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Everything posted by olliemort

  1. in all fairness nobby never had pace!he has great skill,good crossing at times and a wicked shot!
  2. olliemort

    arsenal game

    only through agents online who will rip ya off!!they normally go on general sale 10 days before the match!so ring the box office 10 days before game and ya might get lucky!
  3. olliemort

    arsenal game

    get on to the club.to be honest id say will be impossible ta get in with away crowd why? Because newcastle will only get a couple of thousand tickets and they are prob snapped up already!
  4. olliemort

    arsenal game

    get on to the club.to be honest id say will be impossible ta get in with away crowd
  5. olliemort

    arsenal game

    The Arsenal match is being moved because they are involved in europe.No new date has being confirmed yet!Id imagine it will be difficult enough to get tickets for Bolton especially as its our first game of the season!Ya might get tickets in with the home crowd?
  6. The main two that annoy me are Michael Essien and Wayne Rooney. How the f*** are they above Hansen, Shearer, Greaves, Irwin or Robson? Where are the likes of Rob Lee, Peter Beardsley, Andy Cole, Shay Given for us? There are plenty of examples for other clubs too, like Freddy Ljungberg for Arsenal or Tim Cahill and Mikel Arteta for Everton off the top of my head. It just seems poorly thought out to me. Thoughts? Thats a f****** joke list to say the least!your telling me ronaldo deserves to be ahead of schemicael?having a laugh!!!theres so many players left out!ya rooney and essien ones pissed me off as well!!Zat Knight?thats a disgrace with no beardo,lee,given,cole,or even nobby?
  7. this disgusting kit only going to be used for pre-season isnt it? Aye, that's what it said on the website. That is easily the worst shit house shirt iv ever seen!!!
  8. Beginning of August so hardly any time to get up to speed, oh well Geremi can play in the middle... Ya true gos to show what a good signing he wos now!
  9. keep your new players injury free!i.e JOEY BARTON!!!!!!!!!
  10. I dont fucking believe it!!!ahhh..........!this for sure though?
  11. I left in disgust when I thought they'd scored a second. I found out it was cancelled out just as I was leaving but still was a bit pissed off so didn't bother to stay. Sorry to hear ya went all the way down to that place for nothing!
  12. I think what Sam said after the match tonight wos spot on!If he doesnt want to fight for the jersey than he should leave!But why would he wanna go to west ham and play with that muppet Bowyer!I hope we dont lose him cos when hes on his game theres not much midfielders in E ngland than him!
  13. surprised to see this poor result!I know missing a good few players but still how many times did we here that before!playing fuckin Carlisle like!Just hope it helps us move faster in the transfer market!I dont wanna see Ramage anywhere near the first team next year!seen nobbys goal,pure class,pure nobby!
  14. Wouldnt turn any of them down!Lahm is a relaistic target and hes quality would love ta see him join us!
  15. Think Il go for Taylor,still cant make up mind fully thogh,prob best to wait and see how else we get in transfer window!Deco maybe?
  16. olliemort


    Taylor would be a great choice but dont think portsmouth would sell and doubt if he would leave anyways!
  17. Was just thinking(hopeing) that myself.. Oh ya makes sense!
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