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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    It's a curious insight into mentality, if you didn't already know that.
  2. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    The only thing which might have been agreed about was that we were probably the biggest offender, I doubt anybody regarded the numbers as being "fairly accurate." Most of used our eyes to agree that it was abysmal rather than treat the stats as gospel, funny that.
  3. Totally expecting a loss, but knowing our lot we'll walk this one then get schooled by Norwich!
  4. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Love for that to happen but he's not got it in him or he'd be there after 3 years.
  5. Mattoon


    If they can't increase the ban, dock them points, dirty mackem bastards.
  6. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Maybe he's trying to make himself a more attractive proposition for Palace?
  7. Fastest goal of the season and by a keeper from his own box to boot, one for the books!
  8. Tbf the wind caught that and caught him out.
  9. Par to the norm that tackle, fucking disgusting, deserves an extended ban for intent. Flash backs of Wigan last year there!
  10. Sorry Dave can't agree with that, he was meandering up and down the touch line without a clue, mostly away from goal. If Anita wasn't buzzing around like a wasp on steroids making space it'd have come to nothing. Anita crafted that and did all the work.
  11. Norwich were just awful, Ruddy was diving around like a sack of shit, should have easily saved at least 2 of those goals. The defence was shocking too, no desire at all in that team. Hughton can't have long left at this rate.
  12. Substantially better with Anita on, how he doesn't get more game time beggars belief. So we beat Chelsea whilst Norwich gets dry humped by City, what are the odds of an ugly 1-0 loss? Not expecting anything next week against Spuds.
  13. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Did well today, can't knock him, kudos. However until he can do that on a regular basis and learn to keep his fat cockney gob shut, he's still a shyster! Pre/post match comments deserve no credit for the game alone. Total gobshite!
  14. a bored, fed up, apathetic NO board turn to name puns on match day!
  15. They can't throw everyone out, scare tactics, wankers!!!
  16. Decent possession, no end product? Where have I seen that before?
  17. I see Santon is a target for Chelsea (various sources)
  18. This whole scenario is unbelievable, it just shows how out of touch Ashley really is. The Chron has been his little bitch for how long? His mouthpiece to the masses, his last line of defence and the one thing keeping some supporters onside. He's really shot himself in the foot with this one, it's snowballed and his latest charade involving NUST has just got more backs up. Really feels like the apathetic tide has turned. If there is a stand tomorrow it will just be the start, he'll react, because he's a petulant child and that will get more backs up. This won't end well, hopefully for him and not us.
  19. And who might they be disguised as I think he likes to be called Brett or something
  20. I say we ban Ashley and his cronies from this forum, that'll learn them!
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