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Everything posted by thenige

  1. Hughton to make Blackburn 1000% more likeable.
  2. In fairness to the dodgy defensively Johnson, he's a player who despite his flaws is generally very good one-on-one which is why to an extent Jonas struggled and got a bit cancelled out. Looked a bit frustrated and has done the last few games. Unfortunately we really don't have anyone else to do his job, my best shout would have been getting Lua Lua back, but now he's injured that's not even an option.
  3. Would rather have him than someone like Kyrgiakos to be honest... Will Kadar ever get a chance/come good?
  4. thenige

    Alan Pardew

    My Tottenham supporting mate just summed it up perfectly. "it's just gone from being run by a c**t, to now also being managed by one"
  5. thenige

    Alan Pardew

    "Don't know the squad". Assess the squad (which he's only meeting tomorrow) by the weekend. Brilliant. Here comes Shola, Smith and Taylor leading the club for the foreseeable future. Give me strength.
  6. thenige

    Alan Pardew

    50 pence? Are you mental? Someone could spend that on a Twix instead. Twix's are awesome!
  7. thenige

    Alan Pardew

    Odds of Alan Smith starting against Liverpool and Enrique and Tiote being off in January?
  8. thenige

    Alan Pardew

    Someone tell that bastard to get his hands of our shirt.
  9. thenige

    Alan Pardew

    Actually just read the thread title as 'Alan Partridge' for a second there. I can only dream.
  10. Lowest as I can remember. Kinnear was so surreal at least it was funny. Relegation I always thought could make or break the club so remained optimistic. But fucking Pardew? Christ.
  11. thenige

    Alan Pardew

    Rather have than Pardew.
  12. Pretty much summed up my thoughts to be honest.
  13. thenige

    Chris Hughton

    Absolute shambles. So so unbelievable sad for Hughton. Haven't felt this physically sick about football since Sir Bobby got the boot. Go get a better job under a better chairman. Good luck to you Chris.
  14. thenige

    Danny Guthrie

    Doesn't strike me as ever being able to play above a 7 out of 10 level, and just doesn't even manage that often enough. Disappointing.
  15. Plays like me in eleven-a-side and I'm crap. Just goes completely missing for chunks of the game.
  16. The fact he kept them behind afterwards in the dressing room for at least an hour speaks volumes. He knows today wasn't good enough and I'm certain he let them know. Fair play. Now to rectify the fact...
  17. Wes Morgan is less Premier League quality than Perch. And sorry to be pedantic, but it's Kris Commons.
  18. Pretty certain Panorama did a program about how corrupt Jack Warner is a few years back (and a book was published). Was lovely how all the tickets for Warner's region could only be sold via a local ticket agency (run by his brother-in-law, or something similar). Jack Warner and Blatter are as bad as each other, but no matter how much they are shown in a bad light, still come out for these kinds of things unscathed. Shambles to be honest.
  19. Just got frustrated with the constant toe stamping, elbows and sly digs. Fair play to Elmander and Davies for completely roughing him up, but midfield gave him absolutely no support today. Red card was stupid yeah, but he's still been one of our best performers this season. One bad day won't ruin him. Fabregas was horrendous against us the other week, doesn't mean he's an awful footballer. Some people on here really need some bloody perspective.
  20. To be fair Colo's had no protection whatsoever, and he isn't the first CB to get bossed by Davies and Elmander this season. Bad day at the office but careful with these kneejerks else you'll lose your shoes at this rate.
  21. NOW I remember why we got relegated. We had no central midfield to speak of. Pretty much like today...
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