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Everything posted by Scoreboard82

  1. Sunderland's biggest ever following in Europe was when they played Swansea away one season. Last time they played in Europe, there was trouble on one of the ferrys. Someone threw one of the cannons overboard.
  2. Fixtures have been out since June, and they wait til now, after some fans will have paid good money for travel/accomodation on the Saturday, and will now have to pay extra to come on the Friday. As usual, no thought or consideration given to travelling fans.
  3. This is what annoys me most, only getting one years value out of a home shirt instead of the usual two.
  4. Aye, hellish journey that was. I was expecting to be on for about 20 mins, how wrong i was. Pulled into Castleford then reversed out to chants of "we're going back to Barnsley". Was supposed to be on the 18:35 from Leeds but missed it as a result.
  5. Surely even Ashley can see that promotion makes us more attractive to potential buyers, and increases the value of the club. He has to make sure we go up,....doesn't he?
  6. haven't heard any details of the boro/cardiff game other than the result. That's good news if he is out, as is the case with st ledger. Any win will do. Don't like the thought of them spoiling our unbeaten home record.
  7. Looks like sky have announced their games for January, but anything could happen in Feb. I think the safest games to plan are the ones that have already been moved for TV, so BBC might have us kicking a home game off at 5:15 one sat in Feb. I haven't heard which games beeb are showing yet in the new year, but they seem to stick to Sat/Sunday, although they had Cardiff v Forest kicking off at a crazy 5pm one Sunday. Best keep an eye on Sky/BBC websites until their schedules are updated i suppose.
  8. Me too. very proud of the defiance of our fans in difficult times. It seems it's us against the world at times. They can criticise NUFC for many things, but the fans derserve credit. I was proud of the "Proud to be a geordie. We'll support you ever more" banner seen at the end of the Villa match.
  9. Fantastic photo. Those floodlight pylons were great. Sounding really old now, but that's when grounds had carachter, and weren't the souless, identikit things they are nowadys. Now, where's me pipe and slippers?
  10. I hate it when Man Utd are referred to as simply "UNITED", like they're the only United in the world. Also hate so called fans who claim to follow the "big" clubs purely because of their success, even though they live 300 miles away from that city. I was talking to a Man U fan, from Amble would you believe? When asked how many times he'd been to old trafford, he claimed to have went to every game when they were relegated in 1977. Only then did i point out that they were actually relegated in 1974, and that i know their history better than him.
  11. Aye, people with white butchers coats, with the suited magpie drawn on in black marker, wearing Dr Martens. The people that is, not the magpies.
  12. He probably did, was he the ref against Brighton in the cup? That game against Brighton when we were robbed, was it a midweek cup replay in the early 1980's? If so I remember standing in the Gallowgate for that and when they scored there was complete silence apart from the comical sight of about 8 Brighton fans jumping around in the away part of the Leazes! I also remember going to Barnsley away in midweek around the same time period and we beat them 5 0, anyone remember that? Barnsley was the 1st away win i ever seen. I was straight on the "magpie travel" coach after school.
  13. I see Gazza was there yesterday, in a pair of shorts and tracksuit top. With him and Peter Beardsley being there, they made up almost a 5th of Englands Italia 90 team. A good win against a Boro side who haven't lost in a while by all accounts. Always freezing and windswept at that place though. I'm sure it would be like that in mid July even.
  14. Free admission for ALL for Tuesdays Res' game v Hartlepool they according to nufc.com. It beats watching eastenders. I think i'll go along.
  15. Scoreboard82

    Sports Direct

    That's fine if the whole country boycotted his shops, nationwide, but the rest of the country couldn't care less what Ashley does to NUFC. Most of the country probably have a good laugh at the way he treats us. A drop in sales at his Newcastle/metrocentre branch won't break him financially.
  16. hey, happy birthday sb82........42, whats it feel like being so old? Cheers cp40. My old ticker can't take any toon related stress for much longer.
  17. A lot of people say "you can only be classed as a big club if you win trophies". I would disagree. Ipswich and Forest won a few things late 70's early 80's. Leicester won the league cup a couple of times fairly recently, i think. I wouldn't say they were big clubs. The toon are a big, but unsuccessful club IMO.
  18. Could probably count them on one finger.
  19. Was watching my Scottish team, St Mirren, embarassingly lose 2-0 at home to Hamilton yesterday. Was good crack on train back however, got sat with some Hibs fans, from Darlo, if my semi drunken memory serves me right. Also some Toon s/ticket holders from Whitby, who had been to watch East Fife, believe it or not. Takes all sorts eh?
  20. Heard that on the train back from Forest on Saturday. Like it.
  21. I hope the mad and whacky scouser responsible for thrwing the beach ball on is pleased with themself.
  22. Agreed, regarding their fans. 1-0 to the famous team eh? I hope we give them a good trouncing at SJP and give them that back, but with a 4 or 5-0. If they are so big and famous, while we're so inferior, why as pointed out, celebrate as if they had won silverware. I suppose we're everyones cup final in this division. Was there some bother near the away end? Me and the daughter were walking along side that old stand, when a Forest fan suggested taking a detour, as it was going to "blow up" in his words. Then, on the train between Nottingham and Grantham, there was a suicidal, p***ed up, glory hunter of a Man U fan from Grantham, saying we are s**te and so are our fans. Needless to say he incurred the wrath of the travelling Toon fans, and was lucky to get off in one piece.
  23. Seems the young Irish contingent will be away with their country tomorrow and will miss the u18 game.
  24. I don't think we should let them play in England, even if they did start at the bottom. Why should they? Simply because they're succesful in their own league and have a big fan base? No way. Doesn't matter how good or big they are, they aren't english.
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