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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    We had belief, confidence and a never say die attitude. None of this giving up in the second half, we fought tooth and nail until the final whistle. Wasn't always pretty and we had a few cloggers but I preferred it to the dross we serve up these days. Plus Hughton was a genuine, decent bloke.
  2. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    We should all be thankful of Pardew for doing so shit in the cups and keeping us out of the top half of the table, we could have had to be dealing with that pesky Europe thing again, getting in the way of us winning matches and finishing at the top half of the table so we can get.......in.......... Never mind!
  3. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    A change in coach(s) won't make one s**** of difference, just another diversionary tactic to avert the heat firmly on Pardew's arse right now. If there was such concern about training techniques that could have been rectified midseason without much disturbance to the team. It's only since these possibilities have been brought to light that he's added it to his ever expanding list of bullshit excuses. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm sure I heard Pardew has mentioned replacing coach(s) ahead of next season? Completely agree btw, someone needs to be crucified if we haven't at least enquirer about the possibility of him managing us and what his demands would be if we were to take an interest. Massive, massive improvement on what we have, exponentially! Ashley has shown he's a man of opportunity so don't get why he wouldn't.
  4. Nah i would be too but it doesn't make a lot of financial sense IMO. I personally wouldn't pay 20m for Benteke either, i'm loathe to wanting to spend big money on strikers based on one season. Carroll being case and point, good player but never worth the £35m price tag that weighed him down so much. 1 season doesn't make a legend.
  5. Mattoon

    José Mourinho

    Hope he gets arrested coming back to England and sentenced to 5 years community service as Newcastle United manager.
  6. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    someone asked for some twitter guff so I posted the first thing I found, utter dross like!
  7. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Buying Pardew new players is like throwing glitter in a turd, it looks a bit better but ultimately it's still shit! Anyone had the misfortune to read The Mag recently? So much pro Pardew guff, it's sickening, the author is either deluded or on drugs!?!
  8. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    There's nothing to argue about here, we're shit, Pardews shit, why delay the inevitable and give him any more games? That's just throwing away another season, we'll be bottom 5 come Xmas and desperate for a new manger to come in and turn things around fast.
  9. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Tbf you can add it to a long list of shit records you don't want to break but we have this year.
  10. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    That man deserves to be knighted Alright, not exactly eloquent, but he gets the point across and he's pretty much bang on the money. Funny as fuck too btw!
  11. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    So instead of playing to our strengths he wants to spunk millions on buying cloggers to play his prehistoric, no brain hoofball. Surely Ashley can't be happy with that?
  12. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Will be madly refreshing newsnow for at least 24hrs in blind hope
  13. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    that's ALL I've been imagining!
  14. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I was stuck in work all day, was there any vitriol aimed towards Pardew at any point in or after the match?
  15. Should have subbed Tiote and Jonas off for Campbell, we'd have had a better chance at this!
  16. You can tell no one gives a shit about this, shortest match thread ever?
  17. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I will hold you responsible if that turns out to be s**** and I will not only kill you, I will also kill every living member of your family. Tbh Mick I'm personally quite fearful he'll remain here but people keep approaching me with good news so we will see. It's probably not even decided yet, daft c***s. Hopefully they are letting him make an even bigger arse of himself than he already is before Bunning him. We can only hope! Like I said I'm holding on to that last shred of hope until Monday, if he's not gone then, he definitely ain't going!
  18. Would depend on the age but once they were over 15 or so I'd guess not Paul Dogleash anyone?
  19. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    It's no doubt that our "purple" players such as Ben Arfa, Cabaye and Colo make a massive difference to our results, and in that respect Pardew has a point in that we've missed them and I don't think we'd have been in our current plight if we could have kept them fit. However a decent manager would be able to get results with key injuries, all teams suffer losses during a season and the cut of a good manager is to cope with those losses. It just proves we can win matches despite, not because of Pardew. He just relies on the "magic" those players bring to the team and he's lost without it.
  20. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Expecting 2 but won't be surprised to see 1, will eat my own dick if its 3!
  21. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I am completely flummoxed about next season. Logic dictates that what you just said is how it will pan out, but the eternal optimist inside says, "hey, maybe he will learn some lessons from last season and actually get the players together again!" I guess denial is a huge part of football. You just need to read the link I posted a few pages back, the guys so 1 dimensional he makes paper jealous. He has always been true to type and still plays the same game he played 7 years ago. If we're stuck with him, we're stuck with him, I won't back him but the players, as always get my full support. MA is just delaying the inevitable, he'll be gone by 2014.
  22. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I think my last strands of hope will die on Monday if/when he's still here
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