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Everything posted by thewellander

  1. To be honest, I can't care less if we lose this game. Hopefully our young defenders and Krul (EDIT) *learn* some lessons from this.
  2. Is Enrique on a big salary? If he's not, I can't see why we would deal him, regardless of another LB coming into the team on loan. Deal him? He's not a pack of cards...................... Anyhow, we 'deal' Enrique and I'll do time for chopping that fat bastards fat sweaty bollocks off with a blunt hacksaw blade. Must be a North American term?
  3. Doesn't sound like we're creating a lot of chances at the moment.
  4. Is Enrique on a big salary? If he's not, I can't see why we would deal him, regardless of another LB coming into the team on loan.
  5. I assume you mean on .co.uk...What browser are you using? I use Firefox and/or Safari on an iMac, and it doesn't work on either. I have an old PC with IE and it works a charm.
  6. I hope Guthrie has a good game and establishes himself as a starter over Butt and Nolan.
  7. Very good signing if it's true. Two decent LBs would be a great thing.
  8. We need an owner with the financial backing to appoint a proper football manager who will come in and sort out the mess with decent transfers. The window for that to happen is getting impossibly small. We'll only get back into the Premiership if we get our on-field situation sorted out, and for that I think we need a manager with knowledge of the game, not knowledge of Newcastle United specifically. Moat can have all the knowledge and good intentions in the world, but if he doesn't have the means, then he will be a disaster for this club. The owner's #1 priority will be to give backing to a good manager, who will make his own decisions and be supported for at least a few years.
  9. It was about this time that I was mercilessly making fun of my friend who's a Tottenham fan about how Ramos was going to get them relegated. He was very gracious when we went down, to be fair to him.
  10. That news story on the opening page reads like my NUFC wet dream, tbh. U.S. owners who want to re-brand NUFC on a global level means the team would likely come to North America for friendlies. But then I remember that this if the Newcastle United takeover thread, so none of it is true.
  11. This is all too much to take.
  12. Come to think about it, I can't believe the club apparently told the media to expect an announcement on Monday, only to have that announcement be that they are extending deadline for the sale of the club, which they had never set in the first place. Actually, sadly I can believe it.
  13. I would prefer a proper manager to Hughton (and Shearer, tbh) but he deserves massive plaudits for what he's managed to do since last season. He seems to have instilled a sense of belief amongst the players that has been missing for a very long time. I realize it's against so-called "lesser" opposition, but give the lads these last four games at the end of last year and I don't know that we would have anywhere near 10 points.
  14. Despite the author, this does seem to be the most realistic take on what's going on.
  15. We should get Lovenkrands back in asap, imo. He was a good player or us last year and should do well in this league. If he wants back, I should hope that he'll be welcome.
  16. AAAARGH!!! (that was the sound I just made as my head exploded, btw).
  17. We have a dangerously thin squad and the fewer games we have to play this season, the better. This will be an excellent opportunity for the young lads to get 90 minutes of football under their belt, and if we lose, I'll won't be bothered.
  18. My hope is that since Ashley and Moat are the only options and either might be owner in a week's time, that the two of them have decided on a compromise manager who will be supported either way, and that is what this press conference is about.
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