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Everything posted by Fatwax

  1. it makes absolute sense why people want this deal so bad. Beyond the fact that he’s a fully established Brazilian international and would be a huge statement signing his best friend is one of, if not our top player and statement signing from January. The idea of an all Brazilian midfield who are all best buds is just *chef kiss*
  2. Aye. 5m+ for ‘only Lingard’.
  3. Fatwax


    thats the thing, they’re never ‘in peace’, it’s just… here on a public forum. it’s the weird obsession with territories, skirmishes, fans in peace… it’s a fucking sport, not armed conflict.
  4. yeah.. I’m going to need the full article immediately.
  5. Much like his name he’s backwards.
  6. What do we think is worse, the endless pages of no-one really being linked day after day or the absolute ghost town of previous years when we would have a handful of posts at best and we were all safe in the knowledge that we weren't even looking?
  7. I agree, but given for the first time in 10-14 years in some cases it’s the first time a lot of us have cared and been invested it’s inevitably going to feel frustrating. We’ve been given a taste of being a real football club and it’s addictive. Saying that though, there are some posters flapping a bit and should probably step outside. ?
  8. that all started when a poster - sicko2ndbest or something - made a thread about needing black power like Portsmouth I think. It was shot down by loads of people and became a forum meme.
  9. Noon are really good, use them all the time. we also have Amazon out here by the way.
  10. Born in 85. I think it was probably John Barnes. I vividly remember the ‘90 season I think it was when he was electric.
  11. Fatwax

    Elliot Anderson

    Does this mean he can come back here and be involved in our final fixtures?
  12. Is it bitter to think that the Liverpool players were suspiciously that much fitter and able to recover? Or is the gulf in ability really that big?
  13. I taught Lascelles when he was at school back in 2009 on my PGCE.
  14. Fatwax


    Oh yes quite possibly. My knowledge is minimal at best, but its an interesting topic for sure.
  15. Fatwax


    There was a poster on here who wrote their dissertation on the the historical rivalry between Newcastle and Sunderland and I'm pretty sure the coal and ship industry were massive factors.
  16. Yeah this heat stuff is nonsense… it’s cool in the evenings at this time of year. I need to wear a jacket out.
  17. Fatwax

    Jesse Lingard

    Throw in a transfer request then. Do it.
  18. Then there’ll be no difference then
  19. It’s not that hot this time of year. Humidity is nothing like it is from April onwards.
  20. https://web.archive.org/web/20180309102546/http://ashleyout.com/facts Enjoy
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