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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. After everything I've read and heard about Fonseca now I think I'm going to be actually gutted if it doesn't transpire. He sounds like an exciting appointment with a great philosophy. After the last 2 and a bit seasons it'll just be good to have a manager with a style and philosophy full stop.
  2. We're public enemy number 1 at the moment and because of his jovial, nice guy, buffoon temperament towards other managers, players and journalists his actual ability gets overlooked, glossed over and sometimes down right lied about. Bruce is just another stick to beat us with as they all flail around desperately trying to convince themselves we don't deserve anything nice and we won't amount to anything, let alone have a chance of beating the usual media darlings. I love it all, they hate us and they hate us because they're scared of us, keep throwing the shade it'll make the victory all that sweeter when it comes around.
  3. Arteta vs Bruce Played 4 Won 4 Goals for 10 Goals against 0 Of course he's gutted
  4. I'm already sold on Fonseca now, just get it done.
  5. Man this is like Thursday takeover news all over again! #Cans2.0
  6. He's 0ne of those round the u-bend snakes you've got to break up with the toilet brush.
  7. Literally on the previous page, I'm sooo lazy
  8. Sorry if Giggs, just seen this posted yesterday, pretty damning:
  9. At this moment in time I would snap your hand off at any of those 3, this list of premiership ex-players turns my stomach. I just want a decent jump up the ladder of managers, let's be honest we're not getting someone like Pep this early into a takeover and we don't have to imagine whoever is coming in is the one that has the opportunity to take us to the league title in 5-10 years time. We need someone who will steady the ship, get us pointing the right way in the table and build the foundations of a team that will be comfortable next season and maybe push some of the top 8 teams. It's going to be a long process, it doesn't have to all be achieved by 1 manager.
  10. By all accounts the dead man walking tag doesn't help but lets not kid ourselves here, Bruce has been this bad at his job from the start, it was just papered over by some fantastic individual performances previously. The rot has well and truly set in now and the luck has run out, the players are criminally unfit, uncoached and the team has no discernible style/approach to games. At this point we probably stand a better chance if he does stop trying.
  11. Borderline? He's flying in the face of negligence with one finger up on each hand
  12. Bruce has always been a major part of what's wrong with the club, Ashley was obviously the main issue but Bruce has been stinking up the club far too long. The takeover seems to have exacerbated the issue and made it worse, the self destruction has hit critical mass and he needs to be jettisoned for any fire fighting to be done now. The longer he is here, the longer it takes the next guy to fumigate the place and undo the damage caused. Whether someone is lined up or not, his mere presence is causing serious damage to the club now.
  13. Through all the emotion yesterday, from seeing the new owners, the opening atmosphere and the early goal. Bruce soured the occasion, the last visible blockade of an era were eager to forget, an onfield performance to rival the tepid, turgid football of the past 14 years. However there was still a feeling of hope, clouded by anger, but there bubbling under the surface, this was the beginning of something new. The sooner he is gone, the better, but I'd them get it right than make mistakes with haste. They've seen it first hand and I'm sure the management structure is an immediate concern for the new owners, once that hurdle is leapt the slow progress to recovery can be made. We saw a glimpse of what we can be again, we saw a glimpse of the old support, give us something to shout about and the sky is the limit. Its all been very surreal but yesterday it felt more concrete and I allowed myself to feel again, probably prematurely as the performance and result hurt like it hadn't in years but its good to know its still there. I cannot wait for the future of this club post Ashley.
  14. Joelinton is just a Brazilian Shola but without the odd spawny goal isn't he?
  15. The commentators have blamed everything but Bruce for this and spent the entire match blowing smoke up his arse. How can you eulogise him under such antithical visual evidence??
  16. Waste of a week, waste of a match, something has to be done with this fat mess masquerading as a football manager, tomorrow! What an horrific end to an almost perfect week.
  17. Can't wait to hear about the positives of this match
  18. Absolutely horrific this, what a shocking way to celebrate a new takeover. Bruce continues to sour the atmosphere.
  19. This, this is exactly why Bruce should have been launched from a cannon a week ago. Letting the players manage themselves would have been better ffs
  20. Wanted us to win after that first one went in but if it does continue to get worse at least it shows how desperately we need to get rid of Bruce
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