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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Just browsing some other forums and the Mag and Newcastle United Blog (the writer is terrible) usually houses a lot of Pardew's stoutest supporters has really turned, there's not a lot left giving an account for him. Hopefully that's indicative and when we crumble to Stoke the tide will surely turn?
  2. Mattoon

    Lee Charnley

    What an absolute farce of a statement from a farce of a club. 1 or 2 players wouldn't cover our shortage of strikers, never mind what we're short on in the first team. Not to mention the number of first team players that will want out in the summer, the ones out of contract and the ones that can't cut it. As if the Pardew fiasco wasn't bad enough in isolation his shortcomings are only magnified by the extreme ineptitude from the top!? I give up.
  3. I bet his ringpiece is like a wizards sleeve
  4. I actually managed to skim right over that bit. Wonder what the point is. maybe with more control in the day to day running of the club he'll see how bad Pardew is and sack him? ...sorry I think I just dropped some of the straws I was clutching!
  5. Even the"players" are towing the bullshit Pardyline! 2nd in our mini-league ffs, kill me now!!
  6. How is he still alive never mind in a job? I've said it before, in my 20 years supporting Newcastle United I've seen much worse flung at much better managers!? Sir Bobby got hounded out for finishing 5th ffs. Different circumstances I know but it's like the fans have been fucking neutered! I can't wait for the day the supporters turn and he really finds out what it feels like to have the supporters against him. But will Ashley stick with him if and when we get vocal. SJP can be a very uncomfortable place to be for an unwanted manager! I just hope it's sooner rather than later.
  7. Damning no matter which way you look at it, too small a sample size for Shearer or Hughton, yet still he tops them with more than 100 games over them both put together. I'm not sure the meaning of untenable anymore?
  8. Too many sillybulls in that we wuddent undastand?!
  9. He's lost the fucking plot, I can only pray that the pressure is now getting to him, no one wants to play for him, he can't buy a goal and is being humiliated every game. He'll go into excuse bullshit overdrive and have an aneurysm! Something's gotta give, it's like atomic bomb type pressure waiting to explode, whether it be the fans, the players, Pardew himself or Ashley, something's gonna snap before the end of the season.
  10. I like this chap The title for the graph should be Pardew points after and before he mullers new players.
  11. What an utter prick self sanctifying prick of the highest order. Over gratifying himself to make up for his shortcomings or completely irrevocably blind to it? How does he still have a job??
  12. There's some absolute munters on the mag website blindly backing Pardew still, I've put my thoughts on there, they weren't even aware of his 19 games lost by at least a 3 goal margin!? Hope I've educated at least a couple to feel the hatred
  13. I don't think Ashley is dead set against Europe, he's dead set against Pardew's ineptitude to tackle Europe and the league. A good manager can have a decent run in a cup without detriment to the league. Ashley wants us to do well in the league, Pardew can barely survive in the league without extra games hence the disregard to cups. I'm sure if a manager came in and gave us a good run in a cup or two and kept us top teo he wouldn't be berated by Ashley.
  14. Anita is the only one in the team that can hold his head high after all this, a right back he is not but he at least tries!
  15. Too much That should be a sackable offence alone the two bit poncey silver streaked shitstain.
  16. Are you going to answer my question or not? No - because what you've asked for is a pretty wide-ranging summary of Pardew's performance - save to say that I don't think absolutely every single thing he's ever done at Newcastle has been s***. Simple question for you: Do you think any other manager currently managing in the Premier League would have played Dan Gosling today whilst HBA sits on the bench? Knowing very little about the exact situation regarding Ben Arfa, but knowing that Pardew wants to win games and would probably play him if he thought he'd help to bring that about, probably yes. Whether he's right or not, whether he's managed Ben Arfa poorly or not etc etc are all separate questions. And now, because this forum is the way it is, I have to go out of my way to emphasise that I don't necessarily agree with Pardew on this. it's s*** like this. Just say what you think? If you think playing dan gosling is correct then say it Sitting on the fence when asked a very simple question Giving a non-categorical opinion on something you have limited knowledge of I have plenty of knowledge about football having followed the sport all my life. It doesn't take a genius to realise that HBA should be playing and Gosling shouldn't be at the club. Simple as that. If you really think it's as simple as that, your life of football watching counts for very little. Football is not Pro Evo. Here again I'm going to emphasise for all of your benefit that I'm not necessarily defending Pardew's selection of Dan Gosling, even though the last 2 emphases don't seem to have stuck. Although in theory and regarding most managers I would side with you that there may be more to his decision to drop Ben Arfa, going off prior knowledge and understanding of Pardew it is obvious that he is merely using him as his little scapegoat again and punishing him for a game that was lost by tactics not by someone who was subbed at 1-0 down when we eventually lost 4-0. Unfortunately where Pardew is concerned, if it looks black and white, it invariably is. He's a clown and we all know it, he's beyond defendable and shouldn't be anywhere near the club. Graft over skill any day of the week.
  17. When he's on the pitch he pushes the wing backs into their own half and usually ties up at least two players to mark him, if that's not defending from the front then what is? When we've got Sissoko on we're the ones pushed back, our wing backs inevitably become 3rd and 4th centre backs and Sissoko defends our final third on the wing. We lose the ball and retreat, stay compact and try and soak up pressure, we might defend from the front but the front is about 10 yards short of the half way line!?
  18. Oh wow are we still falling for the Pardew propeganda? He's been well and truly Pardewed, he tells his lies so much it becomes the truth, like Teasy said, you show me the % losses of posession and misplaced passes from Ben Arfa and then marry that up with Gouf and Sissoko. He's no more of a liability than any other player on that pitch, he has his Pardew rep and everyone falls for the bullshit, no one notices anyone else lose the ball because that's football and players occasionally lose posession, even the best players in the world. It's just when someone continually berates one player for it they're being watched like a hawk and every error is scrutinised heavily and to a higher degree because you're looking for it. Sick of this shit about Ben Arfa, just more Pardew bullshit alienating our best player and only flair left in the squad. Those that believe this shit, I hope you enjoy next seasons team of "hard working" cloggers.
  19. I just saw that in the mag, can't believe they're still having a go at Ashley for it all and Pardew gets a free ride, shit excuses aside?! Felt I had to comment on the shite.
  20. I'm not even excited at the prospect of doing the double over them for the first time in 80-odd years, it's just moot due to the fact we're about to get demolished. Anything less than a 5 goal margin is a moral victory "What wiv all der smog we wazzunt enuff of a fret. We shud av kicked it more better, tackled morer, runned faster an jumped higher"
  21. Made it to Newsnow so should get a decent amount of readership, every little helps! It does feel like its snowballing now though and from a few different corners.
  22. http://espnfc.com/blog/_/name/newcastleunited/id/1902?cc=5739 Sorry about the size of the article but felt it should be shared!
  23. Undeniable evidence he's a WUM, he only ever comes in here when we're at our lowest ebbs to defend the silver clout. Not worth the effort to "debate" with.
  24. I don't give a shit who comes in at this point, I cannot fathom anyone doing much worse with the tools he'll have at his disposal! Freddy Shephard made some notoriously dodgy managerial appointments, hell he only got it right twice but I never heard a better the devil you know statement when Gullit was here or Dogleash. I'd rather take a dip into the unknown than risk another season of what we KNOW will be shite football, humiliating on AND off field antics spattered with the odd ground out victory. I want something to be excited about again, even if it is short lived and we embark on the next crusade to have the manager shifted, anything is better than this numb ambivalence!
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