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Newcastle Fan

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Everything posted by Newcastle Fan

  1. He's fantastic, turned the game around for us when he came on.
  2. I think this is no longer about Ashley really, its about the players who are really playing for the fans, have to respect each and everyone of them honestly.. hope they keep doing this.
  3. Did anyone see that interview with Joey Barton and Nolan? Barton was asked how impressed he was with Pardew and his answer was "its only been two days.." Then he got asked "well, a win in his first game" and his answer was "it was more of us this group of lads than him really" Gareth Southgate went mental on the analysis
  4. Fantastic interview just now with him and Barton.
  5. Newcastle Fan

    Alan Pardew

    Fantastic Start for him, hope he gets the players on his side, lets just hope its not just a fluke.
  6. I think Parky won this one the same way we won Sunderland.
  7. Despite his best efforts we won, shouldn't wear the team shirt again, EVER.
  8. Gotta love how skysport kept the Keegan comments untill the day of our game even though they've been out for a while now
  9. Done the same with Torres, though I'm cursed ATM so happy whatever. My captains have been strikers for the last 11 weeks and none of them have scored a single goal before Drogba's penalty last week, and you think your cursed? I was actually planning to sell him but kept him for our game just so he dosn't score against us, got Torres for today as well.
  10. Would be hilarious if we win this mind you, honestly Hodgson HAS to get sacked if we do
  11. Newcastle Fan

    Alan Pardew

    I keep thinking this is some kind of joke..
  12. Am I right in thinking Bahrain is more liberal than Qatar but wouldn't that also mean Bahrain would need a bye to the finals as well. Its much more liberal, its 45 minutes by car away from Qatar anyway, honestly don't think its going to happn though.
  13. Were still going to beat those wasters.. Got Torres as my FF captain just in case we don't..
  14. He wants to stay, honestly if i was to advice any of our players i'll tell them to move from here asap, its the only way they can go have a succesfull career instead of being part of this joke.
  15. Some news going on that Blatter said in a talk with LequipeFifa might allow some of the games in 2022 to be played in countries near Qatar such as Bahrain, that would mean the same stadium that i've played on a few times might be hosting world cup games
  16. Newcastle Fan

    Alan Pardew

    What can he possibly say to the players to win them over?
  17. What a goal that was from Nasri, brilliant.
  18. Newcastle Fan

    Alan Pardew

    I'm going to say this and i hate to say this but: Newcastle United are no longer our club, they are Ashley's club.
  19. We've seen worse happen in this club but honestly you can't help but not care less when something like this happens.
  20. Its that moment when you realise that maybe those who dislike NUFC have a point, i mean if it was another club doing it i'll be watching every game hoping they'd lose just because of how they sacked Chris and appointed a fucking medicore manager in his place.
  21. Newcastle Fan

    Alan Pardew

    I don't know how to feel about this honestly, its hard not to hate the club when something like this happens, but at the same time its not the players/fans fault so you want the club to succeeed, quoting jose "things are like this in this club, strange thing happen.."
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