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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Didn't see any trouble either. Wandered around with our scarves on and never felt in any danger. We were bussed straight to airport after the game though, so not sure things were as quiet post match. Excellent couple of days. Cheap beer and the bonus of win. I'm not saying kharkiv's a s**thole but lets just say after going, I appreciate what a great city Newcastle is to live in.
  2. Scoreboard82


    Should be an interesting piece on BBC "look north" tonight about Dennis Tueart. Arguably the biggest football Judas ever. Born in Newcastle. Brought up a toon fan then became a Sunderland fan, played for them for years, then scored the winning goal in a cup final against us in 76.
  3. The man is responsible for my happiest football memories. An all round superstar, who i'm proud that he associated himself with my club. Happy birthday KK.
  4. The arrogance of 'glory' club fans. Overheard a Celtic fans' phone conversation in a Glasgow pub yesterday before their league cup semi v St Mirren. He was telling someone how he'd offered someone a ticket for the semi and they'd refused, and so for that reason they wouldn't be offered a ticket for the final. Thankfully St Mirren turned them over and he'll not be dealing with any tickets for the final. These people, like his team, just think they've got to turn up to win sometimes.
  5. Was at hampden for that game. I've had a soft spot for St Mirren for many years. Traveled up expecting a hiding from Celtic, but went anyway as it was a national semi final. Fantastic game and outcome. Won't be at the final as it clashes with the toon game at Wigan unfortunately but come on the saints. I like Newton. Always plays the simple pass.
  6. Scoreboard82 is going to murder James 'Jimmy the Joker' Kebe. Aye, he's right up there on my hit list, ha, ha. I've calmed down a bit now.
  7. Regardless of how good or bad a player he is, its out of order. Reading should be disciplining him for disrespecting another club, not coming out with smart a**e comments. Shows the class of the club, and they're another addition to my ever growing hate list. Reading, Kebe, Villa fans, Harry Redknap, Remy. Alex Ferguson, time wasting ball boys (should that be young men) trying to be clever and make a name for themselves. The list is growing rapidly.
  8. Europa league is probably the last thing on most peoples minds at the moment, given our PL struggle, but I booked the Thomas cook to kharkiv trip at £399. Had a curious look on their website today and new bookings are quoted at £419. Anyone shed any light on why? They haven't taken any money as yet, so I'm hoping I don't get stung for another £20.
  9. The money side of the game. Admission prices are off the scale. Premier league games regularly cost £40+. Wages are too high, resulting in players choosing clubs like QPR ahead of a well supported club with a beautiful stadium like ourselves. Not bitter eh? Also this season in general. It's not just what is or isn't happening at the toon. Its things like reading coming back from the dead v WBA, then Southampton coming back from 2 down at Chelsea. Sometimes seems like a conspiracy.
  10. Nattrass was playing when I started going to toon games, but I can't remember how good a player he was. Keeley however, even being so young myself, I picked up on how bad he was from my dad. He seemed to regularly score own goals. Nufc record own goal scorer perhaps?
  11. Calm down man. The league table says otherwise. QPR are more likely to go down because they are 7 pts and an inferior goal difference worse off than us. We may go down, they may survive of course, but they are more likely to go down. As for comparing results, we beat WBA and spurs. Their game at WBA was in the cup anyway. Don't forget we beat QPR too. They've had a bit of a lift, but i wouldn't swap our present positions.
  12. can't blame them for being unhappy since the league changes does render this season utterly pointless Abide by the rules? The rules are that upon winning the league you would move to the league above and play a different set of clubs. The current proposal would mean after gaining promotion they would play largely the same set of clubs i.e not really a promotion. If it happened to us, we would be livid. Whatever you think of them 40,000+ crowds playing basically non league fixtures is admirable from the support perspective. If it's what the majority of Scottish clubs agree on then they have to follow the proposals, no matter how big they are. They aren't the only club in Scotland trying to get promoted and they can't make rules to suit themselves.As for talk of quitting the SFL to join another league, why should that be allowed? A club like St Mirren for example wouldn't be welcomed in England because they haven't got the same commercial pull. I don't think Rangers, 40k gates or not, should be either.
  13. Charles green proposing an alternative league set up. Wish they'd just abide by the rules instead of trying to make the rules.
  14. Booked with Thomas cook. Had a bit of a sleepless night because I thought my 1st payment attempt had failed. Went through the whole process again, only to find out afterwards that I'd double booked. £1600 for 2 of us. Frightening. Managed to dig myself out of it over the phone this morning. Lad on phone reckons we'll fly about 8am weds and straight back after game.
  15. You beat me to that question there. If i can get the Wednesday off work, i'm gonna do the Thomas Cook thing for Kharkiv. Pricey, but compared to the tricky independent travel options, it seems the best way to go. Will there be enough interest to fill the plane though? Anybody on here booked it?
  16. Todays fergie comments sum the arrogance of Man Utd up. Whilst being angry, i take comfort in the hope that neutrals who didn't like them to start with, dislike them even more now. We may be a "wee club", but it's the "wee club" that belongs to me. My local "wee club", not one i've latched onto because of success or stature. I love and am proud of this "wee club". I believe Fergie's realized he was out of order, but in trying to defend himself has dug himself into a deeper hole.
  17. Scoreboard82


    Strange logic at the SOS. Standing is a terrible offence that merits a ban, while pitch invasions,(In Derbies when they manage a goal) are more acceptable.
  18. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20121218/united-to-take-part-in-torneo-di-viareggio_2281670_3013268 There's bound to be stiff competition in that torneo-di-viagra.
  19. Thanks to the Wigan, QPR wins i'm not too worried. We're as close to 9th as we are the bottom 3, with key players to return.
  20. Can't knock his achievements over the years, but he handled himself disgracefully yesterday. Yes, there was controversy that he had a right to air his views on, but at the start of the 2nd half, on the pitch, wasn't the time to air those views. He was standing behind the linesman, mouthing off as the game was going on 2nd half. Blatant intimidation of officials which could have impacted on decisions made from then on. Like all the "big club" bosses, he spits the dummy out when it's not going his way, hence the over-reaction to the Van Persie incident at Swansea. Wenger and Mancini are big whingers too.
  21. Scoreboard82


    http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=749043 What about post 20 in that thread. STERLING Albion? Among the most knowledgeable fans in the world are those mackems.
  22. Yeah, playing in europe might affect our chances of qualifying for europe. The last quote sums it up for me. Why concentrate on the league when in doing so, the best we could hope for is to qualify for the Europa again? It's the format of the Europa that is the problem. 1st stage being a group stage instead of just a 2 legged affair.
  23. Your view might be slightly different, that's up to you to decide where you stand. I'm not sure why fans reactions would annoy you as much as our plight, that seems weird. I'm seeing the team boo-ed off every game. Granted it's frustrating to watch recent non-performances, but that doesn't help one bit. I'm seeing the crowd pouring out 10 mins from the end of games while away fans ridicule us with their "time to go" songs etc. Fickle sums it up. f***ing hell. That's football, it happens at other clubs when they are the s*** creek like we are now. Fans pay good money especially in the difficult economic situation the region is still in so they are entitled to boo the team off especially if they had seen all 3 of those home games where we must have played well for about 20 mins maximum in those 3 games. Sounds like your the fickle one pointing finger at the fans. I can understand the frustration. You can't blame the fans for what's happening on the pitch. All i'm saying is i'm disappointed by how some fans are reacting. As i say, i don't think booing can help a team short on confidence. Fixed my previous "3rd" of the team quote. I was a bit wound up at the time of posting. Out of curiosity, who do those in the Pardew out camp see as a would be replacement?
  24. Your view might be slightly different, that's up to you to decide where you stand. I'm not sure why fans reactions would annoy you as much as our plight, that seems weird. I'm seeing the team boo-ed off every game. Granted it's frustrating to watch recent non-performances, but that doesn't help one bit. I'm seeing the crowd pouring out 10 mins from the end of games while away fans ridicule us with their "time to go" songs etc. Fickle sums it up.
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