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Everything posted by thewellander

  1. I've read some complete B.S. before, but nothing compares to Taylor replacing Terry. Never going to happen.
  2. thewellander

    Joey Barton

    He definitely deserves to be disliked, but if he's going to stay then it's in the best interests of the fans to cheer for him and make him want to do well for us. He can be a key player for us this season if he can stay fit--physically and mentally.
  3. thewellander

    Joey Barton

    If he stays in the club come next month, then the best thing to do is to support him and hope that he can reach his potential with us. He's the quality of player we'll need to get promoted, even if he hasn't proven that yet.
  4. Very, very nice. Where can I get a hold of one of these on the Internet to ship it to Canada?
  5. Terrible, overpaid, unmotivated, uncaring, injury-prone players, with a paper-thin squad. Owner trying to sell the club. No manager in place. I'm sorry, but how can anyone think we're going anywhere but nowhere as things stand? I'm starting at 7 and we'll see where we go.
  6. No. But I think they could, maybe, fight for a playoff spot.
  7. I can't handle the speculation. I'm off for the weekend. I suggest everyone takes a break from the drama and hopes that some real news comes around by Monday.
  8. If this is true, it actually really pisses me off. He did f#*$ all for us, we got relegated and he'll be playing with the defending champions in the Champions League, pushing for a premiership title.
  9. He was heavily linked to ManUre when he came to us, was he not? If Ferguson didn't want him them, I can't imagine he would be too interested in him now.
  10. I had been expecting Fat Freddy to announced as the new owner very soon, but now it looks like it might drag on. Which begs an interesting question: Would you rather have an immediate sale to Fat Fred allowing us to get our act together in time to make a push to a return to the Premier League next season or Would you rather that the sale drags on in the hopes of a better owner but probably another year in the Fizzy Pop League before we can sort out our problems?
  11. Ashley wants out and if nobody else is beating down the doors to buy us, then Freddy is it, and there's no sense in complaining about it or not supporting him or the club. As it stands right now, we either have Freddy or we have nobody - Ashley will not spend any more of his money on us. Having nobody means we are going nowhere but down. Having Freddy gives us a chance at stability with Shearer as a long term manager and a chance at getting back to the Premiership. So, if he does end up buying the club, all I can say is "welcome back and good luck."
  12. If this is true and it means getting rid of Ashley & co., having Shearer appointed and sorting out our push to get back into the Premiership, then I'm willing to give Freddy a second chance. At any rate, I'm desperate to feel optimistic about this club.
  13. So, Luque was saying that the club had no vision and his evidence was that they signed a tit like him who only came to Newcastle for the money?
  14. I don't feel Edgar is good enough for the Premier League (says the guy with his picture as his avatar) but he might be a decent enough player for us this season. The only time I've seen him play live, where I could get a good look at him, was in the youth World Cup in Toronto a few years back, and he absolutely wilted under pressure. The boy needs playing time to get experience. If he can't get it with us, I won't blame him for moving on, if he does.
  15. They have an adult small here: http://www.uksoccershop.com/products/6343.html Can't vouch for them, though. I've never bought off that site.
  16. We need him to stay and he should be made captain, imo. I can see Taylor getting that honour if Shearer is manager, though.
  17. Lovenkrands is one of the few players I hope actually stays. I have nothing bad to say about the guy and I think he could be a decent player for us in the Championship. Realistically, we can only hope to keep him if nobody else goes after him, and considering he can come on a free, I imagine someone will sign him up.
  18. Same for me. I wear this one regularly...and I look damn good.
  19. To be fair, it's his agency that's making the comparison. Who knows if he actually believes that. I'll be happy, though, when his contract is up and he's officially moved on. What a disaster he's been for us.
  20. I don't rate him on a Premier League level but for the CCC, we could probably do worse. I don't rate the MLS as being anywhere near the quality of the CCC. I wouldn't want Landy-Cakes within 10 miles of NUFC.
  21. Spurs come out with three new kits a year, plus two new keeper kits to boot. They're clearly running out of good ideas.
  22. thewellander

    SAS to SOS?

    If we have any manager for 2 or 3 whole seasons, I'll be thrilled.
  23. It's not like I can go to the stadium to watch the game. I work my ass off all week and one of the things I really look forward to is being able to watch Newcastle on the weekends over the winter. We go down and that's that. It amazes me that a team that is supposed to have the most "passionate" supporters would have so many assholes on a message board giving people grief for feeling strongly about the club and wanting to follow the team if we go down.
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