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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. NUFC Leading Scorers this season 1. Michael Owen 10 goals 2. Obafemi Martins 6 goals 3. Shola Ameobi 4 goals 4. Steven Taylor, Damien Duff 3 goals Frightening stuff.
  2. why on Earth would Shearer want to manage a non-league club?
  3. Owen's gone the way of Duff imo. Legs are gone, permacrock, very occasionally shows flashes of the player he used to be. I think we'll see him go to a surprisingly unglamorous club in the summer.
  4. Given the choice, I'd rather have a winger with pace, dribbling ability and a cracking cross on him playing in the side rather than another very average player who's only real achievement is scoring three or four free kicks past us (and only us) in recent seasons. However, as with Zog's French left wing compatriots before him, i.e. Ginola and Robert, a good manager will bring out the dazzling French winger in them, a rubbish one will turn them into lazy, selfish, non-performing French whingers. So I'd only want him if we had a manager capable of, well, managing him, something which obviously is beyond Kinnear's comprehension. If Zog goes back to the form he showed during his breakthrough season, then £6m + Taylor will have been a poor deal for a player who in a single cross can do more than what his "superior" senior Duffers struggles to do in a dozen matches. I've decided to stop reading any posts that mention Ginola, Robert, and N'Zogbia in the same breath. I mean seriously might as well say that Carroll is going to be the next Shearer because he's a striker and a Geordie.
  5. I'd rather have someone like Taylor who offers something significant (if not as flashy) every game, rather than someone like Insomnia who does something fabulous maybe three time a season and spends the rest of the time moping and asking for a transfer. 6m+Taylor for Zog was a fabulous deal imo.
  6. Beye needs to be eased back a bit, he's had a horrific injury. Taylor starts for the next match and maybe even Chelsea imo
  7. The only reason Taylor is in good form is because he's not playing centre back, which he should never, ever, ever do again.
  8. Taylor shouldn't be dropped. A bit harsh on him I know, but for Habib Beye? Oh yes he should.
  9. If there's one glimmer of hope for the rest of the season, it's that we're actually a semi-decent team when we have an actual midfield as opposed to some unholy combination of Butt/Geremi/Smith. If any one of Guthrie and Barton are back to partner Nolan, I think we've got an outside chance. Jonas-Barton-Nolan-Ryan Taylor looks like exactly the kind of midfield that Wenger hates to see. If by some miracle we're able to get the following team ready for Stoke and keep them together until the end of the season, we could stay up. Harper Beye Colo Bassong Enrique Taylor Nolan Barton Jonas Owen Martins
  10. Unlike Joe Kinnear and Chris Houghton, whom we absolutely adore.
  11. I'm staying with my six since this is pretty much the result I was expecting. A lot of good things need to come together for us to stay up, including Kinnear coming back quickly and being able to rally the troops, everyone coming back from injury and readjusting quickly, us having no additional injuries until the end of the season, and nicking a few lucky points occasionally in matches we have no right to win. Gah.
  12. Harper Taylor Colo Bassong Enrique Taylor Butt Smith Jonas Martins Ameobi is probably the best we can expect imo
  13. I do blame alot of the fans including myself to some extent, we don't create the atmosphere of old that made St James' a fortress and people are constantly protesting and were even booing the team. We need sod all this crap and back the team. It's 2 way thing though - if fans see the players can't be bothered why should they put the effort in. Why are the fans held responsible whenever anything goes wrong at Newcastle. As far as I am concerned, it all comes down to bad decision making by Ashley & co. We've got decent players - better than our relegation rivals. A decent manager would have them in the top half of the table. Yes this is fair enough, with a decent manager we would be half way up the table, we don't have one, the players don't decide this. Adding pressure to them will only make things worse, people can say whatever the like about Ashley but just support the team, we give ourselves a rep as fairweather support, i.e. we only have a good atmosphere when we are doing well. We outsang Liverpool when we were 5-1 down. we didn't at 0-1,1-2 and 1-3 though perhaps when the players needed it most. Have to disagree here. We outsang them the whole game. No disrespect intended, but I wouldn't mind trading great support for having the worst fans in the world and actually winning. Not for me. Can't beat singing for 90 minutes. I'd rather we won, but I'd also rather enjoy myself at the game than have more bragging rights. Just seems a bit desperate when we're going "yeah they slaughtered us, but at least we outsang them for 90 minutes!"
  14. I do blame alot of the fans including myself to some extent, we don't create the atmosphere of old that made St James' a fortress and people are constantly protesting and were even booing the team. We need sod all this crap and back the team. It's 2 way thing though - if fans see the players can't be bothered why should they put the effort in. Why are the fans held responsible whenever anything goes wrong at Newcastle. As far as I am concerned, it all comes down to bad decision making by Ashley & co. We've got decent players - better than our relegation rivals. A decent manager would have them in the top half of the table. Yes this is fair enough, with a decent manager we would be half way up the table, we don't have one, the players don't decide this. Adding pressure to them will only make things worse, people can say whatever the like about Ashley but just support the team, we give ourselves a rep as fairweather support, i.e. we only have a good atmosphere when we are doing well. We outsang Liverpool when we were 5-1 down. we didn't at 0-1,1-2 and 1-3 though perhaps when the players needed it most. Have to disagree here. We outsang them the whole game. No disrespect intended, but I wouldn't mind trading great support for having the worst fans in the world and actually winning.
  15. Given that it's still pretty unlikely he even is gay, I'm surprised at the serious tone of that post At this point, do you honestly think that anything bad that could potentially happen to this club won't?
  16. I sincerely hope that it isn't actually the case that he's not been getting games because he's gay. We've been dragged through every possible indignity a football club can suffer save relegation (coming soon!) Would be just like us to add a discrimination scandal to that list.
  17. Habib Beye will not let us get relegated. He'll drag us up with his bare hands if he has to.
  18. I'll be honest. If we go down and keep Kinnear, I think I might... No, never mind. I'll still be watching, masochistic bastard that I am.
  19. Why, did he just announce his retirement?
  20. I'll tell you what though...if we do get relegated, that'll be it for this f***ing place. Dead. I hope the admin hold off on committing any further money on new servers, because we won't need it. You wait and see if I'm wrong. This place will be quieter than HTL's old board. NE5/Mick/Ozzie would probably stay. We'd need new servers just for them.
  21. The irrational part of my brain actually wants a European Super League. Get the Sky four and their good for nothing fans to fuck off to their own league so we don't have to deal with them and I don't have to stress over eight unwinnable games every year. The rational part then comes in to remind me that with a European Super League, the Premiership would quickly become the new Championship and NUFC would be royally fucked. Oh well.
  22. How the fuck are we going to get ourselves out of it this time. Things are really looking bleak. Even if we win on Saturday we're still right in the thick of it and have two unwinnable matches coming up.
  23. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. We're really going down this time aren't we?
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