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Everything posted by Fatwax

  1. Fatwax

    Jonas Gutierrez

    I think merson was more or less right with his comments on the squad. Not too sure about AC like, but he's definitely showing some potential at the moment, that can't be denied.
  2. Everyone on SSN reckons we'll win by 2 goals. There was an interview with jonas too.
  3. Portsmouth REJECTED! Pay up Pompey, Pompey pay up.
  4. I rate Cisse higher than Jones. Different types of players obviously. Rafa is a moron, he's had chance after chance to bring some good quality players in with some decent transfer budgets and he's fumbled the ball almost every play. Prick.
  5. Ameobi w/ hamstring injury - expected back in about two weeks from now Nicky Butt w/ thigh injury - expected back in next few weeks (FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU) Jose Enrique w/ hamstring injury - expected back end of Feb / early march Steven Taylor w/ knee injury - expected back mid March Haris Vuckic w/ knee & ankle injuries - expected back into training soonish, was said to be out for 12 weeks back in early October Joey Barton w/ foot injury for a change - currently training with squad after 4 month lay off. Next few weeks
  6. Yeah but aren't teams also meant to field the strongest possible team in the cups aswell? We all know Arsenals policy when it comes to things like the league cup... the fine stinks of trying to look like the governing body actually has some power so poke the little teams whilst they coil out a terror turd over the billy big bollocks of the leagues.
  7. So they've been handed a fine but they don't have to pay the fine? How exactly does that work? My parking fines definitely aren't the same.
  8. For fielding a weakened team against Man Utd back on December 15th. What a load of bollocks.
  9. How about FIFA stop pricking about with this kind of thing and try to improve the shocking quality of refereeing in the professional game and sort out the game at grassroots level. That'd be a better use of time.
  10. Fatwax

    Players in public

    I remember that goal he gave us when we were playing West Ham in 06-07 season. One of our players was massively offside and the linesman flagged but Uriah ran over to him and said he was wrong. Any other line of work and these kind of people would be let go. I once played in a football tournament with Jeff Winter as 'celebrity' ref. Had some awesome banter on him though, proper character.
  11. Agree with this. We're a few stops away from the pen being taken from the centre spot with the player dribbling up for a shot on goal. That s*** can f*** off. That's the shoot-out process that some high schools use in Texas for tied games. Ball is placed 35 yards from goal (easy with the grid iron stadiums we play in) and the attacker has 5 seconds to get the shot away. I was 10 minutes from going to a shootout last night (as the center ref) and luckily one team got a coupld of quick goals. Didn't want to go through the mechanics of timing the 5 secs and the drama of the shootout.....inevitably there are keeper/shooter collisions resulting in possible PK and ejections. However, all that said.....for the last-man foul, a red card and this style shot would see to deal with the infringement and replace the scoring opportunity. I thought they used a system in MLS or at least America but didn't want to say it in case I was wrong since I don't really watch them leagues. Where do the other players stand, sidelines?
  12. Fatwax

    Players in public

    I once outran Uriah Rennie in the Sheffield half marathon. Fat cunt.
  13. Agree with this. We're a few stops away from the pen being taken from the centre spot with the player dribbling up for a shot on goal. That shit can fuck off.
  14. He never turns up at the moment, that's the problem. The infuriating thing is that I've seen him slot some really clever through balls to the strikers before and make some tidy passes. If he applied himself, lost the blubber and made a showing for the ball he could be a fairly valuable asset, considering he's got a good strike on him and can head the ball well.
  15. That's another thing about Hughton, he's made some proper questionable subs during matches that have infuriated me but somehow paid off. Obviously this aint for every match - Derby being a massive culprit.
  16. I'm always torn with Hughton. I reckon he gets way too much stick on here considering he's got up more or less to the top of the table from the very start and created what appears to be a good team atmosphere with the same players that looked absolutely horrendous in the premier league. ..on the other hand he's thrown out some questionable line ups to say the least and relies too much on certain players, essentially all of our central midfielders who have no engine. There's a whole host of problems, especially with the majority matches that I've been to this season. But after all of that we are still looking good for promotion and that was the best we could have hoped for this time in September.
  17. Fatwax

    Danny Guthrie

    In his mind he is a midfield general, you know the sort from Sunday league; jog around the middle of the park pointing and then stand with their hands on their hips when the ball doesn't go exactly to their feet. He thinks he's Michael Carrick but doesn't have the quality to pull it off. One dimensional player, no pace, no spark. I generally don't mind the huge wages players are on because those at the top end deserve to be remunerated to a level commensurate with their skill levels and the entertainment they bring. To see very average, journeyman players like Guthrie trousering the kind cash he is on exemplifies everything that is wrong with modern football. I'd hardly say he was a journeyman. Do you think he is PL class? I think he'd be a useful squad member if / when we get back to the premiership and he stayed here. Not a world beater, but good for squad depth. I just thought that you didn't quite understand what a journeyman is, he's only had 4 clubs since the age of 16 or so. On the contrary, I think you are the one struggling with the definition of 'journeyman' Oxford English Dictionary: A reliable but not outstanding worker Other online dictionary definitions: 2. an experienced and competent worker, but not an outstanding one. 2. Hence: A competent and experienced worker who performs adequately but without a high level of expertise or imagination. (This one sums Guthrie up perfectly!) 1. somebody with ordinary competence: a competent and reliable but unexceptional performer or exponent of something. (This one's not too bad either) Well, yeah.. the literal sense of the term journeyman may well be that, but as you can see from other peoples' posts just above, the term journeyman has become something of a cliche in the football world where the original meaning has changed over time and it's used in a different context. A journeyman footballer is generally considered to be a player that's constantly been moving from club to club for whatever reason. Newspaper article using the term 'journeyman' in this context: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1124722/Have-boots-travel-Footballs-journeymen.html A web article with a definiteion of a journeyman footballer: http://en.allexperts.com/e/j/jo/journeyman_(football).htm
  18. Fatwax

    Danny Guthrie

    In his mind he is a midfield general, you know the sort from Sunday league; jog around the middle of the park pointing and then stand with their hands on their hips when the ball doesn't go exactly to their feet. He thinks he's Michael Carrick but doesn't have the quality to pull it off. One dimensional player, no pace, no spark. I generally don't mind the huge wages players are on because those at the top end deserve to be remunerated to a level commensurate with their skill levels and the entertainment they bring. To see very average, journeyman players like Guthrie trousering the kind cash he is on exemplifies everything that is wrong with modern football. I'd hardly say he was a journeyman. Do you think he is PL class? I think he'd be a useful squad member if / when we get back to the premiership and he stayed here. Not a world beater, but good for squad depth. I just thought that you didn't quite understand what a journeyman is, he's only had 4 clubs since the age of 16 or so.
  19. Fatwax

    Danny Guthrie

    In his mind he is a midfield general, you know the sort from Sunday league; jog around the middle of the park pointing and then stand with their hands on their hips when the ball doesn't go exactly to their feet. He thinks he's Michael Carrick but doesn't have the quality to pull it off. One dimensional player, no pace, no spark. I generally don't mind the huge wages players are on because those at the top end deserve to be remunerated to a level commensurate with their skill levels and the entertainment they bring. To see very average, journeyman players like Guthrie trousering the kind cash he is on exemplifies everything that is wrong with modern football. I'd hardly say he was a journeyman.
  20. I chose NUFC over a relationship. She wanted me to pick between her or it.
  21. Routledge was tackled, but stumbled and recovered... then the linesman flagged and the ref blew just as Routledge crossed in a ball that Carroll beat his man for and headed away. Complete joke as it was obvious that advantage should have been played. That was in the 2nd minute or so of the 2nd half and would have completely changed the game. Fitz Hall, as Greg said, totally skinned one of their players. Hope he keeps it up, looked alright. Oh and to the Southerner sat behind me and shouting to van Aarnholt to 'go back to Chelsea'... you're a cunt.
  22. We miss him when the backup doesnt perform well enough. You keep alluding to him being the best defender we have, theres no evidence for it. Hes valuable obviously. I'd say performance-wise Colo and Taylor's performance have been similar. Some mistakes, but overall decent. Which is something that can't be said for the "stand-ins" ! What have Hall and Williamson done wrong? Conceded one in Williamson's first three games (MOTM against Palace, was very solid against Leicester too) and according to the guy who went today Hall played well. Basically you've no idea what went wrong tonight as you haven't seen it and you're just making stuff up to blame who you feel like. Fitz Hall looked good tonight for the most part. Leon Best had his back to goal constantly.
  23. Just got back from the game. Nolan is a lazy cunt. The officials at the game gave some absolutely shocking decisions. No doubt people will claim bias, but they were absolutely terrible and cost us a perfect good equaliser and for us to actually concede the first one. We didn't deserve to win the game by any stretch of the imagination but you expect better officiating than that for £30 a fucking ticket.
  24. Didn't he used to manage huddesfield or someone like that?
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