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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. oldtype

    Steven Taylor

    Milner and Taylor have been our designated scapegoats for a while since we got rid of the easy targets like Bramble/Babayaro/Carr. There's been a great deal of revisionist history done on Milner since he left. I expect the same thing to happen to Taylor if/when he moves on.
  2. If they overturned all wrongly awarded/wrongly disallowed goals we'd have the FA basically having to confirm the scoreline of every match. "Yeah, I think we got the three points today but we won't be sure untill we get the official FA scores tomorrow..."
  3. What's the difference between having a Middle-Eastern owner and a Nigerian owner? I really don't care as long as they're rich and not thick.
  4. Getting injured for three months and handing in his transfer request would be the two greatest services he's ever done for the club.
  5. oldtype

    Kenny Dalglish

    Full write up on the Daily Mail website as well: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1059409/Ashley-wants-Dalglish-succeed-Keegan-second-time.html Gullit's out of a job as well right? So we can sack Dalglish in another month or so and keep the cycle going. That should put us back to Keegan by around next summer.
  6. I'd take him. And I suspect in the current situation very few of us would turn our noses up at him anymore. Wigan are probably gonna finish above us this year anyway
  7. I'm 23 and I remember him keeping us up and the ride from there on in. I bet you werent in Korea tho Some people here are so pathetic it just makes me laugh. First it's my nationality, now it's my age? Have a word with yourself. You're the very dictionary definition of a mong. I'd be surprised if you were that much older than I am. Cheers Fu mong Chu prepare to be surprised....im an old Mong, In that case, I feel sorry for your family. Were you by any chance that grey-haired t*** who shouted something I won't repeat behind my back the last time I was at SJP? a, im not a racist b, i aint afraid to tell anyone it to thier face Aye, you're obviously an honorable and brave man who's willing to stand up and insult someone over his nationality on an anonymous internet forum. So, who's got something to say that doesn't amount to 1. OMFG Keegan got us promoted you ungrateful twat! or 2. HANG THE FOREIGN DEVIL!
  8. I'm 23 and I remember him keeping us up and the ride from there on in. I bet you werent in Korea tho Some people here are so pathetic it just makes me laugh. First it's my nationality, now it's my age? Have a word with yourself. You're the very dictionary definition of a mong. I'd be surprised if you were that much older than I am. Cheers Fu mong Chu prepare to be surprised....im an old Mong, In that case, I feel sorry for your family. Were you by any chance that grey-haired twat who shouted something I won't repeat behind my back the last time I was at SJP?
  9. I'm 23 and I remember him keeping us up and the ride from there on in. I bet you werent in Korea tho Some people here are so pathetic it just makes me laugh. First it's my nationality, now it's my age? Have a word with yourself. Would the idiots without anything productive to say like me to provide some additional facts about myself so they can insult those as well? You're the very dictionary definition of a mong. I'd be honestly surprised if you were that much older than I am.
  10. Would gladly experience AZ Away/Derby Away etc. all over again if we could just get a new owner/manager within a week.
  11. I don't find the current squad inadequate at all and never have. I certianly like it 200% more than the one we had last year. (That said, I wouldn't have sold Faye) It's really not any smaller than that of our "former" competitors Villa/Everton/Portsmouth etc. The quality is also there arguably, although in very, very injury-prone packages. (Viduka, Oba) Our problems lie elsewhere.
  12. Thank you for indirectly reminding me of 06-07, which reminded me of our last UEFA run, which reminded me of AZ away. Anything can depress me these days.
  13. was two pages of the same joke over and over again really necessary?
  14. I'm not talking about him pinning a sheet to the notice board (he'd have to borrow a stepladder anyway) - I'm talking about a scenario where Keegan is told that Valencia want to see Gonzales play as the've had some inquiries about him so they give Keegan a nudge. If you have a whole set up based on buying cheap and selling high then I don't think I'd trust them not to do that. Again, that sort of thing would be catastrophic but it didn't happen so we can't base arguments on that. I don't think it's entirely correct to catagorize Ashley's system as "buying cheap and selling high" either. Although I'd rather not get into this argument.
  15. He would have players in his squad he didn't want. I have every reason to believe it would though - this summer has been a gradual positioning of power camps which the idiots "won" by singularly failing to strengthen the team where Keegan wanted it. They gradually imposed themselves on him over time. The next logical step is team selection. Complete conjecture. I dont' think it's very likely at all that would have happened. Even Roman couldn't force his managers to pick Shevchenko. What about the bloke at Hearts - Romanov wasn't it? I can't comment because I don't know much about that situation. But I simply don't think that we'd ever have seen Dennis Wise picking the matchday squad even if the current regime had persisted.
  16. He would have players in his squad he didn't want. I have every reason to believe it would though - this summer has been a gradual positioning of power camps which the idiots "won" by singularly failing to strengthen the team where Keegan wanted it. They gradually imposed themselves on him over time. The next logical step is team selection. Complete conjecture. I dont' think it's very likely at all that would have happened. Even Roman couldn't force his managers to pick Shevchenko.
  17. Sorry but that's exactly what he was asking him to do - not manage the club. Another point. Let's say he'd stayed. How long do you think it would have been before those "above" him started insisting he picked their players? The transfer window was over. Exactly what part of his job would amount ot "not managing?" As for the board interfering in squad selection, that's a nightmare scenario and couldn't be justified in any situation, but it didn't happen and we have no reason to believe it would. How would we have been better off? If he hadn't come in January We'd have been relegated. We would have the entire off-season for Ashley to sell up, then for the new owner to consolidate and find a new manger. As opposed to the current situation where we just drift aimlessly through the season throwing away points every week. As for us getting relegated last season without Keegan, that's a myth. He had us playing some amazing football when we went on our run, but his overall record was pretty average at best.
  18. that's asking keegan to martyr himself for our cause which is unreasonable. if the working conditions were untenable, and the emnity that has emerged from the board since the situation flared up suggests that was the case, then he's done the right thing by leaving. I think it's a perfectly reasonable thing to ask of someone who supposedly "loves the club." It's not as if Ashley is making him walk over hot coals every day. Also, we would be infinitely better off if he just walked away in May. Or better yet, never took the job in the first place. Yes, that would also be a shit situation, but it would be better than this.
  19. Well, I've been gone for an hour and this thread has progressed quite nicely... This was never a thread about Ashley's culpability or the validity of the system. This is the third time I've had to clarify this. (I suspect a lot of peple just don't read things that aren't convenient for them.) ASHLEY AND CO FUCKED UP, I KNOW THAT. What it's about is the fact that we've been seriously let down by a man that was a hero to all of us. No matter how bad things were he shouldn't have left when he did. He couldn't have if he actually loved the club as much as we thought he did. So he's gone down in my estimation. It's that simple. As for the stuff SSR and Argy are spouting, I'll say "laughable" and we'll leave it at that.
  20. Best wishes in your quest to achieve Geordie purity on a board that's over 50% foreign. You're an embarassment.
  21. By the way, despite everything, I'd really not like this thread to turn into a Geordie v. Non-Geordie pissing match I don't believe in Ashley's system, I have no support whatsoever for the current regime. All of this was clearly stated in the OP. It's just that I feel personally betrayed by Keegan, because he was a man I trusted and loved. With a little more patience from him, we wouldn't be in the situation we're in right now. I realize it's a sensetive topic, but it should be somethign we're capable of discussing without resorting to slander.
  22. Fu Mong Chu Yes, insulting the fact that I'm not a Geordie is a perfectly logical way to justify your blinkered trust in a man from Doncaster. His dad was a Geordie and he gave us two great years as a player and five as our manager. What's your connection to our club, apart from picking us with a pin in the Panini sticker album? I don't feel the need to justify my love for this club to anyone. Especially abhorrent, short-sighted twats like you.
  23. Fu Mong Chu Yes, insulting the fact that I'm not a Geordie is a perfectly logical way to justify your blinkered trust in a man from Doncaster. You are just a mong. I'm a man with an opinion, and I can articulate it in a reasonable manner. Far more than anyone can say for you.
  24. Fu Mong Chu Yes, insulting the fact that I'm not a Geordie is a perfectly logical way to justify your blinkered trust in a man from Doncaster.
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