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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I was just gonna write "key players.... Shola Ameobi" surely gross misconduct alone!
  2. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    A lot of people invest heavily in the club, season tickets, merchandise, etc.. It's fair for them to be upset with what they have seen on the pitch. It really pisses me off the way things are with Pardew and all but I do have a life and a family. That doesn't mean I can't come on here and vent about some useless prick destroying the team I love. Saves me kicking the dog once a week! See if Moyes takes Manyoo in a similar direction to where Pardew has us right now? Then go check their message boards, I can guarantee anything on here will pale in comparison.
  3. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Oi, you just nicked the Pard Piper thingy from me then, not that i said it exactly. I know your game sonny jim It's mine, all mine!!
  4. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    A lot of history revisionism in here tonight and a lot of sheep dancing to the merry tune of the pard piper! I've decided to stop posting and bang my head against a brick wall.
  5. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I'll have a few ounces of what you're on please!
  6. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I'm on record calling Pardew a c***. We were relegation bait before Pardew and we will be after though. Ashley is the common denominator. Ashley is a tool granted, but after the biggest spend of any team in the January window, he can hardly take any blame for the appalling showing since then. You can always gauge how good a Manager is when the chips are down. It's about how they react to improve in areas you're struggling in. Lets look at some of the issues. Passing is still f***ing shocking overall. Corners are, well I think we all know. Movement off the ball is still too static and easy to read. Lack of pressure on the ball. I could go on, but as not one of those areas have improved over the course of the season, I think it pretty much spells out he's not the right man for the job. We have improved since the window closed and the show hasn't been so appalling since then. We're 10th in the table on games since the window closed. It was the awful run before the window that f***ed our season. Have you actually watched us play?? We're getting results despite, not because of our form. Do you think it's acceptable to spend 21 million in January and in that time be 10th in the form league? That's an embarrassment if you ask me!
  7. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Based on results and issues out of his control, maybe? Based on performances, tactics, substitutions, team ethos, etc... Not a fucking chance!
  8. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    If Ashley was happy with midtable obscurity then why did he get rid of Hughton to "take us to the next level"? If anything Pardew has taken us backwards!
  9. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Not one quote or source? I see they also neglected to mention any of his post match quotes!
  10. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Exactly what I said a couple of pages back Dave, yes they might be "throw away" comments but its foolish to think such comments don't have ramifications or indeed cause damage to our image as a football club.
  11. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    That's the real problem. Doing that will muck up next season as well. Debating this with my mate as we speak. He's all "based on last season he deserved at least until Christmas" - what's the point? Overwhelming evidence says we won't go back to last season's form, so we in effect write off 1/3 of a season by allowing this. I hate him. Pardew, not my mate. Aforementioned mate points out that in fact he said "he will be given until Christmas" - drunk conversation so have fudged, woops It'll be the whole season that goes to waste as the damage will already have been done, we'll have the benefit of new manager syndrome and a lift in immediate results but without a full preseason to prepare we'll run out of steam and finish midtable.
  12. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I can accept the 4-0 comment as an off-the-cuff, spur of the moment comment, not meant literally, albeit in bad taste and a man of his position should know better than to make a quip like that. However he is genuinely happy we are not in Europe and a team such as Newcastle United should be looking to be in Europe EVERY season. What kind of message does that send to our squad and any players we have been scouting? Every player wants to play on the biggest stage they can, how can we negotiate a contract for an ambitious young European footballer after those comments? I'm not even going to enter into the blatant lies of only having his best side for 3 games this season, I would argue he doesn't even know what our best side is, moron!
  13. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    I f***ing hate him. Harsh. Can't say that he works hard when he "Expects the players to be at training at 10:30am sharp, when he gets there!" And what does he do after a 6-0 mauling at home to Liverpool? Carries on as normal with a short 2hr training session two days later. Proper grafter, no mistake!
  14. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Who thinks its a good idea to keep a useless manager just so we don't have to keep sacking managers?
  15. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    That's just the tip of it, "I don't are if we lose 4-0 against Arsenal", followed by "I've only been able to field my strongest team about 3 times this season"!?!? And then... "Thank goodness we're not in Europe again next year!!" Yeah cuz none of wanted that did we? Hate being a European team, that's so small time!
  16. I'm all for the stability argument but I'd rather have successful stability than one that encompassed mediocrity and flirting with relegation. We've had a modicum of successful stability with Keegan and Bobby and for us to relive anything close to that means we must get rid of this clown.
  17. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    Am I right in assuming we could theoretically finish in 10th? Not sure whether certain fixtures might prevent that? Imagine if by some fluke we hoofed Arsenal into submission and actually managed a backs against the wall 1-0 win and finished 10th?? That grinning moron would surely take some smug satisfaction that HE rescued our season and led us to a triumphant 10th place finish after a turbulant season where he did nothing wrong and the world was against him. I think I'd shoot myself!
  18. I'd like to know who voted yes and why? Mainly just because I cannot fathom a single reason he deserves to stay?? A mate of mine who's an avid supporter said to me yesterday he shouldn't be sacked, when I asked him why he just reeled off one of Pardews post match excuse lists. I really wonder if he has some kind of hypnotising power, it's like he's brainwashed a generation!!
  19. Wullie made a good case for this before about our inability to play a forward thinking attacking play, it's either all out defence or all out attack and QPR have enough pace up front for any gaps we leave, why can't he just press like other teams do without throwing the kitchen sink at it??
  20. I think we can do it but I'm worried about how Pardew will stifle our creativity, at least we won't be seeing Shola for Gouf on 65-70 minutes! Off to work in a minute but just know ill be going in the back every 5 minutes to check the score.
  21. Thankfully working tomorrow so Wong have to watch 90 minutes of turgid shit.
  22. Mattoon

    Alan Pardew

    In Pardews defence I think he was intimating that we would be letting our arse hair down like a red carpet in invitation for the cheap buggering we got.
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