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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Should I watch this or the Big Brither final with the missus? Either way I think it will be a soul destroying eye rape of the highest order!
  2. Aww dammit Dave I came it too late and now I'm über curious!
  3. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    We tend to do best when we play the better teams first, historically, even last year we started with a win against Spuds, we usually get Arsenal or one of the Manchester teams and nearly always come out with at least a draw, of course after that it comes unstitched and we go on a marathon losing streak!
  4. The longer this goes on the more it seems like he'll be off "too late for us to find a replacement" then in January we'll spend some if the money and the rest will vanish into the ether.
  5. Mattoon

    Papiss Cissé

    It's unfair to blame his tally purely on his ability, yes there are chances he should be scoring that he isn't, he's not in the same class as say RVP, he's in the same class as those strikers that infuriate at times. For him to do well, as has been said, we need to change our approach to games. He's not gonna take down a 40 yard pass every game, take on two defenders and rifle a shot past the keeper from 18 yards, cuz that's all he's getting! He needs support in and around the box, a slide through pass from some pressing play, or a simple one-two with someone in support, a midfielder running into the box and pushing it sideways in front of him, etc.. How often do we see that in a game? We're too negative and scared to press up the pitch, unless we get bodies higher up we're never gonna see him netting 20 a season. Again it boils down to playing for our opponents weaknesses rather than our strengths and unless we change that fundamental floor we'll never see any of our "purples" playing to their full potential unfortunately.
  6. Maybe we should start a rumour, there's oil in Newcastle! Oh shit, no, the Americans will declare war :/
  7. I've had about enough of this shit now, I keep looking every day but it goes from bad to worse, it's like asking to be tortured. Useless cretins in charge and it won't get any better any time soon, where's a billionaire that just wants to waste a little cash when you need one? Another year of mediocrity ahead, if we stay up that'll be success in MAs book. So long as the money keeps rolling in who gives a shit where we finish? And if anyone thinks its anything other than that then they're deluded. /rant
  8. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Training doesn't have the same intensity and pressure and it'll be interesting to see when the gloves are off and we at some point we are inevitably under the cosh if we stick with game plan or revert to type.
  9. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    That's the key to the whole puzzle really, the right or wrong manager can make an amazing team play shit or an average team play like world beaters. He's talking the talk about how we play this season, but I'll reserve judgement until a few games into the season.
  10. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I agree in a way Ian (shock) the players were thrown in at the deep end in January and had never played in the EPL and although most did a respectable job, were clearly off the pace. We do need new signings, most notably striker and winger, but think that we'll also be stronger due to our January signings having experienced the league and having benefited from a full preseason.
  11. Double edged sword really, how much more will he take? I think he should quit out of protest and take over the reigns with us
  12. They're just falling further and further off the pace and this year of all years without any buys, with the extra money, they'll fall even further behind, sucks to be a gooner!
  13. I see Wenger has borrowed the book of Pardew by coming out and saying "We'll be even stronger next year even if we don't sign anyone." Sewing the seeds. Not sure if Giggs as I haven't been on here in forever, but looking like Manyoo may be signing Cronaldo as RM finalise £105m deal for Bale, insane!
  14. "Bitmyfanny Gowmiss just sign here and it's done."
  15. FMLFMLFMLFMLFMLFMLFMLFML *rocks in corner*
  16. That's presuming Manyoo are interested in him after last season, he may have been under certain constrains or suffering with physical/mental problems but he hardly captained the side to fight back. Last season will have done a number of players more damage than good IMO.
  17. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I've had a week or so off of here and don't feel so bad about last season now, it's done and we're over it. I have no control in what happens in the beginning of next season so it's not worth the worry. One of two things will happen, Pardew goes against type and actually learns something and we have another good season, or true to type he wastes our talent and we go into free fall and he's on his jolly way to the job centre. With MA finally showing some ability to learn from his mistakes and growing as an owner in that respect I can just hope plan B is already in motion and not another panic hiring of a useless has been manager. The jury is still out on that one as we know his penchant for cheap and cheerful, though he has shown willingness in the past to break the mould when needed.
  18. It sounds more like the interviewer was angling for the Cabaye wants to leave exclusive. Cabaye does what any self preservist would, doesn't burn any bridges. Any player, whoever he is, whoever he plays for, would want to move to a bigger club for better money, it's called ambition. Nothing groundbreaking here... "BREAKING NEWS: Premiership footballer says he's open to getting paid more money from a bigger team whilst having the opportunity to play in the Champions League shocker!"
  19. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    This was my argument two weeks ago, we had the chance to replace him while there are managers looking for work, but we've put all our eggs in one basket, if we have a bad start to the season he'll be looking down both barrels and it'll either be really expensive to get rid (reported one years wage) and compensation for a new manager, or we'll end up with some other unemployed has been. It seemed like a bigger risk to keep him, unless they plan on giving him the full season no matter what.
  20. Knowing Pardew he'd put him in goal, you do the anatomics
  21. Aye, I think a lot of people have unfairly written him off. Pardew included too probably. Not according to his quotes, which we're supposed to take as gospel around here. He did actually say he intends to use Anita more next season, maybe we'll be suitably impressed as we were when he held Ben Arfa back. What am I saying?? He's a cunt, Pardew out!
  22. Rather than a player swap if the rules would have allowed it I'd bring Sir Bobby back, at any expense!!
  23. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He's priceless, to stick any amount on him is an insult. Surely Pardew would put up a fight for his "magic" man?
  24. Championship Playoff final on Monday? HKFC Soccer sevens?
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