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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. If Ashley intended on sacking him, this fine would be a lot more. There wouldn't be a fine at all. The fact that the club is willing to engage in internal sanctions to quell the media and try to lower the FA ban is clear evidence that they stand 100% behind their manager.
  2. He's the manager. The very hierarchy that exist in work mean that a manager has more power and would therefore get a more severe punishment for an indescretion That is indeed how is it should work in theory. I'm just pointing out a flaw in the logic of the "I would get sacked for that" argument that comes up whenever this sort of transgression occurs though. Just because I would get sacked at work for headbutting someone doesn't have any bearing on what would/should happen to Pardew or anyone else.
  3. The persistent "if I did that at work" argument really doesn't make any sense. Clearly different jobs have different standards and footballers don't play by the same rules as the rest of us.
  4. Just confirms he's not leaving. Meh.
  5. Honestly I really do think the media are overreacting. It's silly and embarrassing but you'd think he'd stripped himself naked on camera or something. I might even be offended if it was a manager I liked.
  6. It honestly doesn't feel like that big of a deal to me but if it gets him sacked I'm all for it
  7. Finishing 5th was a once in a lifetime kind of situation that is unlikely to recur. A combination of fantastic luck and multiple teams going completely off the rails. The top 6 isn't a closed shop but to get in there regularly will require consistent year-on-year investment, not just a one time splurge of 20m or whatever. We won't do that so we'll never get in under current ownership. In that context I guess eighth is a good finish.
  8. Word. Actually I think if it was just a better brand people would have a much smaller problem with what he's done here. Definitely for me, the tackiness is much worse than the financial aspect. Please don't agree with me Ian people are going to hunt me down now
  9. If he took out the disgusting Sports direct lettering next to the Newcastle United sign out I think I may be willing to consider it fair that he's using the advertising space as interest on his loan. I'm not opposed to the idea of him using the space for his benefit per se, it's just the way that he's done it with complete disregard towards the aesthetics and tradition of the stadium.
  10. Wait, billions are 10^12 in the UK?
  11. oldtype


    Yeah , I mean, nobody ever loses to Brighton in the cup. When has that ever happened.
  12. With Dummet and Haidara at the club I feel like he'll be a prime candidate for sale this summer.
  13. Insanely enough, we'll probably finish higher this season than we did when he took over. Progress
  14. Again, the national media don't give a shit about who's managing Newcastle United. Did they put pressure Laudrup before he was sacked for poor performances? Nope. They'll only pounce on a bad run if it's a club that matters like Man United. Just tonight the commentators were going on about how they "felt sorry for Pards" (genuine quote). Beggars belief, like. It's worse for commentators because they're all part of the same fraternity of English ex-footballers. They'll never badmouth one another.
  15. Again, the national media don't give a shit about who's managing Newcastle United. Did they put pressure Laudrup before he was sacked for poor performances? Nope. They'll only pounce on a bad run if it's a club that matters like Man United.
  16. Look, he's here forever. When/if he's sacked he'l be replaced by someone just as bad or worse. Stop wasting energy being angry at him. It's like hating your cancer cells.
  17. Zombie-Pards. He won't even die.
  18. Imagine the worst possible hire we could ever make. He'll turn it down. Ashley will get someone twice as bad.
  19. When the winter transfer window is in effect a gigantic, flashing neon sign from the club saying "our season is over," you can only expect that the players will think the same. So should the fans.
  20. He knows. That's why he's not allowed to. I will celebrate the day Pardew is sacked Put the booze and the party hats away, you won't need them.
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