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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Just hope we can limp to safety then resign this horror season to history. One win or a few scabby draws will do. Get it done Newcastle and let us relax.
  2. Scoreboard82


    I think they'll stay up, but hopefully the same thing will happen to them that happened to us when Shearer had his similar spell in charge. Ironically I think his 1st game in charge was v Chelsea too. We beat Boro soon after then I think we only got 1 more point from our other games.
  3. Derby games, even though we win most of them. I'd rather just not play the mackems. Too much stress involved.
  4. i knew i was too confident going in to this, and should know better than to expect anything from this crazy club of ours. I just keep telling myself that for every derby defeat there'll be 2/3 wins. When i got home i found a copy of a DVD, "Newcastle v sunderland the rivalrys" and there's about 8 fairly recent derby wins listed on the back. I think i've only experienced a similliar amount of defeats in the 37 years i've been watching Newcastle. Can't grumble too much. Pathetic non performance yesterday though.
  5. i've taken my daughters in there on a non match day afternnon with no problems. Cheers. I see there's food on til 8 and they do kids meals, so we should be fine.
  6. Scoreboard82


    On the face of it, it should be as easy as it gets against these. Key players missing for them, those that are left are average at best. They've won 3 pts out of 9 games while we've won 5 games out of 9 in the league. Having said that, i still wouldn't put money on an NUFC win because anything can happen in a derby, and anything can happen at this club. They've made me pessimistic over the years, but i'm the most confident i've been for many a derby too.
  7. Anyone know if you can take kids, well not so much of a kid but a youngish looking, slightly u18, in Shearers on a non match day? Is there a kicking out time for them if so?
  8. Won 2-0. Think it was Michael Richardson with the 2nd. Dummet was watching. Could do with him back after Santons injury.
  9. I'm nervous and god knows how i'll be next Sunday if we don't win today, but we're just one of a large group of troubled teams. I was looking at the other results of the teams around us, yes I was that worried, and stoke have won about 5 points from 15 games, the mackems about 3pts from 8 games. We had an illegal winning goal against us at Wigan and realistically didn't expect anything v city. Before that we were ok. Need to get back on track today though.
  10. Scoreboard82


    So safc have appointed Di Canio and an Italian back room team? The lengths that club will go to just to say they've got a mackem who has possibly been to Milan.
  11. Scoreboard82


    They just never learn do they? With their'bring on the mags' style comments before every derby. Who's to say how the game will turn out, but they sure do set themselves up for a big fall.
  12. Scoreboard82


    I think he'll give them the short term lift they need to stay up unfortunately. Beyond that I think he'll chuck it when he can't get his own way.
  13. I quite enjoy u18 games, but it always seems windswept at Benton, even near summer, at the end or beginning of a season. We had a decent side last season and won our league. You see some decent games though. Not bad when there's no 1st team game and the weather's bearable.
  14. Scoreboard82


    doesn't the law of avarages count for every game then ? Yes, but I don't usually get as stressed about a game v the stokes/WBAs of the league. All i'm saying is that despite the respective form of both sides, and us having the upper hand in recent years, there's always the chance of a bad result on derby day. That's why i'd rather not play them at all, but that's just me.
  15. Scoreboard82


    Hate the derby games. No matter if we are in better form or not. The law of averages say they have to win the occasional one. Our biggest danger this season is complacency I reckon. I'm certainly the least nervous i've been for many a derby.
  16. So the FA don't want to re-referee games? Well maybe if they refereed the game properly in the 1st place, there'd be no need. I'd love Wigan to go down but they're behind other horrible clubs on my wish list, villa and the mackems among others.
  17. Scoreboard82


    1 nugget on RTG saying they cheered Wigans winner because they hate us. Well sometimes you just have to put your dislike of your derby rivals aside when such results can have such a massive impact on your own club. Wigans win was a terrible result for them. I hate Sunderland but I love Newcastle more. If they had any sense, the same would apply in reverse.
  18. Good luck to Newton and dummet in the Scottish league cup final with St Mirren tomorrow. Come on the saints. Hope they come away with winners medals.
  19. My 1st toon game, v West Ham. 2-1 win with supermac and Tommy Craig scoring. Just realised this in the nufc.com "on this day" section. In the old leazes end with agonising toothache. Suffered a lot more pain at SJP since then.
  20. Scoreboard82


    You're laughing, but they're dead comfy on your plates of meat.
  21. Scoreboard82

    Season Tickets

    Seems I had false hope. My price remained roughly the same but my daughter's just came home and opened her letter to reveal a £21 per month increase. £327 each for decent seats in the milburn, which I expected to have to move out of. I thought I'd pay at least £500 each, so I'm still quite pleased. Maybe it's an 18-21price.
  22. Scoreboard82

    Season Tickets

    My letter mentions a price freeze scheme (despite the price going up by about £10 overall) so you might be covered by that. Aye, signed up for the 10yr price freeze a couple of seasons ago. I hope you're right, but my understanding was that once my daughter became too old for the family stand (18), we'd move to another area and be charged whatever the price was for that area at the time of joining the price freeze scheme. If i can pay for a kids ticket for the next 8 or so yrs instead of an adult it'll be the best deal i've ever had. Can't see that happening though. Anyone who's been in a similliar position, last season maybe, shed any light on things?
  23. Scoreboard82

    Season Tickets

    Received news of next seasons S/T direct debit payments in the post today. Seem to be more or less unchanged from this season. Me and the youngun are in the family bit and we expected to have to pay a lot more or get kicked out next season. She turns 18 at the end of this season and i thought i'd have to shell out for 2 adult tickets. Bonus! I'm assuming we've won a reprieve until next year? No doubt they'll inform us when it is time to pay up or get out.
  24. Scoreboard82


    SAFC have been on the slide for weeks.
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