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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. We'll not win tomorrow, Stoke are a very, very good side, we can't compete with their financial clout.
  2. if we do I just hope that doesn't change too many fickle minds. He's had his easy ride. Even if we do win it'll be a scrappy undeserved win and Brett will be back to tell us how deluded we all are.
  3. He has got that quality though, that winning mentality.
  4. Mattoon

    George Caulkin

    Thanks for sending. He nails it again but I think Pardew has escaped from criticism a bit there.
  5. Difficult, difficult, hard, hard, difficult, tough, hard, tough... how the fuck does he even get out of bed in the morning?! It's always about how great the opposing side are, how fantastic their manager and fans are and how tough and difficult it is for poor old Pardew and his nasty mean Newcastle side.
  6. I applaud their efforts but unless the majority of the crowd turn it's not going to get much attention. Are our home fans anywhere near as passionately against Pardew as the Norwich fans were about Hughton for example? There wasn't much doubt there about what the fans thought of the manager. You get the feeling the tide has/is turning, people are sick of it now, too much of the same reiterated, regurgitated bullshit. It worked for a while but now he's got nowhere to hide, there's only so much even the most gullible can take before he just becomes a parody of himself. As much as would love to see us win, the best thing that can happen now we're safe is to just keep losing, if he puts in a win or two it may stop the train of discontent before it gathers up to non-return speed.
  7. stop hogging it man I want some!
  8. "I think maths was against me, we need to win more points and score more goals and we might finish higher next season." No shit Pardew.
  9. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Has anyone else been called over to the technical area for conceding, being the cause of or giving away a goal? Have they FUCK?!? Pardew using him to take the heat off himself again. Who was lambasted for the first, second and fourth goals? Nee fucker. Hatem the escape goat strikes again! So sick of this playground shit man, just fuck off Pardew.
  10. Can't even see us scoring here, where from?? Can't see Cisse taking on 5 players in an individual piece of skill and cracking one in from 20 yards, because thats what it'll take right now!
  11. "We was science energyless wiv the Europa midweek, games what we didn't play we was unprepared, but then we played and was tired. Notting hill spies was a fret and Stoke is a sovereign state wot we can't compete wiv. They woz more to play for cuz they want to catch us, which is lucky cuz if they was above us they'd be playin to stay above us. Oh and science."
  12. 3 or 4 with no reply, we've given up and everyone knows that and come at us knowing it's an easy 3 points.
  13. Who added the fourth option? You've ruined the match day penis, the only highlight of the week!
  14. Ok so I get that he toes the party line and I get that he meets the league and cup standards that are required of him, I get that he watches his best players sold in January with no meaningful replacement and the transfers are few and far between. What I don't get is that even with all this unwavering allegiance, his propensity to devalue players and inability to sufficiently blood youth players. If that is our model then he is seriously failing in our ability to be self perpetuating.
  15. The new era starts when Ashley fucks off
  16. Mick Harford did the same at Luton. No wonder we were after him as well, Ashley probably has them on zero hour contracts. Fucking Pard-timer
  17. He's no Pardew, but a decent manager nevertheless
  18. Well this is about as close as we'll get to seeing Newcastle United in the Champions League.
  19. this is what I was thinking, we're deep in the shit at the moment, can't score a goal, can't stop shipping them in and are just in complete disarray. What does the manager do? The guy that's supposed to be in charge of stopping the slide? Fucks off dahrn sarff 4 days a week. Unreal this shit.
  20. He has got one thing right, he's gone on and on about consistency, we're nothing if not consistent, consistently shit, consistently ship goals in and consistently lose, job done.
  21. Were 8th are 9th If you take the mini league into account, we're actually second. We've recently recategorised Southampton as a sovereign state thereby promoting them to the upper mini league and now we're top of our new mini-league #Ambition #Progress
  22. So you reckon Ashley is in dreamland seeing his team looking like they're walkovers, and players he's spent good wedge on losing value, in some cases considerably? Nope, not buying it. I doubt he gives a f*** as long as we stay in the PL. What had given you the impression otherwise? He doesn't strike me as someone who likes to throw money away, which is exactly the effect Pardew is having on his assets currently. For that matter, I struggle to see that Pardew guarantees Ashley Premiership safety either considering his teams propensity to panic and slump for long periods. I'd like to think he's not happy with what's happening at the club. However you just have to look in one of his cheap tat shops to realise he doesn't give a shit how his product is sold so long as people keep buying said shit.
  23. Go, don't go, the team is fucked either way now, with the amount leaving or not good enough and our 1 or 2 a year policy, Pardew wrecking players in systems, positions and formations that are unfamiliar to them I can't see how we will survive next season. what is there to support? A soulless shell that echoes pride once past? Because no one there gives a shit anymore, from the top to the bottom.
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