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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Just finished watching the the QPR thing today. Great stuff. Those italians were nigh on impossible to work with. No wonder they got through so many bosses. Actually felt quite emotional watching them celebrate the FA verdict, even though it wasn't my club. As a football fan, i think you can appreciate what fellow fans go through at times. That must have been an agonising wait, not being able to fully appreciate winning the league. The only reasons i'd want QPR to go back down are Mark Hughes and their overpriced ticket prices.
  2. Shelled out another £104 for a new train booking to Swansea and another night in a hotel. Got a refund of £24 for a train previously booked between bristol airport and back. £80 out of pocket but an extended weekend away to look forward to. Cardiff Fri night, Bristol Sat.
  3. Tiote, Cabaye & Cisse all have injuries oh and Ba ,, nothing major though, Tiote felt his hamstring and Cisse his groin not sure what was up with Cabaye or Ba If Cabaye & Cisse have injuries then surely we can't let them travel to meaningless friendlies this coming midweek.
  4. We'll have to watch Bendtner if he plays. He's quick, driving around the streets of Newcastle that is. He can do some damage... to cars in Stowell street.
  5. Scoreboard82


    Tell you what, if they really want to boycott Newcastle related things, how about they start with the actual city of Newcastle. Pubs, station, airport the lot. They're not wanted here.
  6. I'm no wraith fan but at least he's doing something, rather than quietly standing aside and letting the name of SJP die. That's what will happen when the new generation of fans grow up listening to BBC and the likes calling it SDA repeatedly. Good on him and anyone else who makes a stand. While i'm on, why is the "arena" in the SDA signs smaller than the "Sports Direct"? Answer: because the arena is insignificant in comparison with his company.
  7. Had booked to go to Swansea on the Sat. Will have to do some re-planning. Probably a case of financial damage limitation now, or further expense to book another night away.
  8. We all want success on the pitch, and we all understand that without income from stadium naming rights etc, money will have to be found elsewhere. Personally, i'd rather we do as well as we can without money for renaming SJP. We're doing ok now and aren't bringing any money in for renaming. If another company fails to come in and stump up the naming money, will MA accept it's not making money as planned and then call it SJP again? Ithink the chances are slim. He can have as many SD adverts around the ground as he likes for all i care, just restore the name of St James' Park.
  9. Scoreboard82


    Think it's because it's built on the site of the old Monkwearmouth colliery, miners lamps and all that? The name's still an unoriginal rip off though.
  10. and change it back if it doesn't. i think most are of the opinion though that they have no intention of trying to find a new name sponsor. Exactly, Ashley would probably s**t himself if someone called their bluff and offered the cost of renaming. What if the fans clubbed together to raise however much it would cost to take over the naming rights and simply rename it SJP? It'll never happen of course and why should we pay for our stadium to keep its original name, but hypotheticaly speaking, if we raised that money do you think Ashley would remove his SD adverts and let us do it? I don't think so.
  11. Scoreboard82


    Simply could not believe i was hearing that. They think they've arrived at footballs top table and are the envy of the world. How dare they sing "we are the loyalist football fans the world has ever seen" when they have such a pathetic turnout too? We need Ba, Cisse and all to bring them back down a peg or 2 in a couple of weeks.
  12. Anyone going to the academy of s**te tomorrow? U18 TYNE/wear derby at 11am. SR6 7UN.
  13. Well done to the lad. I wonder how much sacrificing the name of SJP could potentially bring to the club, and is it worth it? Worse still, unless someone other than sports direct has the naming rights, we have sacrificed the name and still aren't making money for it.
  14. Scoreboard82


    You can bet your life they'll all start whingeing about not being able to get tickets if they progress to the semis/final, claiming they've never missed a game since 1934.
  15. Enjoyed last nights game. It even took my mind off how cold i was. Thought the toon played some exciting football. Neat and creative. Thought Marcus Maddison on the right wing was outstanding. We dominated throughout, but i was beginning to think a goal wouldn't come. As the bloke in front of me said, "If it had been a boxing match, it would have been stopped long before the end." Lets hope for a good turnout in the quarter final v Blackburn, and a warmer night, please. League and cup double still on.
  16. Aye. Got off the bus at SJP, then to my horror i realised i'd left my season ticket at home. Wife had to jump on a bus and bring it down for me. Just made it in time, but it was torture listening to the crowd from outside the ground. Was the biggest game for a long while and not the sort of day for something like that to happen.
  17. Do we pay over 12 months or do we get a little payment "holiday" and pay over 10? Can't remember.
  18. Was gutted at Sat's result. The reaction of some of the Brighton fans after the game made me even more angry. Obviously they're going to celebrate, but on the way back to Falmer station, some of them were giving it "Geordie c**ts" and "dirty northern b*****ds." Way over the top. Stayed in Croydon sat night. I'm no lover of the London area usually, but was glad to get there Sat' night for a bit of sanctuary.
  19. Had enough of this trial by tv crap. In effect all they're doing is correcting what the officials got wrong on the day. Where should they draw the line? They don't do anything after the event about a goal that was obviously legal, eg Englands v Germany in the world cup, when any idiot could tell it was way over the line. They don't do anything about a blatant handball like the incident at Brighton, that should have gave us a penalty, and probably had a massive bearing on the outcome. To my mind, if 3/4 officials miss it during the game that should be the end of the matter. If trial by TV is to ensure justice in football, then why let obviously wrong decisions go unchanged? I'm not sure, but do referees face trial by TV? Do they replay the glaring mistakes made each week, and subsequently give referees a 3 match ban? Not very often that's for sure.
  20. Scoreboard82


    Aye but they would rather have the chips. Cheesy ones? I watched a prog on ITV4 the other night called "Looking for Manchester". It featured Eric Cantona and focused on the Manchester derby. They followed the reactions of an oldish woman and her daughter, who were citeh fans, as the derby was played out. Manure snatched it at the death. When the women got home, understandably gutted at the result, Cantona walked into their living room. I thought if we had just lost a derby, the last thing i'd want would be a sunderland legend walking in the room. Then i thought, hold on, they haven't had any legends. Not real ones, not since Charlie Hurley or someone from a similiar era anyway. Jim Montgomery maybe? Really finding it hard to think of any.
  21. We have points in the bag, while they are talking about what they MIGHT do. As i've said before, at the start of the season we were expected to struggle while they did the opposite, so any talk of them catching us is an admittance of failure on their part.
  22. Hate the way they've stolen and adapted our songs. "Sunderland boot boys" and the "Gallowgate is always full". We were singing the geordie boot boys and Fulwell end is always full songs in the early 80's. I can't take any songs they sing about loyalty seriously after their disgraceful no show after half time in the 5-1 game. SUNDERLAND TIL HALF TIME sums them up.
  23. Happy that the pen was given v the mackems yesterday, but still can't believe Howard Webb is regarded as possibly the top referee in the country.
  24. Woke up with a huge graze down my calf from a seat when we scored. A small price to pay for the celebrating. Nice to get to 30pts before New Year. Personal thanks must go to "Crumpy" for a good day out on his coach also.
  25. Hope he didn't damage any cars like his colleagues. Saw Beardsley walking out of Westerhope asda this afternoon. Lad stacking the shelves was starstruck. Heard him saying "But he's a living legend man." One of his fellow workers pointed out that even living legends have to shop.
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