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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Somethings got to give now, surely Ashley's position is untenable, he can't afford to keep the club going in the same way it has been and the supporters don't want him here. AO will ramp up the pressure, Rafa isn't going to let Ashley hide behind him, even if we do stay up the club is at a crossroads, shit or get off the pot.
  2. [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] how many times have they tried to get a pen and been carded, serves the diving cunts right!
  3. A striker of real quality would have given us 3 points today. Unacceptable from both sides of the takeover that we haven't invested. There's only one person to blame for this, Staveley is offering help but Ashley is refusing to pay upfront with the offer of payback. Takeover should have been done before the window opened or even before now There's no evidence to prove who is at fault for that tbf, my gut tells me it's business as usual by Ashley with his moving of goalposts and unrealistic expectations, he has to win at all costs, he's said he wants a price and they have valued the club at less. You can't blame PCP for not being held to ransom, they owe us nothing.
  4. A striker of real quality would have given us 3 points today. Unacceptable from both sides of the takeover that we haven't invested. There's only one person to blame for this, Staveley is offering help but Ashley is refusing to pay upfront with the offer of payback.
  5. Tbf we haven’t been able to get the ball near the oppositions half very often. Fyp
  6. Yep. No coincidence that their acronym is similar eh? BCB meet PCP It's so transparent, it's offensive. The day the fat fuck comes back from holiday there's an imaginary bidder trying to bump the price up, oh but not quite, they've not bid yet, quick PCP match the price before someone else does... He's a full grown ass fucking child and I can't believe he thinks Staveley would fall for such a child's trick. It's embarrassing.
  7. The club would go into turmoil, with nobody calling the shots, and sailing aimlessly into football oblivion. Basically just the same as the last 10 years. [emoji23][emoji24] sad but true!
  8. It’s been said on numerous occasions that it won’t be a Man City style ownership. It's also been said numerous times, just because (if) they have a lot of money why should they pay more than something is worth? You don't buy a £250k house for £300k because the current owner is being a twat, no matter how much money you have.
  9. Mattoon

    U23s & Academy

    Mackems levels of sweeping under the carpet right now, he has to be suspended until it's all done with, joke of a club
  10. Like someone said the other day he's the perfect Robin to Rafa's Batman and represents the sea of change in attitudes of our players. They may not be that good but they all want to be here and they all want to play every match, not one in 6 or just at home.
  11. Eat a block of cheese before you go bed, that'll sort you out
  12. Mattoon

    U23s & Academy

    Impressionable youngsters or young men trying to forge a career for themselves at the club and in the game with one of England and NUFC’s highest regarded players in the last however many years basically in charge of said careers. Bullying in the work place is quite common and easily disregarded as banter. I imagine in football it’s rife and given the nature of the game, can destroy a player’s career and much more. Shame on him if all true of course... I was basically making fun of the odious c*** for doing it but yes I agree, this culture of #bantz needs to change, young impressionable teenagers who are desperate for a career and are easily cajoled into ganging up on a weak link. It isn't acceptable and needs stamping out. If he is guilty of it then send him down the f***ing river. It's just ironic that someone that looks like that can bully anyone, tosser. You bully, making fun of him! Nah you’re right. In football especially when many of the youngsters will be a long way from home or even country and have language barriers, it must be extremely tough and the whole ladz/bantz culture of the football environment could be very damaging. Fair enough fellow players, but coaches and management? Nah. That’s an abuse of your power, status and role. Duty of care etc. For his sake, I hope it’s unfounded as much as a I dislike him because it will cost him dearly. Sadly this is just another episode of just how badly we are run at that level and how badly we need to change as a club in terms of how we operate at that level. I’ve seen youth clubs ran more professionally. It’s embarrassing! I could say a few things about our academy like... needs rebooted from top to bottom. One way or another I think his days are numbered with the take over. Clearly something has crossed a line, whether that be workplace bantz that shouldn't happen round kids tbf or something more serious I'm guessing it'll all come out in the wash. However you are correct, our youth training facilities are an absolute joke, when was the last time we produced a quality player that was a household name? Just another rotten root in a dying tree and something Rafa will be keen to change with a bit of financial backing.
  13. Mattoon

    U23s & Academy

    Impressionable youngsters or young men trying to forge a career for themselves at the club and in the game with one of England and NUFC’s highest regarded players in the last however many years basically in charge of said careers. Bullying in the work place is quite common and easily disregarded as banter. I imagine in football it’s rife and given the nature of the game, can destroy a player’s career and much more. Shame on him if all true of course... I was basically making fun of the odious cunt for doing it but yes I agree, this culture of #bantz needs to change, young impressionable teenagers who are desperate for a career and are easily cajoled into ganging up on a weak link. It isn't acceptable and needs stamping out. If he is guilty of it then send him down the fucking river. It's just ironic that someone that looks like that can bully anyone, tosser.
  14. Mattoon

    U23s & Academy

    There must be something intrinsically wrong with you to be bullied by quasimodos less attractive brother.
  15. Don’t let her read this one I was just thinking that, if I called my Mrs a daft bint on a forum I'd have to erase the internet or risk spending the rest of my life as a eunuch ?
  16. 3-0 up and people moaning about an innocuous incident off the ball, get a fucking grip and enjoy the moment ?
  17. Mattoon


    If these go down again it'll spell financial disaster and probable administration. No money for players and they'll struggle to get loans in, just lost their top scorer and are already propping up the league. It's happening again, double dip, what a shame..... ??????
  18. f***ing chav. West Ham fan upset because Charver stuck his tongue out at him? Well, that would be pointless. Like getting angry with a lizard for probing with his tongue. Like getting angry at a blind man for never volunteering to be the designated driver.
  19. Mattoon


    Don't understand how people think they're going to finish further up the table. They're genuinely diabolical, the odd time everything does click for them and they scrape a draw or fluke a win results around them keep them in it. They're a bit better at the back thanks to Coleman but still prone to comical lapses as today suggests and they have absolutely zero threat going forward, if people think we have a very real chance of going down you have to see that a much more I'll equipped team is going to do just as bad if not worse. I get it, it's Sunderland, the perennial survivors, the perpetual drain swirlers, they have gotten out of so much worse but this time they're in real financial trouble, no money to spend, no new manager bounce, no NUFC fixture and no Defoe. I'm more concerned about our immediate future but if we do go back down I still think we'll be in different league's.
  20. A game changer and that's saying something for a defender! Clearly a different team with him in the side, I've had my doubts about him but he's just constantly getting better.
  21. Nah, if it's the same person asking the same question and getting the same answer time and time again from different people, it's not everyone else's fault that the lad's a complete dunce. Your love for Rafa is clouding your judgement lad, many many people on here are so reluctant to even question his failings and inadequacies this season. Lots of things that he has done or implemented this season is open for question Mike Ashley is solely at fault for false promises or providing an adequate budget to obtain quality within the team that's true. What he is not at fault for is team selection; tactics; squad rotation and motivation. So my question to you again is whos fault is this? take the black and white glasses off before you answer it You either ignored or didn't see my question to you yesterday so I'll ask again. You lambast Rafa at every opportunity. I assume you want him gone. Who would you like to replace him then? I don't want him gone im just not one that as every week passes with every woeful performance and every loss or failure to score thinks its fine and he shouldn't be brought up for questioning. To me in any team sport it doesn't matter who the coach or manager is and what he has at his disposal its upto him to get the best out of what he has to work with. Bobby Robson turned Aaron Hughes; Andy Obrien and Titus Bramble into champions league players FFS. Rafa has had to work with inferior players but to me if hes as good a tactician/coach/manager as everyone perceives him to be then he should be able to get his team to compete win or even to score against Bournemouth; Burnley; Hudersfield; Brighton x2; Everton and Watford As a fan of over 40 years im entitled to my opinion and from what ive seen this season even with meagre resources Benitez is failing at his job. K then!
  22. I don't get the blame for Rafa, I really don't! Imagine being a mechanic, you've been working pit crews for years, McLaren, Ferrari, etc... but you've had enough of travelling the world and you want to go home. You go for a job at a local garage and it's the only one in the town and has a huge list of customers in it's catchment area but it's been doing shite because the owner got some money off his dad and thought he could run something he knew nothing about. You reckon you can easily turn it around and the place could make a fortune, you're an amazing mechanic why wouldn't it be easy? Then you find out the last guy to run the place broke all the tools and with his last budget he went out and bought a couple of dildos!? So you ask the owner for some money to buy some new tools, but he makes you sell the old ones for scrap first and only gives you £10 to go to Poundland and you have no choice but to buy a ratchet multi-driver, a size 10/11 spanner, some gaffer tape and a spirit level. Obviously you have massive issues trying to fix any cars and they keep coming back broken, when you try and explain to the customers you've been screwed over with the tools in the box you get told you shouldn't have spent your money on all that crap and just got yourself a really good spanner for the full whack, but what good would that have done without any other decent tools? Has this guy suddenly become a shit mechanic?
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