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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. You are looking too far into it - it's designed to make people more accountable for their behaviour at away games. Using an existing mechanism to achieve this end makes perfect sense Because what happened at Darlo is a regular occurence... Certainly not the 1st time there's been trouble at a nearby friendly. There was bother in Carlisle a few seasons back, and i hope i'm wrong but i wouldn't be surprised to see it at Leeds either, where similiar behaviour will meet its match.
  2. Aye, others can get a ticket for you, but from now on S/T holders will have to be careful who they get tickets for, as now when there's bother, the person whos name that ticket is in can be held accountable. . This has always been the case. Granted, but that's my point. NUFC want every away ticket holder to be accountable for their behaviour. General sale ticket holders aren't, other than by any police action.
  3. Aye, others can get a ticket for you, but from now on S/T holders will have to be careful who they get tickets for, as now when there's bother, the person whos name that ticket is in can be held accountable. For someone who isn't a S/T holder and buys a ticket on general sale, apart from any criminal charges, they've nothing to lose by misbehaving as it stands. Maybe membership should be free, but as some have already paid for this seasons, it's probably too late for that. At the same time, it all seems harsh that once again innocent fans suffer for those stepping out of line.
  4. Never seen as many drunken charvers at a game as there was last night. There was a lot of families there last night too. Some with kids attending their 1st game probably, and for some, after the way things turned out that will be their last unfortunately. It wasn't just what happened at the game. The atmosphere in the station and on the train back was bad. There were lads with bloodied knuckles talking about the scrapes they'd been in. This game had all the ingredients for it to go wrong. Local, cheap to get to, and a rare chance for some of the younger fans, who don't usually get to away games to get tickets. Let's hope the same crowd aren't going to Leeds or i fear the worst.
  5. Anybody know when the 2011/12 fixtures are released? Going to Barcelona for a few days at end of Aug, Midweek like, Mon to Thurs. Just curious to know if there are any games on around that time.
  6. If he's expecting 80K or anything like, there's no way we'll match that. I'd love him to sign, but i think the rest of the squad might be unhappy to accept him being on possibly double their wages. I mean imagine having to struggle to make ends meet on £40000 or so a week, for a job you love doing.
  7. As has been pointed out, the cost of anything in life goes up, but this isn't just an increase, the cost has doubled. Personally, if i'm not at the games, then i'll miss Reals' coverage as an option next season.
  8. Sunday Sun say Real radio not covering Newcastle/Sunderland games live next season, due to NUFC doubling cost of radio rights to 60 grand. Mackems are prepared to continue charging £30000 as they did last season, but Real say they don't want to cover one without the other for fear of bias accusations. This leaves us with the drab Radio Newcastle commentary, a poor substitute for Justin Lockwoods enthusiastic goal celebrations IMO. I'll never forget his reaction to Tiotes leveller v Arsenal, or how he relayed his joy at the Mackem drubbing. In fact i'd love it if "Real" could produce a compilation CD of his goal commentaries. What about blind people who enjoy the commentary so much? They can't just go to the pub to watch on a dodgy channel. It's another example of the greed of our club. It would serve the club right if "Real" continued with SAFC games and lost fans in the process as a result of people being brought up listening to S'land games. Not happy at all.
  9. Heard Allardyce on SSN saying he was the victim of new owners coming in at Newcastle and Blackburn, and losing his job had nothing to do with results. He obviously thought we were doing ok when he was here, but it seemed like one of the worst halves to a season i've experienced, certainly. The performances v Derby and Wigan summed his reign up for me.
  10. Excellent player for us and you will fail to find a single SAFC supporter who disagrees,no way back for him at the end though and always picked up a mysterious injury when Fulham were due to play at the SOL. Sunderland are s***. Ok I'll bite as that's what you want. If we are "s***",what on earth does this make Newcastle? I like this forum, but you are easily,beyond a question of doubt,the most deluded poster on here by a country mile and please keep on putting Sunderland down because it's just making you look even more stupid. Newcastle must be half decent, judging by the way your lot have celebrated scraping above us in the league. Sounds like it's been one hell of an achievement, that superior finish.
  11. Meanwhile, umpteen FTM banners can be seen at most SAFC games.
  12. One of his laziest ever displays yesterday. It annoys me that he's doing what most of us can only dream of, playing regularly in the Newcastle 1st team, and he just can't be bothered. I suppose he's a bit of a cult figure after all these years, but after performances like yesterday you could easily swap the 3rd letter in cult for another.
  13. As usual, the mackems measure of success is how they finish in relation to NUFC. To us, the higher league placing would have been a nice bonus, to them, it's the be all and end all. I think we've over achieved while SAFC have under achieved. It seems s'land fans can't see that. By the way, did i see brucey mouthing the words "the b*****ds", as he punched the air towards the end of yesterdays game? Who could he have meant? They finished highest in the league, we had the better of the derby games. Honours even i think.
  14. Aye, and the Mackems will take credit for taking their full allocation no doubt.
  15. Catergory C games are versus the small, insignificant sides such as the Mackems. No, seriously, i'm guessing it's agianst the likes of WBA, Fulham, Bolton, Brum, Wigan etc. The last 2 may not be there next season of course, but if Reading go up, that'll probably be another.
  16. That's my two nieces. They were chuffed to bits when they saw it. Nolan was saying to their brother, "You should always look after your sisters". He seems a canny bloke really.
  17. Aye. Went to SJP and there was a canny turn out from the players. Nolan, Harper, Barton, Colo, Ben Arfa, Tiote, Harps, Raylor, Gosling (serving behind the till), Smith. Nolan,Harper and Colo were particularly sociable and enthusiastic. Smith and Ben Arfa looked particularly bored. Almost had to wake Ben Arfa up when it was the bairns turn for an autograph. Smith i'm not too concerned about, and i'll certainly forgive HBA if he can get back to reproducing displays of the goodison park standard of last season. Gosling sounded like he was raring to go when i asked if he'd be ok for pre-season. All in all, pleased we went.
  18. I think it's more about the cost of the 2 squads rather than players currently available.
  19. Aye, but season ticket holders/members won't get a GOLD crest from sports direct. £15 to claim superfan status is a lot of money.
  20. A draw won't be enough if SAFC win. As long as the mackems don't win we'll finish above them and that would be an added bonus to a good season. Owt could happen on Sunday though, so i'm remaining cautious about who'll finish highest. The main aim of the season, survival, has already beeen achieved so let's be thankful for that.
  21. Me and a mate were possibly on that coach too. Was a "Magpie travel" coach we were on. I think it was somewhere near Old Street station, possibly Shoreditch? Managed to get a taxi with a few more Geordies and as you say, got in for nowt at half time, just in time to see Millwall complete the 4-0 rout. Got our coach fare back from the club too. Disastrous day, but a bit of an adventure, which ultimately cost us very little.
  22. That Walsh own goal. When it went in i should have been terrified, given that what looked like half of the population of Leicester was running towards us, but the elation and relief of that goal overcame all that. One of my biggest adrenaline rushes ever, that's for sure.
  23. There are plenty more tits in that picture.
  24. Winning at Filbert Street, Leicester in 92 to avoid dropping into old 3rd div. Oh the sheer relief. Away to Zulte Waragem in belgium a few years back. Had everything booked but no ticket. Decided to go anyway. Day before leaving, rumours circulated that anyone without a ticket would be turned back on arrival. As we arrived in Brussels, a line of police faced us and we thought our trip could be over. Next thing, they simply handed us a bit of paper that said welcome to Belgium. It had loads of info on it. We got tickets, had 2 days on the drink in a loveley city. Couldn't have turned out better. We even won.
  25. 1-0 loss at Boro recently was pretty bad. Game was re-arranged for being originally postponed for non-existant snow. Horrible people and place, bad result, mate got a slap as we made our way back to the coaches. Won't rush back there. Hopefully never play them again. Tasting my 1st away defeat to the mackems the other year has to be up there i suppose, but it had to happen one year. They waited 28 years or so. From a travelling point of view, i remember going to a league cup tie at Plough lane, Wimbledon in the 80's. The coach got stuck in traffic after an accident. We turned up for the last 20 mins with the score 1-1, then they snatched it with a last minute goal, leaving us with nothing but the massive coach journey home to look forward to.
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