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Everything posted by Mattoon
He's hit and miss with his opinions tbf, but at least he's consistent and sticks to his principals. Don't particularly like the guy and he's as tactful as a ballet dancing bull, I just find him a bit meh.
Let's not forget he came out with this while the ink on the takeover was still wet. Everyone connected to the club was in delirium and he's taking this angle. Still has the gaul to claim to be a fan too, rancid semolina faced gimp.
"I've always been a Derby fan me like."
I don't understand, why can't they just hire one guy, say from the tea room, to do it all? This seems costly.
Clocks ticking Steve, better get packed to move back to mancland. Buh bye, you won't be missed.
The absolute fuuuume and hate on twitter is glorious, seething supporters sniping us down with petulant tear soaked faces. I'm here for it, I'm here for all of it, makes this even sweeter. We're on the tips of the nations tongues and rent free in the minds of jealous fans, long may it continue
Be interesting to find out if the consortium signed some kind of NDA or whether we'll hear how much Ashley was siphoning out of the club and how.
Ugh what an absolute victim, maybe if you didn't treat us like idiots, condescending at every opportunity, talked the club up instead of down and admitted when it was clearly too much for you, you might have gotten a little respect. Take ownership of your failings, take your payoff and don't darken our doorstep again.
Give him back now, thanks
It's over, it's actually over, the stingiest billionaire has left the building for the last time, a 14 year dark cloud has left St James' Park, a new era begins and we have the whole world at our feet. Pinch me! I think its pretty obvious the PL knew they were going to lose that CAT case and the piracy issue was a back door out of what would be a humiliating experience. Ah well, who cares, WE RICH BOYYYS!!!
Just seen that Alex Hurst interview on Twitter he looks like a more unkempt Hodor ffs. However I will not let him spoil tonight's buzz!!
Maybe just a golden effigy on thr landing page?
If this happens at 3pm on Friday does that mean @HTT II gets made a mod?
Needs to be stoned with sports direct mugs
What the prick doesn't understand it that we don't care if we buy the league or compete within certain means, we're rid of Ashley and our potential can be reached with or without mega bucks. No more self sabotage.
It's gonna be Mourinho isn't it?
Bitter sweet pill, if this goes through all the dodgy PL shenanigans gets brushed under the table and we become part of the problem. But selfish me doesn't care, we've been through so much in the last 14 years, we deserve a seat at the corrupted round table.
Dude, I'm a Bears, Bulls and NUFC supporter all I've got is distant memories
Seems this time they have been briefed by PL rather than the buyers though...
The chronicle don't like to take ownership of criticism, they're too scared of losing their access. Every question or statement is posed as fan view, the fans think this, the fans are asking that, the fans have had enough. At no time have they ever just said "This isn't good enough" by any metric, with any solid evidence, its veiled attacks and we're their shield of plausible denyability.
Alex Hurst has been insufferable on twitter today "look at how amazing NUST is", "look at what we did", "look we're on sky", "join now, ignore the naysayers". ??
I see a number of journalists have stuck up for NUST today. The problem being they are all ignoring the patently obvious issue at hand. The club is at its most tumultuous point in living memory, a neglected child starved and given to an abusive nanny. If ever there was a time for a unified front of opposition to the current malaise at the club that would be now! But instead fans are getting emails about jigsaws?! I get that there's not much they can do, however they are the voice of the fans and they haven't given the fans a voice. I get they don't want to burn any bridges as the relationship with the club is important to them, but (a) there are ways of showing concern in a dignified and diplomatic manner and (b) if something doesn't change soon there won't be anything left to maintain a line of discourse with.
@Heronthank you for trying to make a difference, you're one of the good ones mate, absolutely sucks to see you undermined this way. You've done the right thing in distancing yourself from what's been happening.