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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Wasn't he brought in when Colo went a bit batshit and already had one foot out the door? Pretty sure he's just been used as a utility with the intention of replacing Colo at some point. Definitely has it in him but needs to be played in his right position in a regular basis before Pardew wrecks him.
  2. Mattoon


    If the worst three teams go down every season how comes Pardew is so sure we're safe? You'd be hard pressed to find a team playing worse football than us ATM, present company accepted
  3. It's Neanderthals like this that disprove Darwin's theory.
  4. At this point in time I'm expecting everyone to leave and no one to be bought, I know that'll never happen but if I expect it I won't be so pissed off in the summer when Remy, Coloccini, MYM, Debuchy, De Jong and Hatem leave and we buy one youth player and loan in a defender and a striker and give Ameobi a new contract
  5. I think he's a useful player to build a move on, he can bring a ball down and bring others into play with a deft touch. I can see him being in the same mental situation as Shearer towards the end of Gullit's reign. In a more attack minded side with genuine width and wing play and playing De Jong facing the goal, you'll get him scoring again. Can I see that under Pardew? Can..I..fuck, nuff said! Move him on for his own good.
  6. Mick alluded to it early but the shittest thing about this whole situation is you've got a few dozen regular posters on here, who, let's be fair, know their football but aren't going to be passing any coaching badges anytime soon, who can systematically point out all the flaws in Pardews team selections/tactics, see the alternative and explain why it doesn't work and why the other way would. This fraud has been making the same mistakes over and over, how can he not see it? A sign language trained chimp could set out a team better than this gimp. The Ben Arfa thing is beyond a joke now and just smacks of petulant arrogance, Wullie is bang on the money about this guys ego, he's said there's no future for him, he can hardly make him a first team regular now can he? The fuck nugget is in over his head, doesn't know how to compete in the premiership and sets us up to hang on, contain and survive. He's barely even a league 1 manager, yet some still choose to back him up. This isn't the Toon Army I remember, this is an apathetic, apologetic group of mediocrity accepting no hopers. Well done Ashley and Pardew, you've killed the club I love.
  7. Absolutely this, the amount of times he lost the ball today, totally responsible for the goal too, if it was Ben Arfa he wouldn't even be on the bench for a month, yet he'll walk back into the starting 11. He hasn't produced in weeks, clearly needs a rest.
  8. Ok do I'm a little behind here, fuck this I'm off to pluck my sack, less painful than this shit!
  9. I know right? Who's got the energy to watch 90 minutes of this and... Heaven forbid possibly witness a win?!
  10. There it is, time to bring on the scape goat! All down to Gouf that, but will Pardew blame him for losing the ball? Will he fuck!!
  11. Borderline penalty for me and fwiw Barkley should have had a yellow for that blatant dive
  12. De Jongs played some neat passes and lay offs but he offers no threat going forward. Gouf looks goosed again, not a decent game by him at all, Dummett is gash, haul his ass off now, has he done anything usefull? Everton started well but have wilted, they're there for the taking but we need some creativity on the pitch.
  13. We are flying forward but no cutting edge, we're crying out for Ben Arfa here! He's gonna come on when they get another and the impetus has gone isn't he?
  14. How the fuck did he run across the entire box unchallenged?!?
  15. Yes, because we look sooo creative and dangerous going forward... That containment
  16. That set up was so obvious, even if Ben Arfa scored 2 and set up another 3 he'd still be out, Pardew logic. I'm done with the fucking clown!
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