a few mates watching the first match kick off at 12.30pm and realise that we're not playing [in the Premiership] that weekend. More so mate, I started to think last week what watching the Premiership is going to be like if we're not there, the whole excitement of the Premiership revolves around the team we support. We're not going down, the gods won't allow it........ Judging by our luck this season, the gods are absolutely cumming on themselves at the prospect of us going down.
  7. Shearer should "manage" this by walking into the dressing room with a big stick and beating the entire first team senseless. He should then rip off his suit, strip the number 9 shirt off of Martins' quivering body, and put it on and start up front next week.
  8. Oh, by the way, the two of them probably earn more every week than the entirety of the Stoke first team.
  9. Martins is worse. That boy is a f***ing donkey. We have a choice between two strikers who don't score, except one of them jumps and runs about and sprays around horrible passes while he's at it, while the other is just invisible.
  10. oldtype

    Just think..

    If we start next season in the Championship with Joe Kinnear in the dugout... I'm sorry, I'm just done with football.
  11. The 4-3-3 was devised as an emergency formation to get the best out of a horribly unbalanced squad. It has several weaknesses, paramount among which is the fact that it flat out does not work without Mark Viduka. Unfortunately, Mark Viduka at this point in his career cannot play 90 minutes. And like today, if we put Carroll in his place the whole formation just implodes. Our best bet is probably to play 4-3-3 for 60-odd minutes, pray to God that we score, and then put Carroll and Jonas on, switch to a 4-4-2, and lump forward some long balls. The only flaw to this plan of course is that we won't score goals because Michael Owen and Obafemi Martins are f***ing allergic to them.
  12. Hull are bricking it? 4 games left, 3 points adrift, Liverpool up next. I think Hull are getting relegated. Problem is, we're going down with them.
  13. Normally I would say people who think this need to have their head examined, but hey, if we're going down might as well be positive about it.
  14. We're done. We may still be in it mathematically but our spirit has now well and truly broke. This was the easiest game we had left, and not only did we fail to get three points, we failed to even deliver a performance. With a moral-obliterating loss coming up at Anfield next week, even those few players who still gave a s*** will have given up completely by then. Moreover, we'll never be able to get the crowd to get behind the team like they did for the first 45 minutes today again. The people leaving early and the boos at the end tells the story, St. James Park will be a cauldron of hostility and apathy for the remainder of the season. If anything, we'll have a home "disadvantage," not an advantage. And who can blame them? They're paying their good money and showing up in the rain to see a bunch of players who well and truly couldn't give a toss. I can forgive being s***, but I can't forgive not trying. Quite frankly, the vast majority of our squad right now absolutely disgusts me. And to think that these very same bottlers will be off at other clubs in the top division with their lucrative new contracts next season while we wallow in the Championship makes me want to throw up.
  15. Martins does best Viduka impression. Fails miserably. Let me settle the Owen v. Martins debate here. Owen: invisible Martins: visibly poor And there's another sitter missed by our frontline.
  16. This feels like Keegan's first match against Bolton. The other side knows we desperately need 3 points and they'll gladly settle for one. We don't have the quality to break them down. Gonna need a miracle here.
  17. What the fuck is wrong with this club's luck.I cannot fucking believe it.
  18. jesus christ I've never seen an atmosphere this good at a football match before. And I'm only watching it on the telly.
  19. Alan Smith to score the winner just to make me feel bad for two years of wishing that someone would shoot him several times in the head.
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