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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Could have been worse, we could have had Pardew.
  2. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Exactly what I was eluding to, Shephard's tenure mad it look much less sharp in our downfall as he royally fucked up in a lot of ways but when you see it without that, as a pure contrast it's damning and depressing how much we've changed and all for the worse.
  3. Should we not be looking at a loan to buy option rather that Europes unwanted flops? Or has the loan window closed?
  4. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    We will see the passion again, it's just near impossible to imagine, let alone happen, under Ashley. We as supporters will never lose the passion, no matter how hard the fat bastard tries, it's the club that worries me, it's a whole different animal to most clubs, being what it is. Freddie Shephard started our downward spiral and Ashley has taken it to a whole new level! We need a new owner who will let the right people run the club as it should be, trust the right people to do the right job and bring in another Keegan/Robson who knows the region and can restore the pride in our club. As you say that seems a million miles away right now. Any window licking, crayon eating, Ashley appologist should be made to watch that video and realise what we were and what we are, if they're still in support of him then they should be dragged out into the street and shot!
  5. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Keegan and Shearers passion and pride is what's sorely missing from us today, it's heart watming to watch that again after so many years but it just drives it even further home how far we have fallen. The club is an empty shell of a corperate nightmare, there's no soul, no pride, no heart. I fear we'll never get that back.
  6. How did no one touch that?
  7. Hope Lambert gets another, he deserves it, not many get in the team on merit!
  8. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/football/teams/newcastle-united/10291632/-...-if-only-Mike-Ashley-would-go-too.html A good piece in the telegraph, not sure if its been mentioned already?
  9. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Anybody see this? Sorry if Giggs: http://nothingbutnewcastle.com/2013/09/blogs/picture-the-ultimate-insult-to-hatem-ben-arfa It seems JFK has been relegated to shirt making now!
  10. Although I agree in sentiment, a tie against Leeds is hardly going to set the media alight or cause enough rumblings at boardroom level. However to suggest us avoiding this match would be embarrassing? I would argue that is exponentially less embarrassing than all that has proceeded it, we lurch from one embarrassment to another with a 5th place finish just adding a little shine to the turd that Ashley's legacy has flung at us.
  11. Mattoon

    George Caulkin

    Just wish the mainstream media would pick up on it and print it nationwide. Ashley has so far walked out of this unscathed and is having an easy ride.
  12. Mattoon

    George Caulkin

    Hmm I just realised I used pseudointellectual and mackem in the same sentence
  13. Mattoon

    George Caulkin

    Just got in in time for that piece, excellent read and encapsulates most feelings perfectly, I see there was one window licker on there, pseudointellectually defending JFK without substance. He's either a mackem or JFK himself.
  14. Excellent post, it's the frustration of it all that is hurting the most. However this mantra is unsustainable, we've already seen unrest in the squad with Cabaye, who can blame him? We DO have a talented squad, wasted on a talentless manager but without investment and intent of improvement in the managerial postition we won't keep this talented squad together and never get the best from them. Short term all is not lost, we have the players and the ability for a decent campaign, but with Pardew in charge? No! With a new manager but the same lack of investment? No! This flimsy bubble will burst and sooner rather than later.
  15. It's a lose, lose situation, he's not gonna put any more into the club, we boycott anything he'll just remove more from the club to protect his asset from what's being said. But what's the alternative? Sit in quiet acceptance of the bullshit they're peddling and let the farce continue? Short of there being a buyout and overhaul of the management structure we're up shit creek, surely there's a bored billionaire out there in need of a new toy? That's all we can hope for! But we can't sit quietly in anticipation.
  16. That fat fuck couldn't find his cock with a pair of tweezers and a mirror strapped to his foot.
  17. You couldn't make this shit up, farce, disgrace, etc...
  18. They should call it Transfer Dread-line day, haw, haw..... I'll get my coat!
  19. The January signings have had chance to bed and we've kept kebab, it's like we've got 6 new signings right there, don't be greedy!
  20. Only an hour and a half of this farce before the yadda, yadda, over the line, yadda, yadda, can't compete with Southampton, yadda, yadda, kept our best players....
  21. It's ok bud, you still have Mrs Bimp........ I seeee!
  22. I don't blame him not would I blame any/all of our players for wanting out of this circus act, it's the manner in which he's gone about it. It must be frustrating and I'd want to stick it to the man as well in his predicament but he needs to understand its not the buffoons at the top he's hurting with his antics, they quite clearly don't give a shit, it's the supporters and his team mates.
  23. It would be interesting to know from the incomings that have quite clearly not been spent, whether our "debt" to Ashley has diminished or if he's still holding the full amount over us. That would denote whether he was trousering it or not. To argue that he isn't trousering it because he injected his own cash into the club is a hollow defence if said loan isn't being reduced when clearly the money is there. Even if it is sat on the balance sheet and looking pretty, the interest from it will be nicely pouring in, but to where?
  24. I can just see the Fat man and JFK sat in the office with Cigars and Whiskey playing go fish deciding on when they tell us that their (non) business is done for this window.
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