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Everything posted by Fatwax

  1. Shay has a fit wife. Keegan has got skills on the catwalk. Alan Smith looks like an older guy trying to be a student.
  2. I don't see him being a world beater, not by any means, but he's played at a decent level at least, will know Beye, Faye and Cacapa and should hopefully slot in quite comfortably.
  3. Fatwax


    Babayaro has been released by MLS Galaxy http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10278~1257256,00.html
  4. Fatwax

    Who is better?

    What do you prefer, a dog faced boy or a boy faced dog? I prefer Wenger.
  5. You got inside info on results like? Turns out that football is fake, like wrestling. You should read next weeks storyline. Insider, yo.
  6. Out of interest, can anyone recall at which point last season West Ham started to win games, keeping them up? Just wondering, like.
  7. It's getting harder and harder to look at the same team sheet every week, but at the end of the day I trust Kevin to look after the team I love. HOWAY!
  8. Just this season. Not bashing Given though, just wanna point out Krul has too many injuries---his shoulders seems too weak for a professional goalkeeper. Fair play. I think that one big injury tends to set you up for more.
  9. don't see how you come to either of those conclusions. When Keegan signed Soderberg he did mention Given and Harper but not Krul---just like he even don't know Krul is belonged to Newcastle. Check Krul's injury record---it is even more terrible than Given's. Up until last season when Harwood destroyed Givens' stomach, Shay was very rarely injured. To say that he's had a terrible injury record is a bit daft really.
  10. If Smith starts, we lose. Heh, if we're winning comfortably with Smith on the bench come 80 minutes, I reckon we should play him just so he can pick up a yellow & a 2 match ban. Gets him out the way.
  11. He has recognised this, and tried to strengthen the squad with bids for Woodgate, Alvaro and Barnes. Getting worried...the above players are not exactly very good players either. Even if the above players come in, doubt it will improve the squad by very much. Two of these are defnders and one is midfield. Does Keegan know where our porblems lie ie can't score goals. I hope you're not implying that it's upfront that's the real problem. We can't score goals because the strikers aren't getting anything.
  12. I'm surprised more people don't mention this player when suggesting possible signings.. fantastic talent.
  13. I refuse to listen to any article written by Alan 'socks off' Oliver. He can give me all the Keegan quotes in the world, I aint buying it. Could be a smokescreen for Kaka!
  14. He appears to be an attacking midfielder, of the mould that sits behind the strikers, but ahead of the midfield, pulling the strings and creating chances. I've seen a few articles call him a playmaker. Sexy stuff.
  15. Fatwax


    Beye doesn't get injured. Ever.
  16. I wouldn't be surprised to see either Taylor, Beye or Given get the captains armband. I think we really need a leader, though. Something that we're lacking.
  17. http://www.qarl.com/qLab/pile/300/SPARTA.jpg Get this man in.
  18. Tbf, he's only had one real job. The other one was a mickey mouse one in which anyone could have succeeded (bringing Juve back up). It's an ambitious move and has come out of nowhere but I don't see much difference between him and Shearer. He'll know more about football in general because of his international and club experience but Shearer will get more time from our fans. I wonder why they've gone for him and not Shearer What I mean is more this type of manager, rather than specifically Deschamps.. although I do like his attacking approach from the Juve matches I watched.
  19. I don't see how anyone could object to an appointment like this, really. All for it.
  20. Depends how much Ashley and Mort rate him ? He would be their choice. Not yours, or mine. What would you then say would be the reason for sacking Sam ? When replacing him with a manager who likes to wheel and deal among the 2m pound johnny average footballers ? You have to accept this, or concede that they genuinely rate Redknapp. The acid test is, how do they back him, rather than the actual choice, because we all have our opinions and they are no different to anybody else in that respect. If they see him as a reasonable manager who will hold our own in the premiership, and don't really back him, and appoint him on that basis, then I'm sorry but you are going to have to accept that their ambitions for the club are also limited, and not so much as the old board. So - do you think Liverpool etc would appoint Harry Redknapp ? After all, we've listened to people spouting off for ages that the fat b****** was taking the club backwards, lowering standards etc and anybody else would be better ? Don't get me wrong, I'm disappointed this has all happened yesterday, but the fact is that now they have to show their hand now, so we will see what they do. As always, I will believe they are better when they prove it, and their ambition for the club. I think asking what Liverpool would do is quite misleading. You're right in that the real test will come in how much they back whoever they appoint, but if you're going to ask whether Liverpool would appoint Harry Redknapp, I could easily ask whether Liverpool would hire Graeme Souness, Glenn Roeder or Sam Allardyce? Yes they would.
  21. Didn't know where to put this little piece of ITK mis-information.. this seemed the best place. I work in a casino in Derby and tonight we've had quite a few Geordies in the place, since Stoke is fairly close. I was chatting over a busy roulette table about this story and he told me that apparently the NUFC board have been talking with Alan Shearer about taking over as manager.. and Shearer agreed to the idea. ..I want to add now that I have no idea if this would be mid-season, in theory or at the end etc. He said that his source was the club doctor, a close friend of his. He also said something about a signing taking place, but I could only get bits and bats since I was working at the time. Probably nothing.. but if true.. Hm.
  22. Fatwax

    Ronaldo off?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you say something about Crouch coming to us this window a while back? Not having a go btw, honestly enquiring.
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