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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    It's too late, I've buried the little fuckers in the yard
  2. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    It's like a marriage of discontent everyone knows its not working but they stay together for "little johnny's" sake. Only little Johnny isn't as stupid as they think and is fully aware of how bad things are. Something needs to happen before this little analogy turns into a murder/suicide case!
  3. Pretty sure the personnel and formation are irelivant as the crippling anti-tactics will dictate the result. Park the bus (but leave the windows open) an try and nick one on the break but without any movement and one player crossing the half way line. Second half we will play much better but won't create anything of any note. Same old, same old and another loss to a team we should be looking to get a result against if we want to stay in this league. No doubt the nay sayers will be pointing out that they beat City.
  4. We only scored two because there was clear daylight, hell there was clear time zones between us. They'd already, mentally gone home. I doubt they've played an easier game and had it won before half time. It was more them than us.
  5. It's fairly obvious now isn't it? 1) premiership survival 2) raid the January bargain bucket for essential players 3) Allow the club to run at break even 4) Plaster the club with free advertising 5) Rake in the benefits of tacky SD revenue increase where he has no one to answer to 6) Rinse and repeat It's depressing and frustrating, there's nothing can be done, he won't sell up with that kind of exposure when his real passion is reaping all those rewards.
  6. Footballs not in my family and I never grew up with it but I sat and watched Euro '96 with mates when I was 18 and immediately said I'm supporting whoever that guy plays for, I was a Blackburn supporter for about two weeks! Once Shearer moved there was no turning back, I've been passionately hooked ever since!
  7. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    We won 6 games and x team won 4 therefor we're better. We lost 14 games and x team lost 5 now who's better? I believe what I see on a pitch, not what some carefully selected information tells me, no matter how much it's spun.
  8. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    They actually aren't though They can be, but they can still come down to human judgement and/or error. All data is open to interpretation and never tells the whole story. Plus the admission and exclusion of salient information can be used to twist any truth.
  9. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    9 times out of 10 you'd be right <a href="http://reactiongifs.com/?p=15452"><img src="http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/tee-hee.gif"></a> Don't belittle me Bimpy, that was comedy gold! I wasn't mate, i liked that comment a lot, made me chuckle. This gif a bit wrong then, sorry that wasn't my intention Ah ok, my bad
  10. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Because although its a financially sound way to conduct business, it is of course detrimental to the club as we're always treading water until January and then playing catch up by which time the first few months have taken their toll on our squad physically and mentally.
  11. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    9 times out of 10 you'd be right <a href="http://reactiongifs.com/?p=15452"><img src="http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/tee-hee.gif"></a> Don't belittle me Bimpy, that was comedy gold!
  12. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    9 times out of 10 you'd be right
  13. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I'm happy with that progress. We finished 8 points from 8th last year and were absolutely s****. Anything over 50 points and you're pretty much odds on as you're really only the best of a bad bunch. It's only progress if we maintain it and/or improve upon it though. And Pardew showed last year that he's hardly reliably in that respect, especially without investment. We just need to steady the ship after the relegation battle last season, get some confidence instilled back around the city, our team is slowly building into something special we just need to keep trying to add little bits of quality here and there as we are never going to splash at big style like some teams do. We've came a long way already from the days of Barton/Nolan, we just need to keep pushing on. New owners and a new fancy manager would be nice but that’s not likely to happen anytime soon. Adding ANY quality (of a permanent stature) would be a start. True but i think we will sign Remy fwiw once this court case is over and done with and providing he gets off with a slap on the wrsit for his rape. IF we sign Remy on a permanent deal it will take a slight sting out of the abortion that was the summer transfer, however I can see him being touted as our January signing and not much if anything, more happening
  14. In a cruel twist of irony I'll be stuck at work until 2am selling FIFA 14
  15. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I'm happy with that progress. We finished 8 points from 8th last year and were absolutely s****. Anything over 50 points and you're pretty much odds on as you're really only the best of a bad bunch. It's only progress if we maintain it and/or improve upon it though. And Pardew showed last year that he's hardly reliably in that respect, especially without investment. We just need to steady the ship after the relegation battle last season, get some confidence instilled back around the city, our team is slowly building into something special we just need to keep trying to add little bits of quality here and there as we are never going to splash at big style like some teams do. We've came a long way already from the days of Barton/Nolan, we just need to keep pushing on. New owners and a new fancy manager would be nice but that’s not likely to happen anytime soon. Adding ANY quality (of a permanent stature) would be a start.
  16. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    aaah yes, i did say that, and you're right to pull me up on it tbf...i don't think we'll finish above them but yeah we might not be a million miles away from them, it's not beyond the realms of possibility anyway as stated you can have your bet if you factor the points swing for europe against swansea 'You can have your bets as long as I make the odds heavily weighted in my favour, rather than use the bookmakers'.' i'm factoring in alan pardew my friend, playing in europe has nothing but a crippling effect on teams and reduces them to a shadow of their former selves ergo swansea will soon fall to pieces only fair no? I knew it wasn't just me that was partial to an ergo
  17. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Because it shows a pattern of behaviour doomed to repeat itself. "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" If Pardew ever drops into the relegation places i'll say enough is enough and we need the new manager bounce that another mediocre, unispiring appointment would bring temporarily. As he's not done that yet, I'll continue to support him and the team rather than booing and raising the tension levels around the place. so now people are insane for wanting Pardew out? That's a new low, even for you HF! Pardew is a waster, to "advocate" his removal is not "insane" it's perfectly reasonable. Infrastructure-wise we are one of the biggest clubs in England, why should we settle for mediocrity on and off the pitch? It's this negative, deflated, stagnant attitude that will see us stay in the doldrums for years to come. We are fast losing our reputation in the footballing world with our tatty SD plugging, our penny pinching attitude and our uninspiring football. We were once a proud footballing club and we're losing self respect as well as respect from others, you sound like a battered wife "Well he's trying his best, I could be worse without him." Admittedly Pardew is part of the cancer in this club, cutting him out would only be a temporary measure but it's a step in the right direction, realistically we need a long, strong dose if chemo to remove the likes of Ashley and his cronies. However to suggest people are insane to want Pardew out and hope that things get better? Nothing but pseudointellectual bullshit! For some it's only the hope that's left, that's not insane, that's love for NUFC.
  18. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    The problem is Pardews reliance on him, he's undoubtably our best player by a million miles, when he's on form we look amazing but have an off day and there's no plan B. His lack of contribution to the team shouldn't mean we collapse like a house of cards, but it does! He was shite today, ergo the whole team was. He takes the flak for his performance but Pardew needs to take the flak for the teams performance and ultimately the loss.
  19. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    First on every team sheet, we should be playing to his strengths and building our team around him. I think Remy will give most oppositions more to worry about now and we won't see HBA crowded off the ball as much.
  20. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Not a defence, just an observation. Rangers got very similar crowds to us and look what happened, plus they gotten Champions League money and probably have a bigger fanbase worldwide. Err because they were fiddling their taxes. Irrelevance because of the above but what's the SPL TV deal worth? Our situation and Rangers are vastly different, incomparable. I wouldn't bet on it, pleading poverty whilst having zero expenditure? Something's not right.
  21. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    How can a business with a skeleton crew, who's transaction revenue gives a positive margin, is not paying any imediate debt, be bordering on an overdraft? The figures don't add up, full accounts disclosure should be demanded. Smells like something's off here, just like a well known high street coffee retailer, selling products to itself at over inflated prices so it can claim a loss every year thus dodging taxes, is NUFC MA's little tax haven?
  22. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Pardew for me is deliberately saying this sort of crap to irritate fans on behalf of Fat c*nt. In my view he is complicit in ALL of the sh*te thats presently going on. Thanking Ashley (and Derek) for getting signings over the line (what other bosses do that?), saying how grateful we should be that we still have a footy club because of "Mike", saying how glad he was we didn't qualify for Europe again because it makes our precious players too tired, saying we cant compete financially with fuckin Swansea, not giving a f*ck if we lost at home to Arsenal, touting our best players for sale at fattys behest in his media interviews blah blah blah. How much longer will some people give this smarmy c*nt before it sinks in what a complete cock womble he is. I used to think the same and he probably did just that for a while but now I think he's saying the things he does to put pressure on Ashley and Co. He is or was complicit in a lot of things I agree and I'm in now way defending him here but its clear to me anyway, that everyone at NUFC is pulling in different directions and its basically become a free for all. Pardew's nose has been put right out of joint first with the appointment of Kinnear, secondly with the resignation of Llambias and thirdly with zero investment into the playing squad which to be fair to Pardew he has been strong in saying needs to happen, all summer and that he was confident it would. He's been made to look like a bit of a muppet, especially by Kinnear/with his appointment and although Pardew's been in on the inside in the past, it appears he's now on the outside. He won't resign or say anything to upset Ashley because he's not going to give up on his cushy number. But he knows he has a good rapport with the fans and the media in general so can say these things, in the hope it gets to fans and with it cranks up any pressure on Ashley and Co. Speaking to many people away from here and Pardew has been shat on and undermined by Ashley and Kinnear. Pardew's very media savvy and doesn't just trot out s*** here and there for the sake of it, he's very calculated in what he says. The overdraft thing won't have the general fan on the street questioning him or sticking the boot into him, but Ashley, a billionaire whose company has just reached the FTSE100 with huge increases in profits in a season where we get a big TV windfall. He's complicit in it all man. I don't think he is myself, not to that extent anyway or the extent he used to be. They are all c***s and need to f*** off ASAP though. I can see what you're saying HTT but if he's that savvy he surely wouldn't want Ashley to get the kind of stick that may make him sell up? Guaranteed he would be the first out of the door in the event of new ownership, him and Kinneer could car share to the job centre!
  23. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Ultimately he's going to live off the mantra that he's saving money and cutting costs to reduce the debt on the club and we should be so grateful that he saved us from a fate worse than death whilst syphening off club profits through his SD empire thus never clearing the debt. We're just a billboard to his real passion and we'll never be anything but an extension to his cash cow.
  24. There's a lot of scrutiny gaining pace on Ashley, the NUFC accounts and the unholy union with SD, the mainstream media are already picking up on it and I can really see this snowballing. This summer has really bit him on the arse, it was a gamble but I don't think he anticipated this level of backlash. Probably expected a few chants and dummy spits but not the scrutiny.
  25. Thats likely to be the only way we'll spend sadly. Rock and a hard place, lets aspire to be at the bottom so we can get some players. Fantastic shortsightedness!
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