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Everything posted by Mattoon
I'm guessing European teams only know of us when we actually played there, Ashley has seen to an end to that.
The Chronic had a quote from their manager saying we don't live up to our reputation, we're rubbish and we don't deserve to be in the premier league. I'm paraphrasing of course, but he's not wrong.
It's actually an excellent site if you move away from the Pure Football threads, with some really knowledgeable, intelligent posters. PF is like an asylum mind. Every time I look into the SMB section there seems to be loads of this kind of stuff IMMERGRANTS TAKING OUR BENEFITS AND JOBS http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/health-benefit-tourism.1202562/ MY NEIGHBOUR SINGS IN FORRIN! http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/potential-minefield-of-a-thread-here-but.1202452/ (bonus bantz about checking if he has a bomb vest or if he has a magic carpet) DID YOU HEAR "THEY" DON'T WANT YOU TO FLY THE BRITISH FLAG?! It's racist now. If you say you're proud to be English, you get thrown in jail. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/flying-the-british-flag.1202250/ That's just on today's front page. We don't seem to get daily doses of that stuff on here. Too many fucking forrins on here though, that's why. If you ask me, which you didn't. Cumin over hear takin ova our forum wif there muslamic raygums
Yes but you're one of the more level headed ones. It's an eyesore that forum, every second thread is "Mag on the bus..." "Mag at work..." but it's not just that, every fleeting idea, observation, sensory perception has to be made into its own thread. It's the Sports Direct of Internet forums, only slightly tidier.
Sending an Ethiopian to an all-you-can-eat and expecting to get your money's worth.
A lot of days you can find at least half-a-dozen "mag" threads on the front page and they call us obsessed?!
Bit early to be on the sauce isn't it?
Aye, ignorance is no excuse though, hope they throw the book at the dirty nonce.
Wow, a whole thread This guy knows:
I know he's not exactly the goal threat we need but is hold up play is invaluable to the team, without him the ball comes straight back at us, huge loss if he's not fit.
They're going pure radge on that Johnson thread now, watch your letterbox marra, it's amazing the amount of infighting on there. Arguing on the technicality of him not being a paedo based on the definition of the word. Nonce is a nonce. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/our-recent-derby-wins.1201922/page-8
Happy Birthday Bobby, we miss you!
This is it for me, surely you would sue as matter of principal, the money might be pennies but it would send out a strong signal. Letting it fly says they knew more than they admitted.
Anyway I came in to post this https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=969052579856263&id=961487750612746 Bloomfield road tonight, just before kick off.
I have to work a 9-6 with an hours unpaid lunch, which I don't usually get to take, I tend to eat and keep going because I don't get left alone, add that to the expectation of getting to work by 8:30 to set the day up and working through until everything is finished at 6:15-6:30 so all in all a 10 hour day for 8 hours pay. Retail management for you though, I don't recommend it.
I had us sitting 14th too, albeit not by many points, it's going to be really tight at the bottom with what run ins some of those teams have, I had Leicester just missing out to Man City who clinch it after mauling us closely followed by Arsenal and Tottenham. I put us to lose the derby too but it wasn't enough to save the Mackems.
McCormick is a prick for what he did and rightly got sent down/did his time. Should he be punished for it forever? If you ask the family of the people that died no doubt they'd say yes but there has to be a point where someone is classed as rehabilitated. He did something stupid whilst under the influence, thereby of diminished capacity, not that it's an excuse, just to highlight the difference in cases here. What Johnson has done was premeditated and went on for some time, he had ample opportunity to think "you know, this is wrong I'm stopping it now.". The cases are completely different and equally horrific, however mentally I see what Johnson did as worse, if McCormick has gotten drunk on purpose with the intent of smashing into someone then you'd have a case.
I'm with Odin on this one, never been a huge fan of Moyes, like I said when Pardew was here I'd take him over what we've got but he seems like another manager on his way down rather than up. Wouldn't mind giving Rogers another shot but if we could get Rafa that would be a no brainer. All stuff of dream though really as the pie man won't be getting rid of McClaren, not a chance.
With how bipolar our performances are it's hardly surprising people's perceptions of our chances of going down are equally bipolar. Right now I'm at a firm 6 borderline 7, unless we can do what we've struggled to do for a couple of years now and turn the Mackems over at home and put some "easy on paper" matches away I think we'll go down with barely a whimper. As it stands I think there is enough time and quality to put us straight, but with McClaren at the helm? I'm not too sure.
My understanding is that McClaren wanted to sign a new CB but was told he couldn't. http://www.themag.co.uk/assets/lee-charnley-thumbs-up-newcastle-united-nufc-650x400.jpg There's 2 Charnleys in that picture. Is it spot the difference? I can only see the missing glasses?
Can see Ashleyout.com coming back into the fray after some quiet time.
Still only won 4 out of 13 games though. Sorry, to be clear, I meant recently as opposed to the season as a whole, obviously we've gotten much better at home in the past 6 weeks or so.
Don't we usually get beat after we've been away on these trips? I remember Pardew taking us on at least one warm weather camp that led to us looking completely shite aye.