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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. I'd always still intended going anyway but mentioned the boycott to the bairn and her response was that we'd already bought season tickets if we didn't go it meant Ashley was the winner as he'd took money off us without us getting the service/goods/game we'd paid for. Said we shouldn't let him win and shouldn't let him stop us from doing what we enjoy doing ie going to the match. We've already missed Brighton as we were on holiday (lad at work bought our tickets though) and may well miss Liverpool due to my neices wedding but this will depend on the game being moved for tv. It's about the visual impact though. I know, i get that, but i also think fuck him, he's not stopping me from doing what i want to do which is go to the match. He'll be laughing his stots off at that fact he's had the money and people haven't come. He won't be laughing his socks off when Sky stop putting us on TV I thought we were on tv a lot because of the viewing figures though, and if more stay at home and watch on tv the viewing figures therefore go up and we're on even more. Even still, this isn't a direct hit at Ashley, this is about him but for a wider audience, what more of a statement than not using something you paid for? It's a vote of no confidence, the rest of the footballing world will be thinking they've paid but still aren't going, there must be something bad to cause that? I get it man, you don't want to miss the game, it's your prerogative . There will never be a consensus, you do what you think is right dude.
  2. I'd always still intended going anyway but mentioned the boycott to the bairn and her response was that we'd already bought season tickets if we didn't go it meant Ashley was the winner as he'd took money off us without us getting the service/goods/game we'd paid for. Said we shouldn't let him win and shouldn't let him stop us from doing what we enjoy doing ie going to the match. We've already missed Brighton as we were on holiday (lad at work bought our tickets though) and may well miss Liverpool due to my neices wedding but this will depend on the game being moved for tv. It's about the visual impact though. I know, i get that, but i also think fuck him, he's not stopping me from doing what i want to do which is go to the match. He'll be laughing his stots off at that fact he's had the money and people haven't come. He won't be laughing his socks off when Sky stop putting us on TV
  3. Pretty much exactly how I saw it, the reaction of people has been way way over the top. It is one hell of a U turn though on his previous comments about Ashley not backing the manager and being tight with player bonuses. All of a sudden he throws an extra 20k his way and he's now a nice man. Maybe the reaction has gone a bit over the top but you can see why he's rubbed people up the wrong way. Maybe it has gone a little over the top, but when you throw jet engine fuel on an open flame, don't expect it go out.
  4. Should have just thanked the club for the contract and pledged his future to the team and left it at that. Clearly been bought off by the offer of a little extra coin like a fucking prostitute, lost all respect for him after that. You've made yourself part of the problem Lascelles.
  5. They could always try and suggest what they would do then? I don't see anyone doing that. They want a change at the top but aren't willing to do anything to achieve it? Maybe they think that it's ultimately going to take someone with enough money to sway the thick skinned, hard nosed businessman who currently holds the power? However an outsider's view of the club may not make it such an attractive proposition right now. If you feel that shouting at shops and boycotting home games (assuming you actually go) is the way forward then hey that's great, carry on doing it. suppose Ashley had an offer for the club that was around what he wanted but hadn't made his mind up. Do you think he would be more or less likely to accept and sell if there were protests and boycotts, or more likely to sell if there were no protests and the money was guaranteed to keep pouring in? Interesting question and the assumption would probably be the first scenario. I guess that's what must motivate the regular protesters. However in the case of Ashley I reckon it's only the filthy lucre which will count at the end of the day, he's always seemed pretty impervious to insults and protests to date. I thought we got past this flawed assumption, the most recent evidence being V-gate at the Italian restaurant. He is absolutely bothered what people think and say of him or wouldn't keep trying to defend himself and hoying his toys out the pram, like the spoilt 5 year old fat kid he is.
  6. One game! One fucking game. I just don't get it, no one is asking them to hoy their season ticket into the Tyne ffs.
  7. Probably one of the most ironic and hypocritical posts I've read on here. Just saying it how it is? End of?
  8. Good businessman. Possibly the only 'businessman' who could make a Premier League team's revenue reduce in a ten year period that's seen the market inflate ten fold. He is a good business man for SD not for NUFC, that disparity in commercial income is siphoned straight off to SD. It's like a blood transfusion that leaves just enough in the host to keep it alive while the fat patient in the other bed keeps swelling. He's made a fucking packet from us and stands to make even more when he sells the "debt" on to the next owners.
  9. You can still spend time away from the house/Mrs by joining in with demonstrations for the same aloted time as the match itself. Complaining that you've already bought the ticket and Ashley already has your money so doesn't care if you don't go completely ignores the impact of a boycott. Not going to a match you've paid money for is more impactful than protesting outside a match you had no intention of putting money into. Thick, stubborn, whatever the reason, these people are part of the problem not the saviours of our league status, nothing will change without action.
  10. You can't even say it's advertising space, it's more like a dog pissing up a tree to claim it as his own, he's marking his territory and flicking the metaphoric V's. Small time, barrow boy, fuckstick, he needs gone for the sake of my sanity now.
  11. I just can't believe people are using the P word in the Rafa thread, it's the height of disrespect!
  12. Listen to Podcast: true faith forum - How to Take The Fight to Mike Ashley by True Faith NUFC Podcast #np on #SoundCloud Really enjoyed listening to that, some great panellists. We just need to keep disrupting ashley, his companies, his associates and SD's biggest shareholders. It's working Excellent stuff via the guest speakers from Liverpool and Rangers. Listened to it twice via Bluetooth in the car. Well worth a listen, skip to 56m for the more interesting contributions. Really enjoyed that, notice on Twitter today too that ifrafagoeswego has started to attack majority shareholders for SD, so clearly influenced by the talk in. They don't like it either, plus Norwegian football supporters have got a sniff and are joining in. Feels like this could be the end game now, this is not blowing over. Nice, is this list the majority shareholders in SD? Yeah, that's what's doing the rounds, it's Norges Bank that has taken some abuse from Norwegian football supporters
  13. Listen to Podcast: true faith forum - How to Take The Fight to Mike Ashley by True Faith NUFC Podcast #np on #SoundCloud Really enjoyed listening to that, some great panellists. We just need to keep disrupting ashley, his companies, his associates and SD's biggest shareholders. It's working Excellent stuff via the guest speakers from Liverpool and Rangers. Listened to it twice via Bluetooth in the car. Well worth a listen, skip to 56m for the more interesting contributions. Really enjoyed that, notice on Twitter today too that ifrafagoeswego has started to attack majority shareholders for SD, so clearly influenced by the talk in. They don't like it either, plus Norwegian football supporters have got a sniff and are joining in. Feels like this could be the end game now, this is not blowing over.
  14. Any player under Pardew to left back
  15. Just gonna leave this here... https://twitter.com/DFImpressionist/status/1050097356518100992?s=09
  16. I keep telling myself I've had enough and don't give a shit anymore and I've barely watched a ball kicked so far this season bar a couple of half games but I can't peel myself away. I won't spend another penny on this shite, no shirts, no Merch, no games, but I can't let go of the Black & White, what's left of NUFC's soul, Rafa and at least some of the players that try as they might but will never be good enough. Ashley has killed everything I loved about the club but I'll never be able to walk away completely. I just hope that when he does leave I can find that same passion and love for the club I had under Keegan and Sir Bobby. I want to be proud of it all again but that'll never happen under the current regime, those bridges are burnt and Ashley took a massive shit on the ashes.
  17. Champions League proper to a yoyo club in 11 years of mis-ownership, thanks you fat waste of oxygen, fuck off you piss taking cunt
  18. Hopefully he stays injury free and gains some fitness, early doors but looks our most promising player in attack at the moment!
  19. May be a couple of pages behind at this point but we'll worth quoting. Sums my mood up. Fuck this club. Fuck football. Just had the same rant at my mate, there's nothing here to be proud of, we've become an absolute joke.
  20. Like cheering on Red Rum for winning by a nose against a 3 legged donkey with arthritis.
  21. We need a striker that can kick a ball forwards first and someone in midfield that can pass to a forward. RIP football 5:30pm 06.10.2018 this will be worse than the Cardiff v Burnley match for anti-football.
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