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Everything posted by thewellander

  1. I've often said that Villa are the team that give me most hope that we can someday push ahead. They've made all the right moves. Every team in England should be looking to emulate what they've done. I would love to see them in the Champions League next year, but mostly I would love to see MON here. I can dream.
  2. Spurs because I can't stand them (and I don't really know why) Boro because they're Boro Blackburn because Allardyce manages them. Also, all three of those teams have some half decent players that we could pick up when they jump ship.
  3. thewellander


    Perhaps: ---------------------Harper------------------- Raylor-----Coloccini----Bassong----Enrique Lov-----------------Butt-------------Jonas -----------------Nolan---------------- ------------Viduka----Martins Offers pace and could make opposing defenders think twice.
  4. how will it improve him? he should have been made to work hard until the end of the season for the extension Yeah, I don't know. I'm just trying really, really hard to love my club and feel optimistic at the moment.
  5. I'm grasping at straws, but maybe having his future tied up will improve his form for the rest of this year, even if just marginally. I'd certainly hope that he won't be getting as much playing time next season, new contract or not.
  6. I feel more confident that we can stay up provided he stays fit. Get ready for the "Having Oba back is like a new signing" b.s. from the club, though.
  7. I'd have to agree that we've come out with a marginally better squad, especially since the two players we lost wanted to leave, but we absolutely needed to do better this month and with the state of our team we were counting on better signings. So in that regard we've weakened our relegation fight significantly and for no good reason.
  8. I have half a feeling that Smith is going to come back and save our entire season. He has a lot to prove. Would be hilarious in a way, tbh.
  9. I was just going to type, "F*ck off Insomnia, you f*cking c***!!!" and then I read that. Still.
  10. thewellander

    Ryan Taylor

    I'm upset that we didn't sign more, but I am happy that we signed Raylor and Nolan, and Lovenkrands has looked ok so far. Raylor is the kind of player you want in an injury-ravaged team, since he can play in a few positions competently. Also, he probably sees the club as a step up and will approach football here with determination and passion.
  11. Relegation means at least a year of me not being able to watch NUFC on television (and probably not at all, really). If we get relegated, I'll die a little inside.
  12. I said I would support Ashley and then reassess after the window closed. There can be no doubt now that Ashley has no intention of bringing this club forward. We're in the worst state that we've ever been in. We're in real danger of dropping. And he made a profit on the window. Bringing in Lovenkrads, Raylor, and Nolan was literally the least he could do to even give us a chance at not going down. I'm gutted.
  13. With the money coming in from Given and Insomnia, I'm expecting that we'll at least try to make a decent signing tomorrow. I definitely won't be getting any work done in the morning.
  14. We simply have to win this. If we can get our confidence up and get some fit players in for the FA cup layoff, then maybe we can get something out of the Everton game and start moving in the right direction. We're running out of winnable games. No sense in predicting a team until after tomorrow.
  15. Strange. But so are Abdoulaye Faye and James Milner... so I wouldn't trust it. All of the players who moved out in this year are in a different colour. But N'Zogbia seems to be listed as transferred, and I don't think that's official yet.
  16. I knew this was coming, but it still hurt a little when I saw the pic of him in the Manchester City shirt. This is definitely a conflicting moment. On the one hand, I want to feel grateful for the years of service, but on the other I'm pissed off at him for the way that he left. But, at the end of the day, we have Harper in net now and he wants to be with Newcastle and genuinely loves the club, so I choose to feel happy for him more than anything else.
  17. Saylor definitely had a good game at RB and should start there again against WBA. Raylor should probably start on the bench, tbh, but it will be good to have a player like him on the bench who can cover in a few positions when our players get the inevitable injuries.
  18. You should try watching the pre-match coverage on Canadian television. We had two ex-Sunderland players from Toronto FC and two blokes who had no idea what they were talking about. My favorite was when they were going over the list of Newcastle injuries and the one guy actually said, "it's really too bad that they've lost Cacapa. He played some great games under Kinnear when he first arrived and Newcastle have really missed him." I don't think they even watch football. Certainly not Newcastle.
  19. At least in the 2nd half, the lads really showed that they wanted it, with the exception of Butt. Tactics were poor, though, I thought.
  20. It's heartening to me to see Villa doing so well. I'm interested in what happens to them, but that's about it. Otherwise, the relegation fight is way more interesting.
  21. You know what, f*ck it, I'm excited about this signing. Everything has sucked lately, so I'm going to choose to believe this is the best signing of all time. Is it too early to dub him King Kev II?
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