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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. If we can keep Remy then I think we need to keep LDJ too, he seems the perfect foil for him and if he starts chipping in with his own goals we'll have a formidable strike force. Of course that would require us to have some ambition!
  2. Has anyone said what he did was right? Probably not but plenty are playing it down and making it look as if we're being picked on for no reason. Exactly. If it was just a one off heat of the moment thing maybe you could excuse it, but how many times has he been in front of the tv cameras within the last few months offering grovelling apologies for his disgraceful behaviour? The bloke is a liability and even his fans in the media seem to be running out of patience. It speaks volumes when your only ally is Joey ASBO Barton!
  3. No one is excusing Meyler, he rightly got a yellow card for his push, but he was provoked by Pardew being an ass and blocking the ball when they were 3-1 down. Still that's no excuse for Pardew to go full radge! Headbutt or headpush doesn't matter it was with intent and aggression, why do people not get that? No ones saying he assaulted him or full on tried to wipe him out head first, it was the action and intent behind it.
  4. Our manager head-butted a player in front of a global audience, I don't see how it's an over reaction. Your lass has done the same thing to you today re-enacting what happened. Pardew wasn't re-enacting anything, he stuck his header on an opposition player during a game of football when he lost control and he's probably lucky that he hasn't connected more and hurt the player. The Hull player pushed Pardew but that shouldn't have been enough to cause the reaction and Pardew should have probably got out of the players way instead of being a prick and trying to slow down the throw-in. I don't think I've ever seen anything like it and we would be going ape-s*** if Bruce has done that to one of our players. The bloke is an embarrassment to the club and he shouldn't be working for the club today after dragging our name through the mud like no manager before him. Absolutely this, the guy knows no bounds, just when you think we can't get any lower he finds new and imaginative ways to make us even more of an embarrassment. We just lurch from one embarrassment to the next with the odd decent game in between. We can't even celebrate a rare good game where we dominated for 90 whole minutes!! Passion my fucking arse, where was that "passion" when we were getting fucking humped by the mackems for the third game straight. He's a fuckig fool.
  5. Why are people raging about it not really being a headbutt and being blown out of proportion? It's not about how much contact he made, it was an unprovoked attack, yes Meyler shouldn't have pushed him but the player had walked away and the incident was all but over. Pardew went after him and reinstigated it. It was aggressive and there was intent there regardless of whether he hit him with any power or not, that's indefensible. Utterly unprofessional and utterly embarrassing.
  6. Exactly along the lines of what I was going to post, the biggest club statement made tonight was Ashley's public backing of Pardew, if ever there was a get-out clause to that 8 year contract it was this. The fact he hasn't taken action or even thought about it longer speaks deafening volumes of Ashley's acceptance of Pardew.
  7. Just to clarify, I'm not condoning it, it shouldn't have happened and given his past exploits it's time he went, but I do think the incident is gaining a higher momentum because it's a story from our circus act and not a club from Dahn Sahf or one of the media darlings in Manchester. That's the only thing that gets my back up.
  8. I voted yes, but not for this incident in particular, this just one of a string of examples of him embarrassing the club, if it was an isolated incident then no.
  9. I bet there's plenty of managers that have perhaps done worse behind closed doors, Ferguson and his alleged hair dryer treatment comes to mind? His only mistake was doing it in front of the world media who can't wait to report on the NUFC circus. It was stupid, no question, it shouldn't be accepted. I don't like the guy and would be one of the first rejoicing if he got the push for it but how many would be calling for Ferguson's head had he have done something similar?
  10. Don't think he'll go, the mans made of fucking Teflon! Still wouldn't begrudge Ashley of using this is a way to bin him.
  11. Probably not but they did sack Donachie for same thing? - Can't be having a Manager / non-playing staff doing that. Highly hypocritical if he doesn't go and surely gives Donachie some sort of ammunition for unfair dismissal?
  12. The problem is if the stumbling block for Ashley canning him was the masochistic 8 year contract then surely this would be tantamount to an acceptable sackable offence without the need for compensation? Gross misconduct in any walk of life.
  13. Sorry if Giggs: http://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/bookies-suspend-betting-on-newcastle-boss-alan-pardew-getting-the-axe-as-graeme-souness-brands-his-position-untenable-9162708.html
  14. Rather at odds for giving Pardew his credit for setting a team up the way we've all wanted all year, but he's finally done it, will he learn from it though or tinker? Great performance all round, Anita bosses the midfield, it was good Pardew recognised how well he did when Tiote went off last week and started this game with him going forward instead of Tiote. Best movement off the ball we've had all season.
  15. So embarrassing for Hull here, all three gifted, not taking away from us cuz there was still a lot to do, but they're helping our cause more than theirs!
  16. Hope to he'll we finally have a full game where we play well. We need to keep pressing, if we look to defend this lead in the second half we'll be in trouble. Don't let Pardew in the changing room ffs please!
  17. We need to keep the ball on the grass, we're losing too many challenges in the air.
  18. Just so long as we don't spend the next 75 minutes "containing"
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