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Everything posted by thewellander

  1. I'm staying on 7 until we have a proper manager and start getting transfers in. I'm really happy about current results but not going to get carried away.
  2. Too much time on my hands on a rainy Saturday... http://img6.imageshack.us/img6/2139/nile2e.jpg http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/8052/nile1.jpg
  3. Watching this match. Man U was bad in the first half. Owen about to come on...
  4. http://cache3.asset-cache.net/xc/89999526.jpg?v=1&c=NewsMaker&k=2&d=77BFBA49EF878921CC759DF4EBAC47D0C9985398AA69329E2F192CD2EFFB72197F4A0FAF079FDC17
  5. Apart from Sky Sports website, who else reported this? Is it official? its not official. Its a joke man. The Guardian is reporting it now: http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2009/aug/21/mike-ashley-announcement-newcastle-takeover
  6. 2 appearances, 15 minutes combined time on the pitch, to be fair.
  7. It's only a matter of time before someone's ITK bulls**t turns out to be correct simply by coincidence.
  8. I don't really get why our defenders are attracting so many bidders in the Premiership, tbh. Someone should tell them that we had the 2nd worse goals against in the league last year. Kilgallon would be a welcome addition, I'm sure, but I find it hard to believe that there is someone here making a decision on bringing players in.
  9. that's basically what we said last season about last season's team (around this time too) To be fair, though, that's the one good thing about playing in this league. There aren't any games that are obvious defeats. I think all our games are both winnable and potentially losable.
  10. Butt is supposed to be fit for this one, correct? I reckon he'll be involved if he's fit. I'm not saying that because I want him to be involved, I just think that it will happen. Harper Simpson Taylor Colo Enrique Barton Guthrie Nolan Jonas Ameobi Carroll That team is capable of winning any game this season, assuming they're fit. Hopefully we'll get a good result. The last time we won three in a row was under Keegan at the end of 07 / 08, I believe.
  11. We've needed a creative midfielder since we lost Emre and Solano (and possibly before then).
  12. I think he's at every game regardless.
  13. I meant that assuming that he would still be owner. I would prefer that he sell the club, of course, but I'm desperate to have us back in the EPL.
  14. Quick favour: could nobody mention the Liverpool v Stoke score. It's on Setanta after the ManUre game, and I'm interested in watching. Cheers! How have you got Setanta? Yeah, it's still in Canada, if that's what you mean. But I have Setanta-i on my computer, which is excellent imo.
  15. Quick favour: could nobody mention the Liverpool v Stoke score. It's on Setanta after the ManUre game, and I'm interested in watching. Cheers!
  16. very well apparently Seemed like a good lad based on the .co.uk interview.
  17. Xisco hasn't had much of a chance. I hope he can do well for us this year.
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