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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Terrible news, but no surprise under this lot. If Ashley decides not to sell now, it's only a matter of time before he wants out again. Why can't the clown see that with such a threadbare squad we've no chance of promotion, and no way of attracting a buyer in the future, unless he practically gives the club away.
  2. If Shearer doesn't fancy the job under the current circumstances, then either he or Ashley should come out and say so. I don't think that to be true though.
  3. '99 cup final v manure probably. Wasn't there in 98. They didn't give me a ticket. Don't recall what the attendance was, but i think it was 70 odd thousand in those days.
  4. It's gonna be sorted soon, one way or another, i reckon. Even confirming they are in talks is more than they usually let on. They don't have to say anything, so that makes me hopeful.
  5. posted mine last Monday too. Hope i get it in time for Wednesdays game.
  6. I think the seating arrangements at yesterdays game might suggest they are not a million miles away from agreeing some sort of deal, even if it's only Moat being a co-owner. At least he'd have a more positive influence in their decision making, not that it could be any more negative of course. Something's gonna be sorted this week, i can feel it in my water.
  7. I can't remember the name, but there's a rangers bar, believe it or not, directly opposite Bridgeton train station, which is just along the road from Parkhead. It's decked out in rangers gear and everything. Would imagine you'd be accepted in there, seeing as you're playing their big rivals. Otherwise, city centre's probably you're best bet. Not sure how people will react to your colours though.
  8. Scoreboard82

    bloke on ssn

    Pete graves seems alright to me. He always seemed to enjoy commenting on rare toon wins on real/century radio. He seems like a fan. I think he used to do the sport bulletins on tyne/tees news at 6 as well.
  9. Moat may not be able to splash millions on improving the squad, but i'd rather have someone with the clubs best interests at heart working on a limited budget than the current clowns. If we have to make do with loanees and people on the cheap, i can accept that, so long as i'm sure he's doing his best for the club in the long term.
  10. I still love football. I'm looking forward to going to the game today despite our current plight. I love the banter on here, and it fills in a lot of spare time reading the posts, sometimes too much time. It seems it's us against the world at the moment, given the way the media and other fans are going on. That just makes me more defiant, and determined to support the club, in the hope that one day we'll rise again. I long for the day when we have the last laugh over some of our critics, including those obsessed muppets from down the road of course. Howay the toon!
  11. I'd obviously prefer either. Unfortunately, they aren't as desperate and as friendly with Ashley. They may even dare to think for themselves and realise the team needs strengthening.
  12. I wonder if that nugget who wore a sunderland top in the Huddersfield end at the friendly will wear it in the toon. I hope so but somehow doubt it.
  13. Woof, woof......black and white army!
  14. Que sera,sera. What ever will be, will be. Where going to Barns..ely. I know it's spelt wrongly, but Barnsley wouldn't fit otherwise.
  15. If we had got a point in that game we would be in the premier league right now. True, but the same goes for many other games where there were no protests. We were on the end of bad results because of our lack of quality, not because the fans shouted a few naughty chants. Kezman, i did take part in the protests and don't regret a bit of it. I wasn't as vociferous as some however. What should i have done? Watch Ashley and Co wreck the club and turn up as though nowt's happened? Regardless of where you stand on the Keegan affair, surely you can see this lot have shown their true colours since.
  16. Careful. Some nutters on here blame the protests at last seasons hull game for the clubs decline, whilst conveniently forgetting the reasons why there was any protest in the first place.
  17. He said that NUFC were sticking to there policy of not commenting on speculation regards any new manager and that they were still trying to sell the club. Also said that any appointment of a new manager is unlikely while they still try to do so.
  18. Not perfect but 100 times better than ITV coverage IMO. It's better even for being on Sat' night instead of Sun' morning. I like the Iplayer option for if you can't be bothered to wait up for it as well.
  19. As pointed out, 2 wrongs don't make a right, but it's the way many fans behave unfortunately. It's fans in general and not just toon fans. Me and my daughter passed a load of Leeds fans slashing against walls and mini-buses as we walked along St James' Boulevard last week. For many, myself included, having a good drink is part of your away day. Some people do go over the top though. Again , i admit doing so myself on many an occasion. Those return train journeys from London were mad at times, and must have been awkward for non-footballing families. Haven't done one for a while, so don't know if they've changed. Must admit that half the appeal of booking the train is that you can usually have a drink on board. I'd hesitate to book a dry train.
  20. I'm optimistic that at least a decision of some sort will be made this week. Hopefully he'll cut his losses and Ashley will sell, but if not we need some leadership from somebody as manager. We can't just drift on with Hughton running the side, although he deserves credit for giving it his best shot. Ashley surely can't be so short-sighted that he can't see the club becomes less valuable the longer he hangs on to it? Just take what you can MA and let the club, the fans and yourself move on.
  21. Well done Tim. He made some decent stops. Imagine how frustrating it would be for Harper to lose his place as No'1 after waiting all those years.
  22. SSN man David Craig supposedly had just been told on the phone by Lambias that they are still in talks with 2 interested parties re' selling the club. He wouldn't comment on the O'leary speculation. Ideally i'd rather they sold up and got out, but we have to be in a position to bring players in if not. We can't just drift on as we are. Unfortunately Ashley and co will only appoint a "yes" man, rather than Shearer who'd dare to question their farcical running of the club.
  23. You also avoid having to go canny on the drink incase the airline staff deem you too drunk to fly.
  24. Toon v Leicester, (96/97), on at 7pm tonight according to the TV guide. Got that brighton game on tape from past airings somewhere. Absolutely fantastic.
  25. I'm on the Sunday night easyjet flight back too. Anybody else? I applaud your efforts however Crumpy. Hope you get it going. As i've said before, i'd recommend your bus to anybody, and next time i do an away day by bus, i will look no further than yourself.
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